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Old 09-10-2012, 06:40 PM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Here is my suspicions about Governor Browns Admission day proclamation.

First why would Brown want us to celebrate California's admission into the Union now?
I don't think there is any particular reason, yet.
My suspicion is that he is seeing something, that isn't quite visible to us. Maybe it is the redistricting of districts that would give the Democrat's 2/3 control of the State House. If that happens, what is left for Americans that don't want endless tax increases and one party rule for the foreseeable future. An increase in support and demand to partition the state, and for certain areas to succeed from California. This would certainly move to the fore front if this scenario were to happen, as well it is already being talked about and could be gaining steam in some circles , without us really knowing. Maybe Brown is planing ahead, for what he sees is coming.

If Republicans loose the ability to veto tax increases, what is really left for us in California. Succession seems like the next move.

Brown and the Dem's. Would not want to loose vast parts of California, They would move to hold the state, and the tax dollars of Southern California flowing to Sacramento. Maybe that's why they want to start celebration "Admission Day" all of a sudden.

I'm starting to think Save our State might not be the best approach anymore. Succession is looking to me as a financially smarter and more efficient plan to fix our problems.

Last edited by Greg in LA; 09-10-2012 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 09-10-2012, 07:57 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
Here is my suspicions about Governor Browns Admission day proclamation.

First why would Brown want us to celebrate California's admission into the Union now?
I don't think there is any particular reason, yet.
My suspicion is that he is seeing something, that isn't quite visible to us. Maybe it is the redistricting of districts that would give the Democrat's 2/3 control of the State House. If that happens, what is left for Americans that don't want endless tax increases and one party rule for the foreseeable future. An increase in support and demand to partition the state, and for certain areas to succeed from California. This would certainly move to the fore front if this scenario were to happen, as well it is already being talked about and could be gaining steam in some circles , without us really knowing. Maybe Brown is planing ahead, for what he sees is coming.

If Republicans loose the ability to veto tax increases, what is really left for us in California. Succession seems like the next move.

Brown and the Dem's. Would not want to loose vast parts of California, They would move to hold the state, and the tax dollars of Southern California flowing to Sacramento. Maybe that's why they want to start celebration "Admission Day" all of a sudden.

I'm starting to think Save our State might not be the best approach anymore. Succession is looking to me as a financially smarter and more efficient plan to fix our problems.
Greg, there isn't going to be any succession. You know why? Because there's nothing to succeed to. Way back in the infancy of SOS, I told people that we weren't even ready to take back the state yet, simply because we didn't have patriots to fill all the necessary spots in the government that we want. We still don't. This is why the regional government/open-borders lobby is doing so well here and in other states. They have people in their back pockets to install into slots as they need filling.
Succession, unconstitutional by the way, requires a new government with a new legislature, executive and judicial branches at the ready. We can't even get some of our patriot brothers and sisters to attend events anymore, so how do you expect to get them to take a role in any new government? No; Succession will not happen. People are too damn lazy and apathetic to see any real succesive government through to the beginning, and certainly they'll crap out shortly after that, leaving some dictatorial fiat a king or queen sized hole to move right into.

As for why brown made this proclamation: I was and am suspicious of a nefarious purpose just as you are. I was toying with more of a theory that it had something to do with the treaties that were signed with mexico and the resulting timing of California's becoming part of the union. Coincidently, California legislature is convening a committee meeting tomorrow to discuss some trade issues with mexico, as is the mexican independence day event at the captiol this week. But.....I have only whimsical theories at present, so I'll just have to remain blissfully ignorant until something further adds up.

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola; 09-10-2012 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 09-10-2012, 08:40 PM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Ayatollah, I have to admit that you're right about the apathy and laziness in regards to illegal immigration. Americans in California are sheep.

I was reading one article on that came to the conclusion that Mexicans in California are not the problem it's the Whites that are.

The reason I think succession in California will gain strength, is because of the fiscal problems and to some extent illegal immigration. If and when the debt problem in California becomes a real crisis and is unmanageable, Part of the state may need to succeed to escape the crushing debt. Cities can declare bankruptcy, but states can't. What I am saying is large parts of Ca may move to succeed to escape the crushing debt and thereby shoving the old debt onto the part that doesn't make the move. Areas might join the bandwagon of succession just to get out of the debt burdens. The new border lines may be greatly effected by Republican / Democratic areas and the constituency and demographics that make up those different groups.

I know that you're correct that this would lead to a whole new set of problems, buy if it is seen as financially expedient the issue might be seen as practical.

I would also like to know your thoughts on the political impact if the redistricting led to a 2/3 majority for the Democratic party. Do you think the cementing of one party rule in California would lead to some type of revolt?

Last edited by Greg in LA; 09-10-2012 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 09-10-2012, 08:54 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
Ayatollah, I have to admit that you're right about the apathy and laziness in regards to illegal immigration. Americans in California are sheep.

I was reading one article on that came to the conclusion that Mexicans in California are not the problem it's the Whites that are.

The reason I think succession in California will gain strength, is because of the fiscal problems and to some extent illegal immigration. If and when the debt problem in California becomes a real crisis and is unmanageable Part of the state may need to succeed to escape the crushing debt. Cities can declare bankruptcy, but states can't. What I am saying is large parts of Ca may move to succeed to escape the crushing debt and thereby shoving the old debt onto the part that doesn't make the move. Areas might join the bandwagon of succession just to get out of the debt burdens. The new border lines may be greatly effected by Republican / Democratic areas and the constituency and demographics that caters to those two groups.

I know that you're correct that this would lead to a whole new set of problems, buy if it is seen as financially expedient the issue might be seen as practical.

First off, whites are not the problem; the problem is voters and citizens of the state who are all races. It matters not if you are white, black, brown, or yellow. what matters is that you don't get involved with your government.

secondly, if there ever was any succession, you can bet your ass it will be by a newer regional government that encompasses mexico and souther california, and not any citizens escaping debt. the open borders lobby has been setting the stage for something like this for two decades. they'd be the only ones to profit heavily from a collapsing California government. They're eager as hell to hear talk of succession, but they'd be rubbing their hands like flies on stinky sh!t. Our constitution would be lost, and some other wretched writ would be substituted in its' place, and that would not be something you would be celebrating.
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Old 09-11-2012, 08:11 AM
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There is a notion of California succession which has been around something like 60 years, the name of it is Aztlan and "they" would be more than happy to jump on that bandwagon. And, in an interview a few years ago, Jose Angel Gutierrez predicted that America would soon be broke and that's when Aztlan would be established. In other words, they get nothing but an empty bag racial empire that the elderly architects of the empire still alive (such as Gutierrez himself) will, but probably no one else, be ecstatic with. Consider LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, former ruthless UCLA Mechista who went to school on the white man's money and who has followed the brown racist "plan" mapped out by original old school 1960's Chicanos throughout his political career and who is now enjoying corrupt political privilege: where's he going to hide when the welfare money and whatever jobs are left for "his race" in LA county runs out?

However, everyone needs to get over the idea that "white" is "American" and "Brown" is "Mexican", including Vdare with your reported article concerning "whites" in California. In spite of rhetoric from both sides, Gutierrez, Villaraigosa and their brown racist buddies are Americans subverting America from within. They have succeeded largely because they have often injected race where white racism wasn't a part of their mostly contrived issues, so why help them make their case with further racial polarization?

What most of the problem is, besides citizens not demanding accountability from their governments, is the overlapping effort on many levels (and to several different agendas) to deconstruct everything America was, including the American creed - superior in spite of national faults of not entirely adhering to the creed throughout its history - the creed which made America the greatest nation on earth. International corporateers (markets free of borders), business (cheap labor), Politicians (catering to future constituency or business interests) the far left (European style socialism), ethnic nationalists (Aztlan), and misguided youth in rebellion against the older generation (social movements and revolutions are usually kicked off by middle class college graduates and students - the educated and relatively priviliged, not the downtrodden masses they claim to represent - and sometimes invent - and with who those masses may not personally identify with and may vehemently disagree with what "social revolutionists" ultimately do in spite of all the promises).

The confusion engendered by illegal immigration of who is who or what is what is a highly visible part of the big picture, with those responsible for illegal immigration hiding in the background. Why do entities such the Ford foundation or others dominated by the likes George Soros as well as parts of American governments from local to federal give funding to race obsessed brown supremacist organizations? See the preceding paragraph.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-11-2012 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 09-11-2012, 11:12 PM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Ilbegone, I can tell you why organizations like the Ford foundation and the Federal Government give money to race obsessed brown organizations, so that they have influence or control over them.

I even read a recent article that the CIA was funding the Muslim Brotherhood in the Mid East. Our government is sending them money for the same reason tax money flows to La Raza. So we have influence and control over them.

I am sorry to say that White apathy and corruption opened the Southern gates and allowed the gates to stay open. White Americans could have stopped the inflow at any time, including now, but they don't. White Americans which are the historic majority demographic in America allowed the invasion, and have prevented our laws from being enforced. It seems obvious to me.

Take Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, surely he saw the invasion in the mid seventies under Carters administration. I'm sure he saw the problems. Yet in 1986 he signed Simpson Mazoly, granting amnesty to 3 million illegals. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and all the governors in the South West all Whites, yet did nothing to stop it. The majority demographic of all the South Western states are White Americans, yet most didn't do much.
Was it apathy? on the part of White Americans?
Was it corruption? I don't know you tell me.
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Old 09-12-2012, 02:50 AM
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I understand that Reagan looked back on the 1986 immigration/amnesty law as a mistake.

This is the bottom line as I see it:

The democrat party is building a constituency they can't achieve with mainstream America, and they buy votes with social programs (the money's about to run out, but they either don't get the fact or they are playing a cynical game to keep the scam going on as long as possible).

Over the last 50 years the republicans played a game for cheap labor (underbidding native labor), but they didn't figure on the 14th amendment - oddly they must have thought that foreigners wouldn't procreate on American soil. It bit them in the ass because the democrats are picking up the kids and now republicans are on a clumsy damage control mission.

Actually, I believe that a lot of the situation now is similar to when the Irish came in the 19th century, except the Irish spoke the same language, their origination was an ocean away, the nation was expanding (populating a continent) instead of being static (overpopulated continent), and they eventually quit coming in large numbers.

Neither party really wants an end to it (just control as to the desired outcome - democrats want them as voters, republicans would kick them to the curb when they're done using them), and that is reflected by the occasional thunderous speech but no action in congress combined with little to no enforcement on the executive side of government as well as the judicial branch giving away the store.

Third parties have no chance, and they're a bunch of lunatics in any case while the two parties offer us no candidate who is sincere about fixing the problem.

The nutshell answer to government and immigration.

I don't believe the bit about money flowing to brown race groups for control for one microsecond.

Since the attempts in the 60's to infiltrate and neutralize those groups outside control is just not going to happen - it's not like the feds cutting off freeway construction money to force a state to adopt a policy which is distasteful to the state's population. I believe that government and private donors either don't understand what is actually going on (useful idiots) or what is going on fits their various agendas - and I'm more inclined to believe the latter.

Let the race stuff go. Almost everyday I find someone new with origins in the barrio whose father or grandfather might have listened to Ranchera music with his drunk buddies on the porch, but played the Mills brothers or Mitch Miller in the house (not always the case, but frequent enough). Those people and their descendants aren't the same people who come here now, and while varying numbers might agree with you on certain things, they will bitterly oppose you and your stand because of your perceived racism.
Freibier gab's gestern

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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-12-2012 at 03:32 AM.
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