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Old 01-27-2010, 04:50 AM
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On Tuesday, Kellar said his words were taken out of context and that he abhorred racism.
"Racism is wrong and should never be tolerated," Kellar said.
My lucky stars! Finally I hear the magic words. This whole affair thus far has been pretty difficult for me, mainly because there was very little of this originally. I'm glad he cleared that up publicly. That is something I can support, and now have few reservations about supporting him personally.
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:17 PM
MowMyOwn MowMyOwn is offline
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I happened to catch a glance at the news this AM on channel 4 with Fred Rogan. He had a segment on Bob Kellers' remarks at the rally and showed that part of the youtube video. He had LA's Jack Weiss (I think it was Weiss) and an opposing opinion from a blonde woman (didn't catch her name) about this event regarding Keller.

Jack Wiess was all over Keller for the remark and agreed that he meant he was a "racist", while the blonde woman was countering him by saying she thinks the remarks by Keller are being taken out of context. At the end, Fred Rogan gave his opinion and sided with Jack Weiss saying he thought Keller spoke of racism.

What a dupe Fred Rogan is, he should stick to sports reporting.
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by MowMyOwn View Post
I happened to catch a glance at the news this AM on channel 4 with Fred Rogan. He had a segment on Bob Kellers' remarks at the rally and showed that part of the youtube video. He had LA's Jack Weiss (I think it was Weiss) and an opposing opinion from a blonde woman (didn't catch her name) about this event regarding Keller.

Jack Wiess was all over Keller for the remark and agreed that he meant he was a "racist", while the blonde woman was countering him by saying she thinks the remarks by Keller are being taken out of context. At the end, Fred Rogan gave his opinion and sided with Jack Weiss saying he thought Keller spoke of racism.

What a dupe Fred Rogan is, he should stick to sports reporting.
Another Keith Ohbermann
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:30 PM
MowMyOwn MowMyOwn is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Another Keith Ohbermann
Fred Rogan does sports, I've never seen this new thing he does as part of the news, it's like a separate segment where he comments on local news and is allowed his own opinion.
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by MowMyOwn View Post
Fred Rogan does sports, I've never seen this new thing he does as part of the news, it's like a separate segment where he comments on local news and is allowed his own opinion.
Didn't Ohbermann do sport at one time?
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:15 PM
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Kellar draws a crowd
Protestors on either side of heated immigration debate gather at City Hall

Carlos Alvarez, 23, of Los Angeles, right, confronts Mountain Minutemen founder Robert Crooks, 59, of Canyon Country, as they argue about immigration and racism outside City Hall on Tuesday before a City Council meeting.

Councilman Bob Kellar’s statements at a recent local Minutemen rally have stirred people’s opinions on both sides of the immigration issue
Francisca Rivas (The Signal)1 of 4 View Large

By Jonathan Randles
Signal Staff Writer
661-259-1234 x519
Posted: Jan. 26, 2010 10:53 p.m.
UPDATED Jan. 27, 2010 10:55 a.m.

In the hours leading up to Tuesday night’s Santa Clarita City Council meeting, the outside of City Hall was turned into an emotional powder keg as Minutemen groups and immigrant support groups clashed — a culmination after more than a week’s worth of controversy over Councilman Bob Kellar’s comments at an anti-illegal immigration rally.

The Minutemen and their supporters held signs calling Kellar “an American Hero.”

Members of the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition, and other immigrant support groups, held signs saying “Fire ‘proud racist’ Bob Keller (sic) now!”

Kellar’s speech last week has been polarizing — drawing praise and criticism from people on either side of the debate. Some have said Kellar’s words have been taken out of context; others say his speech violated the city’s code of ethics adopted in May 2008.

Outside of City Hall, some demonstrators got into each others’ faces, yelled and pointed fingers at each other.

“Minutemen are a dying breed,” said Carlos Alvarez, 23, from Los Angeles.

“Racists say get back, we say fight back,” he and others chanted.

“Are you an American citizen?” responded Mountain Minutemen founder Robert Crooks, 59, from Canyon Country.

“Do you have a green card?” Crooks said.

Several television crews and photographers recorded the altercations as the drama unfolded. Several Los Angeles television media outlets descended on Santa Clarita to cover Tuesday’s meeting.

The meeting
Before the council meeting began, Bob Kellar emerged from a door near the dais.

Almost exactly half of the people in the audience stood up to give him applause. The other half sat silently.

Kellar shot a grin at the crowd before disappearing behind another door.

Outside the Council chambers, men and women talked about their distrust for the government.

“They’re going to take our guns away,” one man said.

Another man, Ed Ventresca of Santa Clarita, wore a shirt saying, “Stop the New World Order.”

The John Birch Society member passed out literature saying liberalism is an evil conspiracy to destroy the United States of America.

By the time the City Council convened, people were standing in the hallway outside of the chambers because the building was so crowded.

Most people waited until the end of the meeting to comment about Kellar’s remarks.

Public comment
Mayor Laurene Weste said during the meeting that she expected the public comment portion of the meeting to last at least two hours.

Most of the audience cheered when speakers came up to support Kellar. The immigrant groups that had protested for hours before, did not attend the meeting.

A few times Weste and Councilman Frank Ferry had to tell the audience to remain quiet and refrain from applauding or booing.

Local activist Bruce McFarland drew hisses from the crowd while he gave a speech critical of Kellar’s remarks.

“I will comment about Bob’s apparent stupidity on the matter at a later time,” McFarland said.

“I still call upon the Council to censure Bob Kellar for violating the code of ethics,” he said.

After his speech, a woman in the audience cursed at McFarland.

“I want to remind you that a group of Boy Scouts are in the crowd,” Weste said.

A few city Council candidates also gave prepared statements to the council.

Candidate TimBen Boydston told the Council that Kellar unintentionally violated the city’s code of ethics by not clearly stating he was not representing the city of Santa Clarita.

“The assertion that Mr. Kellar made using the term racist is not appropriate in any context,” Boydston said. “It is inflammatory.”

In an interview during a break at the meeting, Kellar said he doesn’t think he will apologize for how he phrased his comments at the rally.

“The reason I say that is maybe it takes a little something to address an important issue,” Kellar said.

Boydston, who worked on the code of ethics when he was on the City Council in 2008, asked Kellar to apologize for his remarks so the matter could be put to rest.

In previous reports, City Attorney Carl Newton said he thought it was clear Kellar was giving his own passionate opinion and did not violate the code, citing the First Amendment.

During his speech, Boydston called on the council to form a citizen’s task force that could make recommendations to Council members on how Santa Clarita can address local issues related to illegal immigration.

Council candidate David Gauny told the Council he supports Kellar’s stand against illegal immigration and that his speech has been taken out of context.

While addressing the Council, he criticized Weste for not taking a stand on the illegal immigration issue and Council members Ferry and Laurie Ender for being critical about how Kellar discussed the issue.

Gauny told the Council to take a stand on illegal immigration before April’s Council election.

In an interview during the meeting, Gauny said Kellar probably should have made it more clear that he was not representing Santa Clarita at the rally.

“He should have said it was his own opinion,” Gauny said. “It was not his intent to be divisive or malicious.”

Kellar endorsed Gauny’s run for a seat on the council.

In an interview Monday, Council candidate Harrison Katz, who also addressed the Council, said he agreed that the problem wasn’t Kellar’s stance against illegal immigration, it’s the “divisive rhetoric” Kellar used to explain his position that’s the problem.

“Anytime you call yourself a proud racist, it’s a mistake,” Katz said. “It brings embarrassment to our community.

“It was a very stupid comment,” he said.

Roger Gitlin, the leader of the Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen, told the Council in a prepared statement to add a Council agenda item clarifying the city’s stance on illegal immigration.

“Santa Clarita voters want to know where you stand (on illegal immigration) and they want to know before the April, 2010 election,” Gitlin said.

Officials from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station said they actually expected more people to show up. Deputy Laurie Baylis, who provides security at Council meetings, said there is usually only one deputy at a meeting. Last night there were three.

“I wish this many people came to every City Council meeting,” Baylis said.

Signal City Editor Brandon Lowrey contributed to this report.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:42 PM
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L.A. Daily Newspaper "Opinion Section"

Not acceptable
Santa Clarita city councilman should apologize for `racist' remark or resign
Updated: 01/26/2010 04:29:45 PM PST

SANTA Clarita City Councilman Bob Kellar says his frustration over stalled immigration reform justifies his comment that he's a "proud racist." Kellar recently defended his self-description, made during a Jan. 16 anti-immigration rally, to the Daily News.

We're going to give the longtime city councilman the benefit of the doubt and assume he doesn't quite understand the term he's so blithely adopted.

Here's how Merriam-Webster defines a racist: "A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

We hope that Kellar was employing a bit of dramatic license when he used that term. We hope his comments were off the cuff, and that he really doesn't think the failure of the federal government to address out-of-control immigration justifies the mistreatment of nonwhite people.

If so, we encourage him to apologize to all Americans for the harm he's done to immigration reform by further polarizing the debate. Then he should apologize to the residents of Santa Clarita. No doubt this story is going to go nationwide; when it does it will unfairly cast the multicultural community as a throwback to the Deep South of the 1950s.

However, if Kellar's comment truly reflects his point of view - that nonwhite people are inferior humans - he should step down. This is the 21st century, and it's unacceptable for public leaders to use that kind of talk.

Ultimately, Kellar's comment will mean little in the larger immigration reform debate. But it does illustrate the very reason that Congress keeps shying away from reform. Zealots on both sides of the issue have hijacked reasonable solutions with their racism-tinged rhetoric.

Illegal immigration is an economic and security crisis, and needs immediate and sensible solutions. But, too often, the discussion is clouded by an undercurrent of intolerance of Latinos and their culture that derails civilized discussion.

Kellar's comments brought that undercurrent to the surface. He did no favors to himself or his cause; the only beneficiaries are his opponents, who always suspected that anti-immigrant activists harbored bigoted beliefs.

Kellar needs to apologize for this comment, or step down.

Jay Buchanan
Royal Oak, MI
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22 hrs ago What a principled stand you journalists take. Let's take a look at that definition again:A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Gee, that sure does sound like an indictment of a certain race-based group that advocates on the basis of racial solidarity but I hardly ever hear one word from leftist journalists: La Raza.
Be Clear
Glendale, CA
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22 hrs ago This sadly distorts what the councilman said and he should be given space to dispute it. What he really said, boiled down, is that he'd proudly accept the "racist" label if anti-Americans and pro-illegal-immigration groups again play the Race Card to misrepresent his sensible American patriotism as racism.
Burbank, CA
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21 hrs ago Mexicans are the most racist people out there. How do I know? I am of Mexican decent but was born and raised in this country. I hear it all the time. MALDEF ever hear of them?? For the race everything, outside the race nothing..Isnt that racism. Who ever wrote this article must resign immediately!!! Poor journalism by the Daily News!!
Los Angeles, CA
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21 hrs ago Typical Daily News garbage, who wrote this garbage? If the councilman has the integrity to not be politcally correct as to not offend anyone, then maybe he is someone worth listening to. He spoke on what the large majority of people feel in this country, and I applaud him for his courage to speak as he did. If you disagree with a minority you are labeled a racist, so he called their bluff.
Burbank, CA
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21 hrs ago Im sorry but I stated earlier that MALDEF was the organization that says for the race everything, outside the race nothing? No MECCHA is the organization that says that, but MALDEF is another racist organization that im sure has the same views. Who is the moron who wrote this article??
Los Angeles, CA
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21 hrs ago If anyone non white had said that, they would have been applauded. As Be Clear said, his comment was misunderstood. Everyone heard "racist" and stopped listening. He owes no one an appology. This is America. Free speach and the right to our own opinions.
Malibu, CA
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20 hrs ago Are you saying that there is a possibility that Kellar does not know what "racist" means? If that is true then he should step down on the ground that he is not intelligent enough to be a councilman.
American Pride
Los Angeles, CA
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20 hrs ago Doug wrote:
Are you saying that there is a possibility that Kellar does not know what "racist" means? If that is true then he should step down on the ground that he is not intelligent enough to be a councilman.
TRY reading the ORIGINAL stoty before you think he needs to step down. If you think that Americans who stand up for America cant say how they feel, then your the one who needs to look at himself...

American Pride
Los Angeles, CA
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20 hrs ago For the Daily News not saying his exact words that started the whole thing...YOUR PRETTY SAD for a newspaper reporting on this subject!
jacob ilan
North Hollywood, CA
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19 hrs ago Regarding:"Not acceptable"
This is absolutely not acceptable for any decent newspaper to print such nonsense.
to begin with, calling those "demonstrations" for or against IMMIGRATION, is an intentional gross misreprsentaion and distortion of the facts, why not call the baby by his real name?
which is:"illegal immigration"? No one in his/her right mind is opposing LEAGAL immigration.
the writer of this "editorial" is so condesending to quote the dictionary definition of "racist",
every little child with half a brain knows what racist means, why wouldn't he tell us what the meaning of the word is, is? The way I see it, councilman Bob Kellar was responding to someone accusing him of being a racist, and his reply was:"If this is what racist means, than I am a proud racist". by the way, the title "racist" is being used very loosly these days by the liberal media, to describe people who don't share their view.
Happy to live
Los Angeles, CA
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18 hrs ago "Illegal Immigration" has always been a perceived problem and it will forever be in the hearts of the disenchanted! I just hope we will always have people wanting to come to United States Of America. The day we don't will be a sad day.
Editorial FAIL
Davis, CA
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13 hrs ago You don't come off as terribly intelligent in this editorial--Kellar was responding to those who called him racist for being pro-America by saying that their labels didn't matter to him. This editorial just says "Racist bad, reasonable conversation good." Apart from being an uninteresting argument (Makes one say "duh") it doesn't reflect Kellar's remarks.
Rough Riders
Los Angeles, CA
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13 hrs ago jacob ilan wrote:
Regarding:"Not acceptable"
This is absolutely not acceptable for any decent newspaper to print such nonsense.
to begin with, calling those "demonstrations" for or against IMMIGRATION, is an intentional gross misreprsentaion and distortion of the facts, why not call the baby by his real name?
which is:"illegal immigration"? No one in his/her right mind is opposing LEAGAL immigration.
the writer of this "editorial" is so condesending to quote the dictionary definition of "racist",
every little child with half a brain knows what racist means, why wouldn't he tell us what the meaning of the word is, is? The way I see it, councilman Bob Kellar was responding to someone accusing him of being a racist, and his reply was:"If this is what racist means, than I am a proud racist". by the way, the title "racist" is being used very loosly these days by the liberal media, to describe people who don't share their view.
Kellar, who has served on the council for 10 years, made the remarks at a Jan. 16 rally in Santa Clarita, attended by anti-illegal immigration groups and posted on YouTube.

He first referred to a statement from President Theodore Roosevelt that said the United States only has room for one flag and one language. He said he had quoted it at a past city council meeting.

"The only thing I heard back from a couple of people was `Bob, you sound like a racist'," Kellar said.

"I said,`That's good. If that's what you think I am because I happen to believe in America. I'm a proud racist. You're darn right I am'."
CompleteTheConce pt
San Jose, CA
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7 hrs ago Mr. Editor,

What Mr. Kellar said was at the end of a comment on a quotation by Theodore Roosevelt that once an immigrant becomes an AMERICAN he is to SEVER ALLEGIANCE to their OLD country, binding wholy to being an AMERICAN. That does not make one a racist (whereby, he chose his words poorly), but more precisely, a 'nationalist'; one who deems their country to be better than any other on the face of the earth.

If you think not, perhaps you should leave for that country which you have allegiance to and renounce your AMERICAN citizenship.
Los Angeles, CA
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7 hrs ago Happy to live wrote:
"Illegal Immigration" has always been a perceived problem and it will forever be in the hearts of the disenchanted! I just hope we will always have people wanting to come to United States Of America. The day we don't will be a sad day.
Do not worry amigo. By the time this is over, most of Mexico will be here!
Los Angeles, CA
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7 hrs ago CompleteTheConcept wrote:
Mr. Editor,
What Mr. Kellar said was at the end of a comment on a quotation by Theodore Roosevelt that once an immigrant becomes an AMERICAN he is to SEVER ALLEGIANCE to their OLD country, binding wholy to being an AMERICAN. That does not make one a racist (whereby, he chose his words poorly), but more precisely, a 'nationalist'; one who deems their country to be better than any other on the face of the earth.
If you think not, perhaps you should leave for that country which you have allegiance to and renounce your AMERICAN citizenship.
If you support that racist, it means you must be a damn racist too!
Los Angeles, CA
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6 hrs ago Mike wrote:
Mexicans are the most racist people out there. How do I know? I am of Mexican decent but was born and raised in this country. I hear it all the time. MALDEF ever hear of them?? For the race everything, outside the race nothing..Isnt that racism. Who ever wrote this article must resign immediately!!! Poor journalism by the Daily News!!
You are a traitor to your own people!
Ayahuasca Shaman
“Be the change you want to see!”

Since: Dec 08


Albuquerque, NM
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6 hrs ago Here's how Merriam-Webster defines a racist: "A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

That's exactly what La Raza purports.....

.....But the Daily News ignores that fact.

What a joke!

Now, if you're an American citizen,
you're 'racist by birth'......

......What a joke!
Glendale, CA
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6 hrs ago No he is an American standing up for Americans rights.
Bureaucratic Mess
Northridge, CA
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6 hrs ago According to today's front page news -- the people at Santa Clarita city hall weren't fooled by the out-of-context criticisms and don't buy into this LADN op/ed piece at all.

Oak Harbor, WA
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3 hrs ago Mexican wrote:
<quoted text> You are a traitor to your own people!
"His people" appear to be us, Americans. Who then are yours?
Long Beach, CA
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2 hrs ago If the government was doing their job we would not be dealing with this. A person can only take so much.
Burbank, CA
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1 hr ago THE TRUTH BE TOLD...were you watching the news when hundreds of hispanics left their FREE classes to march on the streets of Los Angeles, chanting Si Se Puede, draped in the flag of Mexico? Not to mention chanting they were going to take California back! You are wrong, we should be afraid that our country is being taken over by the ILLEGALS. They do not look like the immigrants of old that eventually became proud American citizens from Spain or Italy. They know a free handout when they see it, they know California is a welfare state that will allow them to live here illegal without any reprisal of being deported. We have a system of coming to this country legally and becoming a citizen and that is what should be enforced and required and then, maybe, just maybe, we will not see the marching in the streets with the flag of a foreign country being flown defiantly. Remember, currently this still is the United States of America!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Last edited by Ole Glory; 01-27-2010 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:48 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Did you notice that SOS was not mentioned once. But some of the Minutemen organizations are. This has happened over and over again since this rally.

You will also notice that the true amount of support for Bob Kellar is not mentioned, and it was huge. Going through the article take notice on how many sentences are slanted toward the negative in regards to Kellar. The media never mentions the huge percentage of pro Kellar and the large number of speakers who demanded that illegal immigration be addressed today and by that city council.

All the city council could do was say at the end, that their hand were tied and it was a federal issue.
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