Forum Use and Rules Standards of Conduct, and Information to guide Save Our State Associates and Registered Users |
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Save Our State Policies/Guidelines/Rules
Welcome SOS Associates, Supporters, and Forum Users. As this group and website have grown we have felt the need to implement some rules and official policies in order to protect the best interests of the corporation, its' associates, supporters, and forum users. Section 1: PURPOSE A: B. The specific purpose of this corporation is: 1) To educate California's native born, legal US citizens, and naturalized US citizens, about the effects that illegal immigration and increased legal immigration may have on their quality of life; economy; ability to control their government and its' expenditures; and their rights and options as an affected class of persons. 2) To advocate for California's native born legal US citizens in the areas of education; business and employment practices; security and safety; access to, and control of government and services; and inclusion in public policy and process. 3) To advocate for state and national sovereignty amidst the pressures of evolving world or regional governments. 4) To educate, and advocate for, California's native born, legal US citizens in the areas of commerce and community where competing foreign interests may threaten their livelihoods, incomes, security, constitutional rights, or due process. 5) To advocate for enforcement of US immigration law and Border security, and local and State codes and laws in so far as they pertain to the protection of the liberty, rights, safety, and economic security of California's native born legal United States citizens. 6) To educate California's native born legal US citizens about their right to self determination, control of their communities and government as that pertains to immigration or evolving regional or world governments and foreign economic and government entities. 7) To educate California's legal Citizens, both native born and naturalized about their right to self defense, their right to own, possess, use, carry, and trade firearms, and other weapons within the law, and to advocate for the practice of those rights under constitutional gaurantees. 8) To solicit for, earn, or otherwise acquire, Funds; Assets; Services; Goods or other forms of liquidity and trade through charitable acts, donations, or other methods legally allowable under the laws governing US federal and California state charitable corporations that can be used in support of the articles set forth above; distributed to the affected class of persons mentioned above for charitable support; and to the operating costs of the corporation so long as it remains the lesser of the three. 9) To promote and participate in bold activism in the pursuit of all the above articles A1:SOS MISSION PREVAILS A2: Persons from other groups that do not support the purpose and intent of Save Our State are welcomed for discussion's sake. However, our group's mission always supercedes all other agendas. A3: No second agenda will be allowed to derail, disrupt, or distract from the groups mission. Section 2: MEDIA A: We may have a presence with the media/press. It is of great importance that our purpose not be undermined or hindered by postings that do not represent our agenda or values. Section 3: GROUP GUIDELINES/POLICIES A: EVENTS A1: Save Our State Associates and Supporters organizing or attending public events shall conduct themselves within the rules and guidelines set forth in this entire document. A2: Do not represent yourself as a spokesperson, agent, employee, manager, coordinator, chairperson, or any other official or designee of Save Our State without first obtaining written permission from a Save Our State Administrator, Corporate Officer, or Managing Associate. You may represent yourself as an Associate or Supporter of Save Our State if you currently are one in good standing. A3: Please do not post or organize events without first obtaining permission from a Save Our State Administrator. In all cases, please follow any directives requested or issued by that entity. B: FREE SPEECH ISSUES B1: All posts/threads are subject to removal by moderators for any reason they deem necessary. This board is owned and operated by a private organization who reserves the right to control the content presented on this board in order to protect the private organization and individuals. B2: The general guideline we strive to follow is that the reason for removal or edit is usually provided on the offending post itself or you will receive a Private Message with an explanation C: PROFANITY C1: It is bad form to use profanity to express your self forcefully when posting on the publicly viewed forum. Members who use profanity to attack other members or habitually use profanity as a matter of course will be censored by having the offending post edited or removed and they may be issued a warning privately via their private message box. A few colorful expletitives within the confines of otherwise carefully crafted discussions will be overlooked, but overall, keep profanity to a minimum. Refer to MEDIA PRESENCE above, and remember that many of our constituents are young and impressionable. D: OFF-TOPIC POSTS, AND THREAD PLACEMENT D1: Stay on topic. Posts that veer off the stated topic will be redirected, edited, or deleted. Thread hijacking is rude. If you wish to change the topic of a thread then start a new one. Please start new threads in proper sections of the forum E: DISSENTERS OF SAVE OUR STATE E1: Save Our State welcomes candid discussions regarding our efforts, but does not wish to entertain those whose sole purpose it is to provide or encourage a distraction from our agenda. If you cannot provide reasonable subject matter in opposition to our efforts, it might be best to refrain from posting at all. Further, any noticable attempts at derailing, interfering, or disrupting the group on this forum is a violation of forum rules, and your usage may be terminated. In addition, your posts subject to being relocated or deleted at the moderator's direction. F: RACIAL SUPREMACISTS, WHITE POWER, BROWN BERET, KKK, RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS SEPARATISTS, ETC. F1: Save Our State is not a racially based, racially specific, or racially exclusive organization.. Save Our State welcomes citizens of all races, and of mixed race. Further, Save Our State will not participate in racially based or racially exclusive agendas, nor will we allow any of our events, services, or provisions to be used in the pursuit af racially exclusive agendas. If you belong to a racially based or racially exclusive organization, you are prohibited from recruiting, advertising, encouraging, or practicing that agenda within our organization. This includes public events organized or managed by us. Save Our State is concerned with citizenship, sovereignty, and citizen control of government, and we believe that racial segregation and separatism are hinderances to the furtherance of those goals. If you present a racial agenda to us, we will attempt to convince you of its' fallacy. If you attempt to practice a racial agenda within our organization, we will require that you distance yourself from us. F2: Save Our State has no religious priorities Save Our state cherishes the constitutional gaurantee of separation of church and state. Each is welcome to their own religion, and no preference or exclusion shall be practiced G: APPROPRIATE CONDUCT G1: We are all adults on this board. We need to conduct ourselves like it. Crude, lewd, or overly aggressive conduct are not appropriate G2: No personal attacks on other members. Keep your posting focused on the subject matter and material/information within each post, and not the person posting it, or any percieved motives behind them. G3: Do not use the forums to engage in a personal war with another member. G4: Do not post pornographic images, advertisements, or website links. G5: No advertisements of commercial goods or services without first obtaining permission from a forum Administrator G6: Do not use this forum to collect information from, or about, members for a commercial marketing or personal purpose G7: Do not use the email or private message system, or forum to harrass, threaten, stalk, or intimidate another member. G8: Do not post avatars that depict the crude defacement or disparagement of another nations flag. We are a Charitable corporation with standards to uphold. Even countries at war that have suffered atrocities and huge losses inflicted by their opponents still show respect for the protocols of national banners and flags. We are Save Our State, a California organization, a state within the union of the United States of America, and all flag or banner avatars should revolve around those entities. G9: Please do not register a screen name that would appear racially, sexually, or religiously offensive to other members. G10: Avatars depicting sexual exhibition, religious or racial denigrations, and racial or separatist promotions are prohibited G11: Posts with derogatory or inflammatory comments related to religion, sexual orientation, or race may be edited or deleted as deemed appropriate by the moderators. H: INTENTIONAL BOARD DISRUPTION H1: Intentional board disruption by flooding of the board with constant irrelevant posts or by other means may result in restriction of useage, or possible exclusion from the forum. You may also be subject to any additional legal remedies Save Our State has at its disposal. I: RIGHT TO DISASSOCIATE I1: Each Save Our State manager, corporate officer, associate, or supporter may choose to disassociate from the organization, while still retaining permission to use the forum.. Likewise, Save Our State may choose to disassociate from any corporate officer, manager, associate, or supporter while still granting use of the forum. Forum use permissions by the disassociated still require the compliance of forum rules. J: PATROL YOURSELF J1: Remember you have a button on each post you make. It is marked EDIT and lets you edit your comments for a short time after the initial posting. If you find that you made a post that in retrospect you would like deleted, use the "Report Post" button, or start a thread in the SOS Members and Moderators Resolution Forum. K: REPORT VIOLATIONS OF BOARD POLICIES OR LET US KNOW OF YOUR QUESTIONS K1: We are here to help but we need your eyes also. If you have a comment or question related to the moderators or moderation in general please click on the REPORT button of the offending thread or send a Private Message directly to a forum Moderator or Administrator. . . Be sure to specify either your question or additional information about an offending post (such as why you are reporting it, who you are, who the offender is, etc). The REPORT button makes sure that ALL the moderators and the site owner receive a copy of your complaint. K2: If you have an issue with a moderator, a moderators action, another poster, or any other forum or group management procedure, use the SOS MEMBERS AND MODERATORS RESOLUTION FORUM. Any threads that you start in that section can only be viewed by you, the Moderation Team, or the board Administrators. No other member can view that thread. K3: DO NOT USE THE NORMAL FORUM TO POST QUESTIONS, COMPLAINTS, OR DERISIONS TO MODERATORS. WE MAY DELETE OR MOVE THOSE POSTS as the general forum is not the appropriate venue for such actions L: IP ADDRESSES ARE LOGGED L1: The IP address of each poster is logged at the time a post is made. The information is permanently maintained and only used for any legal purpose that is deemed necessary (such as to identify post flooders, etc.) M: IMAGE/VIDEO HOSTING M1: Images are not hosted directly on our servers due to the increased cost of bandwith and storage space. You may link to images from servers that you provide. An example of some of these servers are: www.photobucket.com www.theimagehosting.com www.dumpafile.com www.putfile.com Thank you for your time and attention in reading this long document. -The Save Our State Moderation Team Save Our State Policies/Guidelines/Rules |
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