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Old 06-01-2014, 03:45 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I didn't see the now obvious slap to Arizona, dumping them off at Greyhound bus stations, until you pointed it out.

It seems to me that the government is now legally liable for dumping women and children in unfamiliar and unsafe locations, with seemingly purposeful intent in getting people victimized in one form or another by the criminally minded - not to mention the lack of shelter and sustenance.

What kind of press coverage are they trying to get out of this? The White House just can't help but create scandals.

Here is what's going on -

Obama is doing everything he can to make sure that amnesty leaning Republicans are not in a position to hand out any form of amnesty (DREAM Act, military thing, Comprehensive Immigration Reform or whatever).

Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, McCain and Co. are DYING to do something to give legal residency to at least some of our undocumented friends. They want to do it for two reasons: 1) They have received massive campaign contributions from entities that want amnesty, and 2) they believe they will never win enough Hispanic votes to capture the White House again w/o Republicans playing a part in legalizing Pablo, Juanita and the ninos.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are fully aware that they are likely to be throttled this coming November as a backlash to the weak economy and Obamacare. People of color historically show up in smaller percentages than whites during mid-term elections, however, Latinos voting in large numbers is the only hope that the left has for not getting throttled in about 5 months.

Consequently, Obama is doing everything possible to look sympathetic to illegals (deferred action, "reevaluation" of deportation procedures to ensure they are more "humane," and amnesty cheerleading), while engaging in wholesale failure to enforce current laws that he knows will make it impossible for Boehner and Co. to cobble anything together before Nov. on the "understanding" that Obama has "demonstrated" trustworthiness to enforce the laws.

By dumping thousands of illegals in AZ of all places, Obama knows it will be reported on Breitbart, Drudge, FOX and all the other outlets where the conservative base gets its news.

In short, the president needs Latinos to show up to vote in larger numbers than usual, and to do that he is going out of his way to make sure the Republicans don't enact any sort of amnesty. He wants our brown friends pissed off and heading off to vote in November to fight back against those wretched racist Republicans.

Last edited by; 06-01-2014 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 06-01-2014, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
Here is what's going on -

Obama is doing everything he can to make sure that amnesty leaning Republicans are not in a position to hand out any form of amnesty (DREAM Act, military thing, Comprehensive Immigration Reform or whatever).

Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, McCain and Co. are DYING to do something to give legal residency to at least some of our undocumented friends. They want to do it for two reasons: 1) They have received massive campaign contributions from entities that want amnesty, and 2) they believe they will never win enough Hispanic votes to capture the White House again w/o Republicans playing a part in legalizing Pablo, Juanita and the ninos.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are fully aware that they are likely to be throttled this coming November as a backlash to the weak economy and Obamacare. People of color historically show up in smaller percentages than whites during mid-term elections, however, Latinos voting in large numbers is the only hope that the left has for not getting throttled in about 5 months.

Consequently, Obama is doing everything possible to look sympathetic to illegals (deferred action, "reevaluation" of deportation procedures to ensure they are more "humane," and amnesty cheerleading), while engaging in wholesale failure to enforce current laws that he knows will make it impossible for Boehner and Co. to cobble anything together before Nov. on the "understanding" that Obama has "demonstrated" trustworthiness to enforce the laws.

By dumping thousands of illegals in AZ of all places, Obama knows it will be reported on Breitbart, Drudge, FOX and all the other outlets where the conservative base gets its news.

In short, the president needs Latinos to show up to vote in larger numbers than usual, and to do that he is going out of his way to make sure the Republicans don't enact any sort of amnesty. He wants our brown friends pissed off and heading off to vote in November to fight back against those wretched racist Republicans.
I get it, but I'm utterly bewildered by Obama and his shenanigans.

He stumbles from one scandal to another and acts as though nothing is going on except a malicious witch hunt by a bunch of "Tea Party racists". His executive departments bungle all kinds of things while abusing citizens merely exercising their rights, then do everything except what they are required by law to do.

With the economy he seems to be incapable of elementary school math and basic understanding of business psychology. It's as though he's purposefully trying to sabotage the economy with slash and burn.

Internationally Obama and Kerry have all the street cred of a couple of newly arrived pretty boys in a prison full of homosexual lifers. All that hollow bluster then Obama gets punked by Putin and acts as though Putin did him a favor. Next act is to gut the military.

And now this. All that talk about compassion then he puts women and kids on the plane and dumps them in what is typically the most dangerous part of town for disoriented, non English speaking strangers from another culture - the Greyhound station.

If it weren't really happening his presidency could be a twisted screen production written by Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Woody Allen, and the guy who wrote Catch 22 during a party featuring LSD and Peyote. This is White Rabbit mixed with Purple Haze and the Three Stooges.

The man needs to go. There's too much scorched earth Saul Alinski mixed up with ignorant 1960's ideological naivety coupled with dereliction of duty to actually be anywhere near Washington DC, much less be President of the United States.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 06-01-2014 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post

And now this. All that talk about compassion then he puts women and kids on the plane and dumps them in what is typically the most dangerous part of town for disoriented, non English speaking strangers from another culture - the Greyhound station..
This shouldn't shock or surprise anyone. Illegals have been used as tools and examples for over a decade in the war for open borders and more immigration. the administration could publicly flog them and then blame the American people for having to do it, all the while citing it as an example of why America needs "reform" of immigration laws.
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:23 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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I smell a rat.

Dumping illegals from Texas into Arizona is indeed very curious.

There may be several explanations.

* The media got it wrong.

* There is some convoluted, screwball motive to flood the territories of anti Obama sheriffs like Paul Babue and Joe Arpaio.

* There is some conspiracy afoot between LOE's.

* Some halfwits in Texas are acting in a very irrational and unfriendly manner towards Arizona.

It just doesn't add up. Law enforcement just isn't "in you face" like that flipping the bird, unless something else is occurring that we don't know about as yet.

I've been receiving E-mails from Sheriff Babue recently, being very outspoken and critical of Obama.

But all of this exodus from those other countries is certainly not unexpected. As the decades pass and population continue to explode there will be more and more coming.

Incidentally I read that the "white" birth rate has fallen so low now that it is below replenishment. So in a few decades the Caucasians will be in the minority - IF the trend continues.
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Old 06-02-2014, 08:34 AM
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I have to wonder how anyone could actually believe that Obama is purposefully doing this out of some sort of plan. That guy couldn't plan a bowel movement and get it right. He waits until after the fact then does nothing, crying that it needs to be investigated and after months have passed and most have forgotten he ignores it or suppresses it.

This saturation of the system has been building up for many, many years; way before Obama. It's just that with Obama things can and will spiral out of control so much quicker and easier because he wants it to. There has been an effort to replace the American citizen with foreign cheap labor since the late 70's, if not sooner than that.
The first amnesty was the big kickoff and began the infrastructure that provided the illegal placement. In the 60's and early 70's when an illegal got here they had somewhat of a problem finding a place to live and the connections to make roots quickly. But with that first amnesty the major chain was built and pulled in millions. Then the political infrastructure began funding the nonprofits and entitlements and the propaganda machine started that pushed the quilt and racism crap. Once they were in place it was just a matter of time till the floodgates allowed the saturation.

Remember half of those here illegally came here on a visa and never left. We focus on the border because you can actually see the illegals, but that's only half of the problem.

And today it's children being dumped at the border. Until or "if" this country ever grows a pair and stops this saturation, we will fail as a country. We can not educate and support the numbers we already have and it will only get worse.

When the cost is presented to the "progressives" they cry "if we hadn't spent billions on wars we'd have the money" with a thinking that they can stop mankind from war. Mankind has gone to war since its beginning, no "progressive" is going to stop that, but they sure think they can social engineer everyone.

The only hope I see (and it's a small one) is turning the Senate in Nov. At least having control of Congress may put the brakes on Obama and Holder, but turning the clock back is something even Congress can't do.
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Old 06-02-2014, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
I have to wonder how anyone could actually believe that Obama is purposefully doing this out of some sort of plan. That guy couldn't plan a bowel movement and get it right. He waits until after the fact then does nothing, crying that it needs to be investigated and after months have passed and most have forgotten he ignores it or suppresses it. .
Ah...not exactly.
these new directives keeping the illegals within the confines of the US are coming directly from the top. That much is planned by Obama. He may not have envisioned every last dirty offshoot, but someone has. I won't argue with the rest of that, but Obama is quite capable of working a devious, albeit shoddy plan.

I had a secondary thought that someone with an American conscience was behind the shifting of all those illegals to AZ. Maybe far worse was going on in Texas without any outrage, and some ingenious patriot at ICE started diverting groups of them to a state where he or she knew someone would start noticing right away.
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Old 06-02-2014, 08:58 AM
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And this is what this whole thread concerning the dumping of illegals in Arizona will be distorted into by detractors of the movement to enforce immigration law and preserve our sovereignty...

Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post

Incidentally I read that the "white" birth rate has fallen so low now that it is below replenishment. So in a few decades the Caucasians will be in the minority - IF the trend continues.

No other nation on earth has had the tradition of law and government a thousand years before the colonization of the eastern seaboard, further formulated by the English Civil War, and distilled by largely self government in the colonies before the American revolution. The other former British colonies which had the British tradition instilled in the culture are generally ahead of the world pack, but the United States is foremost among them all - faults and blemishes notwithstanding.

There is probably a reason that Winston Churchill's work was titled A History of the English Speaking Peoples rather than A History of The Anglo Saxon People

America was founded on an idea, a belief, however it may have been managed or mismanaged, and that is the important thing. On the other hand, race is accidental to one's self and - informed or not - political belief is a choice.

However it's sliced and for whatever reason, the dumping of illegals collected in Texas into Arizona is just plain wrong.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 06-02-2014 at 10:21 PM.
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Old 06-03-2014, 07:41 AM
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I will not give up the fight. Although it's hard to combat so much going on in our country.
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Old 06-04-2014, 05:06 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Jan Brewer

Fox news this AM:

ICE responded to Jan Brewers letter of yesterday: The illegals are being sent to Arizona because ICE is overwhelmed by the numbers in Texas.*( After her letter ANOTHER bus load arrived in Arizona ).

I'll buy that.

Those here are old timers and remember back 1 - 2 decades. Mexico had/has at least 6 different groups, not all in consort nor agreement, to invade the USA with swarms of illegals. Vicente Fox even had an official multi-year plan on paper. Those groups range from Oligarchs' to communists, to Reconquista's to more and 6 is probably an understatement.

It's too lengthy to detail but remember the Mexican Government was printing a booklet and posting directions in bus stations. Mayors along the border were actively furnishing travel aids, water, maps *( Even condoms ).

And lets not forget our own little Angels here placing water barrels in the desert. Even the Catholic church is operating a safe house in Mexico and Nuns were running them in Texas.

Arizona too has it's fair share of open border proponents and illegal alien sympathizers, both civilian and in Government. And why even bother to bring up the large numbers of churches here sympathetic and active aiding, abetting, hiding illegal aliens.

Everything that dumbledorf our illustrious leader is doing is A OK with me. He's crashing. Regime change is looking better and better. He even has the AAs Afro Am's really PO'd now and Democrats in Congress are increasingly speaking out about a range of subjects they don't like.
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Old 06-11-2014, 01:01 AM
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This is continuing to get media coverage, what a surprise. You just know this had something to do with Amnesty Canter loosing. Wow, was that something!!! First time in US history a sitting Majority Leader lost in a primary. This will have waves coming in it's wake.
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