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Old 09-12-2012, 12:38 PM
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While helping a friend with her garage sale about 18 years ago I was told that in the future it would be White males that would have a hard time and that there was an effort to take them out of power. This woman’s name was Roberta Orona Cordova and she now teaches Chicano Studies at Cal State Northridge. We were very close friends for years. While we were waiting for people to come by and buy something she also asked me if I’d heard of the movement to take back the western US and return it to Mexico. I don’t remember if she mentioned ATZLAN. I told her I didn’t agree with that concept at all and she responded that she did but her boyfriend, whose name is Vince and was teaching screen writing at CSUN at the time, didn’t agree with her. Roberta was teaching English at Santa Monica College and UC Santa Barbara back then, before she took the job at CSUN. She graduated from Berkeley with two masters (English and Screen Writing I think, but not sure about the second) due to affirmative action and she admits that if she had to try to get a degree today she wouldn’t be able to do it due to the changes in the system. She has since married Vince and I last spoke to her about 5 years ago. Roberta was born here in the US and her parents were also born here. She spent time in Mexico when she was in her 20’s to learn to speak Spanish. Today she indoctrinates her students with race based hate and we have affirmative action to thank for it. Look her up, she’s still teaching.

What bothers me greatly is that while we hear the democrats cry that there’s a “war on women” there isn’t a mention of the radical left’s war on White men. You hear it from their mouthpieces saying such things as “We’re getting rid of a bunch of old White men” or when referencing certain conservative politicians they will say “A bunch of old White men” but not one person attributes this to racism or a tactical effort to reduce White males to a lower status. As I said, this didn’t just happen, it is what the left has been working on for many years.

About 9 years ago I was talking to an illegal alien and his response to me when asked why he was here in the US was “We’re taking it back”.

These are just two examples of people I’ve come across in past years that admit to an agenda. One is in a position of influence; the other is the result of that influence.

Yes there is a war against White males, but since Whites haven’t acknowledged it, it just doesn’t exist.

AG, I disagree with your statement that “Choosing them by race is a sure way to fail in that endeavor” because it has sure been working for the far left.
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Old 09-12-2012, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
AG, I disagree with your statement that “Choosing them by race is a sure way to fail in that endeavor” because it has sure been working for the far left.
The left is not trying to save the republic, so they can employ the most carefree strategies. Unfortunately we don't have the luxury of burning down our own castle to win the battle or the war. Had we the desire to attempt such exclusive standards, we would have deprived ourselves of many talented allies.
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Old 09-13-2012, 01:49 AM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Whoa, wait a minute Ilbegone and Ayatollah. I'm not espousing some sort of race supremacy or race superiority. I'm just pointing out the facts that I see in regards to how White people through apathy and corruption, and naivety have allowed themselves to be taken advantage of. I think Whites in America pretty much treat all people as individuals and judge people as individuals. That is a great way to think, and I believe a very American attitude to view people. In a way though that's part of the problem, We treat others as individuals, but that doesn't mean other people from different ethnic groups treat and think of others the same way that Americans do, as individuals.

Most people around the world think along tribal and ethic lines. When viewing people They see tribe and ethnicity first and the individual second, maybe a distant second.

The melting pot is the prime example of this. Americans in general think you immigrate to America, you melt into the pot and mix. We all know from experience that this is not necessarily true. Why?
because other cultures and "tribes" see it different. In many instances their view point is, race and tribe trumps all.

When I was saying "The Mexicans in America aren't the problem, It's the Whites that are the problem", I was merely criticizing my own ethnic group because of their unwillingness to not take this into consideration , to only see things from one's own narrow point of view.
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Old 09-13-2012, 04:21 AM
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This is going to ramble a bit, but it has a point.

I understand what you're saying - I've brought it up myself in the fact that illegal immigration has it's origins in white employers and white politicians, that the problem with illegal immigration was made in America, not by trespassing brown Mexican nationals nor average brown Americans some confuse with Mexican nationals - and the Mexican government merely takes advantage of the situation to deport Mexican social problems with emigration rather than reform government.

The problem lies in how the discussion is viewed by others, although everyone has their various perceptions.

Consider a brother and sister I know. She says she's never been stopped by the Border Patrol, he claims that he gets racially profiled by the Border Patrol (he said it as though it's a regular thing). He and another sister have said that they're staying out of Arizona because of things like Arpaio and SB 1070. They were all born here.

Once when the man was in the hospital I made a comment to him that he would soon be out playing soccer. He replied that he played baseball and basketball in high school, that soccer was something the Mexicans brought with them when "they" came. The man's parents were born in Mexico.

This is what I know for sure about them and the Border Patrol: A car they were riding in to see some relatives was stopped by the Border Patrol in Texas and those agents tore their car apart. This was in 1960.

Maybe the man has been stopped once or twice at the Temecula checkpoint on the 15 freeway and it pissed him off. I know an Indian who was born on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming who was stopped there, and there's no doubt he was pissed about it - hoppin' friggin mad about it for a month or so (might about having been seen as a potential "Mexican", I've personally seen Mexican nationals approach him asking about work in Spanish and when it was clear he didn't understand they cussed him in Spanish and flipped him the Mexican bird while walking away).

I spoke yesterday with a Mexican from Guerrero I've known for years who's been here since about 1975, much of it illegally, still barely speaks English. I related to him about being stopped by the Border Patrol last week and being asked if I were a citizen. He was incredulous in a very amused manner, said that I didn't look like a Mexican, why did they stop me. He said that he himself, with over three decades here, was confronted by the Border Patrol only once. They came into his workplace and asked him if he were a citizen, he showed them a driver's license, and they lost interest in him. He asked me if I was stopped by a "Mexican" agent, and I replied in the affirmative. He said "that's why".

The Mexican knows why he was approached by the agents and accepts it. Many American citizens, even with the low chance they have of being confronted by the Border Patrol, resent it.

Perception is reality. Of the brown American man and his two sisters, one sister doesn't see a racial profiling problem, the other two do, the Indian was livid. The Mexican doesn't care, he's got his - let's have some more fun, pinche migra.

Lots of people have sensitivities or even chips on their shoulder about conceptualized white racism. Those who are old enough to remember the 50's have varying feelings based on their diverse experiences and personalities about real and perceived white racism, and so do their grandchildren - some who are so wrongly convinced that the old people's negative experiences which have been related to them (individually accurate or not) are their very own.

So, when you talk about whites in the manner you did, regardless if it was with much more innocent intent than many of "them" might talk if the roles were reversed, you are going to be regarded as a close associate of long dead Nazi thug Heinrich Himmler.

Perception is reality, and brown racists have worked overtime to build up and perpetuate the perception of white racism because allegation of white racism works to a desired end - racial polarization. If people who might otherwise agree with you about illegal immigration perceive that you are out to do them personal harm based on race rather than legality of residency, they're going to hate you and the racist brown supremacist has done his work.

Why help them?
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-13-2012 at 05:23 AM.
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Old 09-13-2012, 01:22 PM
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This is an article just out today. I bring it foreward to highlight a comment in it that I addressed in my previous comment. Yes there is a war on White men and as I said, it started to my own personal knowledge well over 20 years ago. But most likely it started in the 60's.

Exclusive: UCLA shuts down controversial illegal immigrant college program

Following scrutiny from a California lawmaker, the University of California is shutting down a controversial college program for illegal immigrants, though the reasons for the closure are not satisfying critics of the so-called National Dream University.
Critics of the plan of the so-called National Dream University (NDU) welcomed the decision to stop the program, though they weren’t satisfied with the reasons given for its closure.
"I believe the procedural issue gave UCLA an out, but it was public pressure and public scrutiny during such difficult economic times that was ultimately turned Dream University into a nightmare for UCLA President and regents," says California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks).
NDU earlier this summer began actively recruiting those seeking a college degree and a career in activism focused on immigration issues. Its website, which has since been taken down, promoted "an educational opportunity to those who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to the immigrant and/or labor rights movements {with admission} open to everyone, regardless of their immigration status."
Operated by the UCLA Labor Center and the National Labor College, NDU would have offered credit for online courses in immigrant rights and political advocacy. At about $2,500, tuition was thousands less than what legal residents pay to attend UCLA, one of California's premier public universities.
Assemblyman Donnelly was the first lawmaker to publicly express outrage. "Here, you're going to have the taxpayers subsidizing it, so that illegal aliens can go to college, have their own little college, teach their own ideology, and all at taxpayer expense," he said in August.
In an email to Fox News, a university spokesman admitted UCLA was "unaware of the courses to be offered" by NDU. Fox News has repeatedly reached out to the UCLA professors who, on their own, established NDU, with no oversight from university administrators.
When asked for comment, Kent Wong, director of the UCLA Labor Center, hung up on Fox News several times. He does, however, speak frequently in support of so-called DREAMers.
At one rally, he told an audience of cheering young activists "you will go onto become lawyers and teachers and doctors and members of the U.S. Senate to replace those old white men."In a response to a query by Donnelly, University of California President Mark Yudof said the two research groups behind NDU did not go through the proper channels, and therefore would not be allowed to continue the program.
The certificate program, he wrote, "was negotiated without the consultation or approval of UCLA's academic and administrative leadership. Therefore, the agreement has been declared void. As a result, UCLA has asked the Labor Center to immediately suspend all work on the National Dream University."
UCLA has not disavowed Kent Wong, however, and the closure of NDU does not mean there could be future activist programs.
"UCLA's actions do not preclude a future agreement between the Labor Center and National Labor College," Yudof wrote. "Any such future agreement will require the completion of a formal proposal process with approval from the appropriate academic and administrative leadership."
Still, Donnelly, who, as a member of the state's appropriations committee approves funding for UC schools, is glad to see NDU disappear.
"I think that given the news coverage of this story by Fox News and others, the inquiry by my office, and the National Labor College's financial difficulties, UC's President decided this is not the way to expend the precious limited resources, which should be available to California citizens rather than illegal aliens, no matter how deserving they may seem."

Read more:
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Old 09-13-2012, 07:22 PM
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Yes, Jean, that is one facet of brown America who elbows their way in and insists on speaking for everyone else with a brown skin and Spanish last name, and those involved that way have been working hard on accomplishing running off the white man since the 60's. It revolves around the universities and the educational elite who become personally politically involved or hard core gang banger types - prison racism.

It has little do with the people I've been talking about.

The people you are talking about, there is no rationalizing with. They are the brown racist mirror image of the Aryan Nations. If it weren't politically incorrect or maybe just too soon, they'd be setting up the gallows or maybe even building death camp gas chambers and crematoriums.

The people I have been talking about are the people I have been around the most, regular people just trying to make a living and dealing with life the best they can, mostly these are people whose families have been here for generations who are not a part of the brown supremacist movement, although I have also seen it in young adults who are first generation Americans - it mostly depends on their background and how their parents look at life.

There are a multitude of different people within the "brown community", they are not all the same. We shouldn't alienate those who aren't a part of the brown racist persuasion.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-13-2012 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:35 PM
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I understand very well who you are referring to Ibegone when you post, they are basically the same people I grew up with in my early years. But what I'm pointing out is that those promoting this war on White males are people of great influence and they themselves are not always brown skinned. This person Kent Wong, director of the UCLA Labor Center certainly doesn't sound like he's Hispanic, but who knows. The point I'm making is that no one mentions the war on white males as though it doesn't exist, AND IT DOES!!! No one can fix something if no one acknowledges it exists. Because today to acknowledge it exists would be "racists". So we often try to tiptoe around dodging the racist arrows and fly our "non-racist" colors. The double standard is amazing.

This war on White males is being taught in our schools and universities, yet no one dares to say a word against it. One might say, 'Well, that's just talked about in school, it doesn't impact society'. This has been a goal of acadamia for going on fifty years now. We have functionally illiterate students graduating high schools by the groves, yet they did learned that White men are the enemy. I know this for a fact because I saw it first hand. And this indoctrination isn't just happeining to Brown supremists, it's happening to students of all ethnicities. Those that have been exposed to this crap are not just teenagers anymore. We now have three generations with this same mindset.

Not all people are the same, no matter what their skin color or ethnicity, but that is not what is being taught and promoted in our schools, and these are not just little low end colleges, it's being taught at the Ivy league schools.

I understand that this thread is about Admissions Day, but what is being promoted by acadamia goes hand in hand with this. The goal is to replace enough White male politicians with those who sympathize with acadamia's cause (overthrowing White males) and replacing it with those that want to give the western states back to Mexico, ATZLAN. One would think that would be unthinkable, but don't be fooled. Each year more and more are being placed in a position of influence, whether it's in acadamia or political, and each year more students are being indocrinated to their way of thinking (because it would be racist to not agree) and each year more are being born or immigrating and given citizenship to vote for this agenda. Unless people start being honest and stop ignoring how wide and influential this movement has become it will continue to expand. We have an enemy within, and they're hiding in plane sight. You can't point them out because that would be racist. But I refuse to deny that they don't have an agenda and it begins with replacing White men.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 09-14-2012 at 12:50 PM.
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Old 09-14-2012, 08:53 PM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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I agree with what you are saying Jean. From my understanding the biggest movement to replace men in the work force and in society was Feminism.

The real movement seems to have culminated in the 1970's and was really weekend when the Equal Rights Amendment failed. That movement was really before my time, but my mom (born 1942), explained it to me like this. When she was in her early 20's ( Early 1960's). There wasn't much in the work force that women could get jobs in. Secretarial work, Teacher, librarian, or nurse. Feminism is what got women into the work force. She also told me that Feminism failed because enough women found it anti male. Her thoughts were that most women like men and Feminism's anti male image was what defeated the ERA movement.

My reading of that is in a sense biology, and female attraction to men defeated the ERA movement.

Please tell me what you think of Feminism's role in the "war on White men".
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
I agree with what you are saying Jean. From my understanding the biggest movement to replace men in the work force and in society was Feminism.

The real movement seems to have culminated in the 1970's and was really weekend when the Equal Rights Amendment failed. That movement was really before my time, but my mom (born 1942), explained it to me like this. When she was in her early 20's ( Early 1960's). There wasn't much in the work force that women could get jobs in. Secretarial work, Teacher, librarian, or nurse. Feminism is what got women into the work force. She also told me that Feminism failed because enough women found it anti male. Her thoughts were that most women like men and Feminism's anti male image was what defeated the ERA movement.

My reading of that is in a sense biology, and female attraction to men defeated the ERA movement.

Please tell me what you think of Feminism's role in the "war on White men".
This thread is about Admissions Day and entering into feminism would not be related to that subject.
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Old 09-15-2012, 09:32 AM
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While this is a thread about California admission day, it opens up something which is rarely discussed beyond "throw 'em all out", and such a discussion needs to come forth.

What you say is absolutely true, and it came about with Jose Angel Gutierrez, La Raza Unida, and the takeover of the school district and governments of Chrystal city and Zavala county, Texas in the late 60's and 70's. It's the blueprint for everything you relate, and what the national "elite" wish to exploit to their own agendas (but it will bite them in the ass in the end). When Gutierrez gained control of the school district and city and county governments he ran the white employees off, the few whites who were subsequently hired were vetted to make sure they would go along with the racially inspired program. It collapsed only due to human nature and fratricidal lawsuits.

That Wong feller referred to in the article (cheap puns like "Wong Wei" and "is he white or is he Wong" are chasing each other around in my head) is a useful idiot perhaps chosen only to "demonstrate educational commitment to diversity", this is the UCLA agenda concerning the course:

...a controversial college program for illegal immigrants...

... (which) promoted "an educational opportunity to those who have demonstrated leadership and commitment to the immigrant and/or labor rights movements {with admission} open to everyone, regardless of their immigration status."

At one rally, he (Wong) told an audience of cheering young activists "you will go onto become lawyers and teachers and doctors and members of the U.S. Senate to replace those old white men."
They scuttled it only because of the outcry concerning the program, too visibly obvious as to the focus.

Here again also some of what we touched upon and needs to be discussed: the issue if "they" are all the same people or not. You and I agree that "they" are not all the same person, those who do put forth the notion that "they" are all the same are either ignorant or have a racial agenda. For example, American brown supremacists and American white supremacists "agree" that fifth generation American citizen "Garcia" is the same person as Mexican national "Garcia" who hopped the border for the first time early this morning. Mexican National "Garcia" would vehemently deny the idea, and Fifth generation American "Garcia" certainly knows better. While American brown supremacists know they telling a lie, the white supremacist may be truly ignorant - regardless if either party really cares - after all both groups are racists.

White supremacists are just as much useful idiots as far left wing nuts like Wong, Brown supremacists need the perception of white racism to justify their agenda and gain recruits to their cause. White supremacists give it to them without brown racists having to work so hard on propaganda manufacturing white racism where it doesn't exist. They need racial polarization to achieve the goal.

Among brown American citizens there are several different types intermingling within individuals including but not limited to: decent people and assholes; racists and non racists; working people and criminals; educated and illiterate; those paranoid of perceived white racism, others who scoff at the idea as an excuse for personal failure; people with no sympathy at all for illegal aliens and those who have great sympathy; those who have not had family connections to Latin America for generations, others who have siblings and parents who are illegal aliens.

As well, white Americans are not all the same person, something we understand well. However, there is a lot of brown supremacist propaganda which portrays white Americans as brown child devouring monsters with blood dripping fangs - "pinche gabacho is out to get YOU"

If one is going to have an enemy he had best understand his enemy and clearly identify who that enemy is and the patsy the enemy hides behind. In our case, the primary enemy loudly presumes to speak for everyone else who has a similar skin tone and name origin with a declared loyalty to a foreign culture. The other enemies are American business, international corporations, the co-opted American educational system, American politicians, American "intellectuals", both American political parties, and the American far left in particular - and the American far right hinders more than it helps. Illegal aliens and their "undocumented student" children they bring with them are pawns and a smoke screen used to many agendas.

Too many white Americans whether pro or anti illegal immigration (as well as those those not caring either way about the issue) can't or won't see beyond brown skins and Spanish last names, and that is where the brown supremacist wins by fomenting racial polarization and exploiting useful idiots of sides of the immigration debate.

That has to change.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

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Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 09-15-2012 at 10:13 AM.
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