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Old 06-14-2010, 03:24 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
What I do find rather amusing is that Markham Robinson, Chelene's opponent, didn't campaign, didn't spend a cent to campaign and received close to what Chelene Nightingale received. Yet "her campaign buddies" are bragging about the amount of bang Chelene got for her bucks.
Oh yes I noticed that also. Using the logic of the Nightingale campaign Markham Robinson is the guy that I should trust with our California finances.....
because he spent zero dollars to campaign and was still close to Chelene's results while she spent twelve thousand dollars.

I will have to admit that I didn't vote and also that I liked Chelene's message on the voter guide much better than any of the other candidates for governor.

It is a message that hits home with any patriotic American.

So whats the problem? The messenger. Nothing would have been posted here by myself with respect to Chelene's campaign but then she let Petzilla
out of his San Diego cave to victimize a number of us so we are.

It is regrettable that it has come to having to counter insults with facts that would have been left in the shadows away from prying eyes.

Even in dissent men and women can get along if they are civil with one another. Once the intimidation and name calling begins civility is sacrificed
and respect for one another disappears. I wish Jeff and Chelene had not tried
to strong-arm anyone here.
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Old 06-14-2010, 09:37 PM
Dawes Dawes is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I wish Jeff and Chelene had not tried
to strong-arm anyone here.
But they did
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Old 06-14-2010, 10:42 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dawes View Post
But they did
Amen to that brother!
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Old 06-17-2010, 04:34 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I noticed that like myself, Davi and Markham Robinson you were sent the following email by: "El Commandante" Jeff Schwilk:
Jeff Schwilk to Davi, Sam, Mark and me
Hey punks! Keep bashing Chelene with your petty bullshit and lies, she just keeps getting stronger and stronger! We know who (and what) you are and so does the entire Patriot movement in California.

Grow up and STFU! Your boy Marky lost bad. Chelene is the people's choice, period. If you show up at her events or our events, expect to be dealt with like the mentally disturbed goons that you are. That's a promise![/i]

Yes, I did. It's just Schwilk prattling away again.

As Derek Harper said when informed of criticism of his team's performance by Dennis Rodman, Consider the source.
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Old 06-17-2010, 05:17 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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This whole thing make me laugh. The use of the childish pejoratives ("name calling", for the childish Mr. Schwilk's benefit) is utterly pathetic and laughable if not for the fact that these people think that they are actually leading people. The fact that Nighten-stein would allow this to continue is another example of why she is unfit to lead a home, least of all the State of California.

As an aside, during my involvement with the first SOS I did some research on mind control techniques used by cults and other groups. One of the techniques is called Dispensing of Existence. In this technique the leadership of the group decides who is worthy of life or death. In the case of Schwilk and Nighten-stein, the dispense existence by determining who is a "true" patriot. This status, once given, can be yanked away at any sign or perception of disloyalty to the organization's leadership. This "dispensing of existence", and a couple of other factors was something that raised red flags with me back then. I spoke to Nighten-stein about my thoughts about SOS turning into a "cult of personality" and was laughed at. She said that she was "too intelligent" to get caught up in a cult. She was right, she was "too intelligent" to get caught up in one, but she was intelligent enough to start one.
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!
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Old 06-29-2010, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
In the case of Schwilk and Nighten-stein, they dispense existence by determining who is a "true" patriot.
Ahhh Good times. I remember them well.

In fact, I remember when I joined SOS (the first), I was told by Governor Chelene that Jeff Schwilk was a woman beater and that he wasn't a "real patriot". Strange bedfellows now I guess.

Anyway, considering that one out of five people are either stupid, crazy, or stoned I would say that Chelene getting less than 1% of the number of votes that Meg Whitman received is indeed a mandate. Just not in the way Governor Chelene had hoped.

Some people's kids.
RadioActive Rich

(Formerly and Mac on the old SOS)

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Old 06-29-2010, 04:31 PM
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- Endorsed by two former conservative Presidential Candidates - Tom Tancredo and Chuck Baldwin.

Formally conservative or formally Presidents?
No Fate
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Old 07-07-2010, 06:55 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I noticed that like myself, Davi and Markham Robinson you were sent the following email by: "El Commandante" Jeff Schwilk:
Jeff Schwilk to Davi, Sam, Mark and me
Hey punks! Keep bashing Chelene with your petty bullshit and lies, she just keeps getting stronger and stronger! We know who (and what) you are and so does the entire Patriot movement in California.

Grow up and STFU! Your boy Marky lost bad. Chelene is the people's choice, period. If you show up at her events or our events, expect to be dealt with like the mentally disturbed goons that you are. That's a promise!
This was my reply to the "Leader" of the SoCal Patriot Coalition:
Frank Jorge to Jeff Schwilk

You know what dude? We are done.
Your immaturity is insufferable.
Don't waste your time emailing me.
Get a life.


It appears that someone has been reading everything we post and they just can't stand to see anything that is not a glowing praise of their candidate.

So what to do? Call Jeff and he will try to intimidate grown adults by resorting to name calling and threatening to "do something to you".

My opinion of Mr Schwilk has been adjusted by his actions. I have received a number of his emails insulting me for no reason other than his allegiance to Nightingale.

Mr Schwilk, whom I once respected is a complete nobody as far as I am concerned. His third grade bully boy threats reveal him to be an individual incapable of resolving problems rationally or respecting others.
And this folks, is the "leader" of the SoCal Patriot Coalition.

I do not know what he has been told and I don't care at this point.
If he thinks he can come up to me and destroy me let him try.

As for any real information regarding the Jorge vs Nightingale case held in Mojave California, in order to dispel any lies or rumors regarding what went on
you may, as can anyone else, request the courts' decision, transcripts and an audio recording of that event since these are public documents.

I don't have the time or inclination to get those but if anybody else wants to have at it! Post it some place where Schwilk can read it since he has only heard what someone wanted him to know.

When the November election rolls around Ms Nightingale may get approx 100,000-200,000 votes if she is lucky and then she and Jeff will have to deal with reality. Either Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown will be the new Governor of California.

I have already been warned by Jeff that if I post anything regarding Chelene that things will get "real interesting", to quote him. Here is that email:
I heard about your childish tantrum in court and your threats and harassment of Chelene and her family. We got your number, "dude"!

Keep posting your bullshit and things will get a whole lot more interesting. Chelene is loved by millions of real Patriots who will not put up with you and your amigo's crap.

Move on and grow up!
Yup! That's El Commandante Jeff barking out the orders! We must obey or face annihilation.

If this woman is loved by millions how in hell did she get a measly 17,000 votes? I guess folks forgot to vote for her.

Jeffy boy if you ever see me don't be shy...come on up and let's get real!

We have just learned that Chelene's husband has filed an appeal in the case that Frank had previously won a judgement. Michael filed an appeal on the last possible day, and now the case will be heard again this month. I am not clear on whether this affects the judgement in its' entirety, or just the one against him, but one thing is pretty clear to me: You lend them money, and it's gone. Ask them to pay it back and they'll fight you. For all the ranting Chelene drug us through on SOS about Jim Gilchrists' using the people within this movement to obtain money, she certainly ended up resembling him more than anyone else.
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