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Old 02-11-2010, 04:17 PM
tedd69 tedd69 is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 8

Big deal, So you've “had decades of life experience" concerning illegal immigration... I'm not you, and until you at least give me a summary of said experiences that means dick to me.

I live in a community that is mostly Mexican, yet I am white. I find many things very annoying about the Mexican culture; many of them reproduce too much without proper financing, many of the border hoppers lack education, and they blindly follow white, American trends simply because it's the cool thing to do. I.E. Drinking Budweiser, driving gas guzzling SUV's, eating crappy fast food, living a life via corporate media, they blindly follow unhealthy American religion and trends very easily, and simply said: they can be gluttonous, brainwashed, American whackos without regard for life outside.

I find that American and European religions are a huge part of the reason for these dilemmas. You want to Bitch and moan about illegal immigration, yet human beings are born on a planet. Who the hell are you to tell them which part of that planet they're allowed to live on? After all, it's your American religions that promote over reproduction in order to get more adherents and money on the collection plate, your American religions that brain washed these people, your white American religions that continue to fuck everything up and impose their agenda upon the people of this great nation and abroad through their wars and calamities. You know the predominate religion in Mexico? It’s fucking Catholicism! And the Christian religion industry will not leave the south American continent alone! Maybe if white people would not have raped their women and tested the sharpness of their blades on Indian flesh they wouldn’t be in the mess they’re in today. As a “culture” (if you can call America a Culture) we owe the Mexicans.

The foundation of society is Education! And education is one thing that your government does not promote. Your government spends 10 times more on war than the rest of the world combined, your government promotes arbitrary religious concept over science, rational thought and evolution in public schools is not promoted, your country has the largest economy (based on oil consumption and war) in the world, yet the worst education in the first world.

Yet you people are worried about a people who have been oppressed by the Europeans, you’re worried about people who are looking for a life outside of their shitty economy (much of which became the way it is because of us), a people who will for the most part take the crappiest, low end job, that none of you would even do. But our forefathers, the Spanish, the English, the French, they’re the ones who insisted on brainwashing these people (and still today) into their stupid Caucasian/western Theology. Stupid Theology that has completely fucked up the thought process and balanced evolution of our western cult-ure.

In my opinion having Culture is accepting people of all walks of like no matter what your racial background, religious beliefs, gender or sexual orientation, or geographical background. It implies that you accept a community of people no matter what part of the world people come from; it implies that you appreciate and food, music no matter what part of the world it derives, and it implies that you’re concerned with people from around the world, not just in your stupid American agenda, a box that you’re so fucking insistent on “keeping untainted” by these horrible “illegal immigrants”… And it also implies that people can come from any land or walk of life in order to be involved in your life. Culture implies education and tolerance.

Every single one of you people who have responded to my post have made one assumption after another concerning what I am or who I am. From what I have read, none of the above applies to any of you.

Thanks for your time,


Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Sounds like the "kettle" calling the "mixing pot" black.

Ted, I'll bite.

What's your grand picture?

I've had decades of real life experience concerning the "big picture" of illegal immigration. Tell me about your comprehensive "big picture". What real life experience do you have concerning your "big picture"?

And, please spare me the script. I understand the gulf between Mexicans and their relatives (from near to distant) born here, the state of being in between. That conflict is part of my household and of many of my friends.

And again, what is your definition of "culture"? What really is "culture" to you? What real life experience can you relate to your definition of "culture"?

Ball's in your court.

However, I've seen people like what I "assume" of you before. You're probably a hit and run, rather than hang around for a serious exchange of beliefs you'll get a few cheap, unsubstantiated shots in and run for cover. A couple weeks down the road, you'll do it again, a 30 second log in, bait, and bail.

That's a poser.
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