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Save Our State Introduction - Old SOS vs New SOS
Save Our State, A California Corporation, Chaptered as a Non-Profit 501C3 Charitable entitity, has risen from the ashes of its' predecessor. For those of you returning to Save Our State, we would like to extend a welcome back. Save Our State has its' roots in the immigration law enforcement arena, and that will remain a significant portion of our current agenda. There are additional areas of interest that Save Our State will pursue, and I request that everyone read the statement on our corporate filing with the California Secretary of State's office to understand our mission. You may download that by visiting this link: http://publicdocumentdistributors.co...?p=434#post434 Quote:
The new Save Our State will adhere to its' core principles, main agenda, and legal responsibilities. Many members of the previously managed SOS felt that it had departed from those qualities and had abandoned or rebuffed its supporters. We have taken a lesson from the past and will reject that which weakened the organization, lessened its' impact, drove away the membership, and placed its' legal status in jeopardy. Corporate structure A Governing board will emerge. We will have a chairman, president, secretary, and treasurer. In addition, we will solicit for associates to become members of an advisory board to the governing body. The overall tilt of the management of SOS will trend towards a more democratic process. Legal responsibilities Save Our State will become faithful to the principles of a Charitable 501c3 entity. Charitable corporations enjoy a taxable exemption and support options that are not available to a for-profit corp, however they must also abide by restrictions that make it fair. One of those most often ignored by the previous management at SOS was supporting political candidates and legislation. We will remain at a specified distance from those activities, and no corporate influence as to candidates for public office, or specific legislation will be allowed. Further, our mission is primarily to support the class of citizens noted in our corporate statement, and aid in the protection of the sovereignty, security, safety, constitutional and individual rights of Californians and US citizens. We will remain faithful to our bill of rights and live within the rule of law as we pursue our agenda, however we will not be timid in that pursuit, nor intimidated into acceptance of lesser goals. We will become strong advocates for those Californians needing guidance and help, and we will stand with them, and for ourselves, against improprieties of government, foreign influences, and internal efforts that threaten our rights, community, and economic interests. No Propaganda The previous management of SOS has devolved into a distribution hub of conspiracy theories, partisan political favoritism, and religious promotion. Another prohibition for Charitable corporations is engaging in propaganda. In order to remain free of that spectre, we must concentrate on facts primarily when framing our events, agendas, discussions and alliances. In addition, we cannot apply pressure on our associates to conform to any specific religion, creed, or partisan political affiliation. Further, we must not attempt to coerce others to believe that which is known to be materially false or wildly imaginative in order to achieve any of our goals. The truth, simple or complicated, is difficult and crucial enough to spread. There is no reason to pollute our tasks with fiction or fraud. Associations Save Our State will be comprised of Associates instead of members for the time being. As we move forward, it is expected the body of SOS will be shaped in the image of its' supporters. During the course of SOS's pursuits, there may become those who wish to disassociate with SOS for whatever reason, and not be held in disregard for it. We will enable such a system, and abide by written rules and procedures while administering the support group and its' governing body. The time has come to put an end to the control of our support group and management by fear of reprisal, banishment without due process, or issuance of false allegations. Further, we will show restraint during the moderation procedures of our forum. That will not be taken to mean that the forum will be unrestricted. The exchanges published on our forum must still adhere to standards of decency, themes that revolve around our agenda, and must not violate our corporate charter or any applicable laws. We will retain the right to restrict anyone who continually violates reasonable rules, or to remove from publication that which may unreasonably harm another person or entity. Due to suddeness of our beginnings here, expect that this may be amended, extended, or edited as we proceed. Last edited by admin; 07-04-2012 at 12:43 PM. |
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