03-21-2012, 09:10 PM
SOS Associate
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,057
Second Bill In Legislature To Ban Our Billboard
First bill was to limit the parking of detatched mobile billboards. The second one prohibits mobile billboards near schools. Now they added in those towed by ANY vehicle. Make no mistake about it. They are limiting free speech options:
AB 1520, as introduced, Mendoza. Vehicles: mobile billboard
advertising displays: local ordinances.
Existing law authorizes a local authority to regulate mobile
billboard advertising displays, including the establishment of
penalties. Existing law further authorizes a peace officer, or a
regularly employed and salaried public employee who is engaged in
directing traffic or enforcing parking laws and regulations to remove
a vehicle under specified provisions when the vehicle is a mobile
billboard advertising display and is parked or left standing in
violation of a local resolution or ordinance, if the registered owner
of the vehicle was previously issued a warning citation for the same
offense. For purposes of those provisions, existing law defines the
term "mobile billboard advertising display" to mean an advertising
display that is attached to a mobile, nonmotorized vehicle, device,
or bicycle, that carries, pulls, or transports a sign or billboard,
and is for the primary purpose of advertising.
This bill would, for purposes of those provisions authorizing a
local authority to regulate mobile billboard advertising displays,
and authorizing the removal of a vehicle when the vehicle is a mobile
billboard advertising display and is left standing in violation of a
local resolution or ordinance, include within the definition of
"mobile billboard advertising display" any advertising display that
is attached to any vehicle that is required to be registered under
the Vehicle Code that carries, pulls, or transports a sign or
billboard, and is for the primary purpose of advertising.
Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.
SECTION 1. Section 395.5 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read:
395.5. A "mobile billboard advertising display" means an
advertising display that is attached to a mobile, nonmotorized
vehicle, device, or bicycle, or any vehicle that is required to
be registered under this code that carries, pulls, or
transports a sign or billboard, and is for the primary purpose of