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Old 04-02-2010, 07:42 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Default ___ Proud To Be Gay?

Proud To Be Gay?
GOProud, the organization at the center of the storm, claims to be "conservative" but supports the Obama policy of putting active and open homosexuals in the military, supports homosexual marriage, and even advocates a foreign policy of promoting acceptance of sodomy abroad. The latter is referred to as "Standing strong against radical regimes who seek to criminalize gays and lesbians."
These "radical regimes," such as the Christian-dominated government in Uganda, are trying to prevent the spread of AIDS and protect traditional moral values by toughening laws against homosexuality.
Under these "gay conservatives," if in power, one can imagine gay soldiers being deployed to overthrow "homophobic" regimes.
GOProud also says it wants to "defend the Constitution" in the U.S. by "Opposing any anti-gay federal marriage amendment." It doesn't explain how protecting the country against out-of-control judges legalizing gay marriage without a vote of the people is unconstitutional.
David Barton of Wallbuilders, whose knowledge about the moral foundations of America has been cited and recognized by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, points out that the founding fathers regarded homosexual sodomy as a crime against nature and believed it should be outlawed and punished severely. Indeed, Barton cites a case in which General George Washington himself authorized the expulsion of a solder from the army for sodomy.
Barton writes that "It can be safely said that the attitude of the Founders on the subject of homosexuality was precisely that given by William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws-the basis of legal jurisprudence in America and heartily endorsed by numbers of significant Founders. In addressing sodomy (homosexuality), he found the subject so reprehensible that he was ashamed even to discuss it." Blackstone called it "the infamous crime against nature."
Barton goes on, "Because of the nature of the crime, the penalties for the act of sodomy were often severe. For example, Thomas Jefferson indicated that in his home state of Virginia, 'dismemberment' of the offensive organ was the penalty for sodomy. In fact, Jefferson himself authored a bill penalizing sodomy by castration. The laws of the other states showed similar or even more severe penalties..."
Much of this history has been ignored or forgotten, even by some conservatives.
Modern-day conservatives do not necessarily want to "ban" sodomy as a private activity but they do not want to see it promoted in the schools or given special status by government. Many want its negative health effects to be given as much scrutiny as smoking and eating fast food.
McCobin, who had preceded Sorba and provoked the controversy, has close ties to the Cato Institute and its executive vice president, David Boaz, a member of the Independent Gay Forum and pro-marijuana activist. Boaz sits on the board of Students for Liberty.
Earlier in the week, one day before CPAC, Boaz had moderated a forum on "gay conservatives" at the Cato Institute that featured Andrew Sullivan, the HIV-positive writer who voted for John Kerry in 2004 because President George W. Bush opposed homosexual marriage. Sullivan later got "married" to another man.
McCobin's CPAC remarks consisted of the following: "In the name of freedom, I would like to thank the American Conservative Union for welcoming GOProud as a co-sponsor of this event, not for any political reason but for the message it sends....Students today recognize that freedom does not come in pieces. Freedom is a single thing that applies to the social as well as the economic realms and should be defended at all times."
McCobin has become a celebrity of sorts on the "Gay Patriot" website, which describes itself as "the internet home for American gay conservatives" and an affiliate of Pajamas Media. The blog is produced by Bruce Carroll and Dan Blatt. Disturbingly, Carroll wrote a column about the McCobin-Sorba confrontation on Andrew Breitbart's website, with-out disclosing that he, Carroll, was a board member and treasurer of GOProud. Not surprisingly, Carroll thought McCobin did great.
Asked to explain where Students For Liberty stands on the major social issues, McCobin told AIM that his group doesn't take "policy stances" on such issues as abortion and illegal drug use.
But it does apparently believe that government should protect and promote the right to practice homosexuality.
On the question of whether male homosexuals should have the right to donate blood (they are currently prohibited because of their propensity to develop HIV and other life-threatening diseases), McCobin, who said he isn't gay, claimed, "I don't know enough about the situation to comment on this."
On the association with the Cato Institute, he asserted, "Students For Liberty is not affiliated with Cato in any way."
However, he acknowledged that "Cato in-kinds office space to SFL for our use, and we work together on initiatives sometimes (e.g., Cato was one of many sponsors of the 3rd Annual International Students For Liberty Conference last weekend and Cato and SFL co-sponsored a republishing of Cato's 'With all due respect, Mr. President, that is not true' ad in student newspapers after it was successful in national papers last year), but there is no formal relationship and Cato does not fund SFL. SFL is run by students and recent alumni dedicated to liberty as an independent entity. Cato believes in what SFL is doing and we believe in what Cato is doing and so work together when we can."
SFL's office is listed on its website as at the Cato Institute.


THE FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL WAS ONE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS which pulled out of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), in protest of CPAC organizer David Keene's decision to bring in the homosexual Republicans from GOProud. Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins was then disinvited from speaking at Andrews Air Force Base because of his position opposing the admission of open and active homosexuals into the military. Perkins was supposed to speak at the February 25 National Prayer Luncheon at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, D.C. The theme was "Getting Back to the Basics." This decision came from the Joint Base Andrews Chaplain's Office but it clearly reflects the influence of the Obama White House. Perkins commented, "It's ironic that this blacklisting should occur because I called for the retention and enforcement of a valid federal statute. It's very disturbing and I suspect it's a foreshadowing of things to come." He explained that the blacklisting could occur on a much bigger scale-and constitute a threat to religious liberty-if repeal of the current military eligibility law came about. "Such legislation would not merely open the military to homosexuals. It would result in a zero-tolerance policy toward those who disapprove of homosexual conduct," he noted.
BILL DONOHUE OF THE CATHOLIC LEAGUE COMMENTED THAT "THE DECISION TO SILENCE Tony Perkins, an ordained minister and Marine veteran, represents political correctness at a dangerous level. There are legitimate reasons to accept and reject the current policy regarding gays in the military. No one, therefore, should be censored from speaking at any private or public forum-much less a military installation-because of his or her views on this subject. While the most immediate issue is the blacklisting of Perkins, the larger issue is the 'chilling effect' this decision will have on the free speech and religious liberty rights of all those who serve in the military, especially clergymen. As a religious leader, and as a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, I am doubly troubled by this outrageous decision. Accordingly, we will call for an investigation of this matter. The damage to Perkins cannot be undone, but steps can certainly be taken to ensure that something like this never happens again." He urged people to contact Major General Darrell D. Jones, Commander of the Air Force District of Washington, at Andrews Air Force Base. Please send the enclosed postcard to Major General Jones.
HOWARD PHILLIPS OF THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS HAS RAISED THE ISSUE OF WHETHER Obama should be impeached for ignoring the law that Tony Perkins defends. He is referring to the fact that the repeal process is underway, even though Congress has not voted for repeal. While Defense Secretary Gates has announced a year-long study of how to repeal the law, he also said that he is implementing a policy of "selective enforcement" of the law. It is outrageous he could proceed on this basis. But he is carrying out the President's orders.
THE GAY INFILTRATION OF CPAC, WHICH WE DISCUSS INTHE SECOND ARTICLE IN THIS AIM Report, is only one aspect of the problem. Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association points out that the "Hot Air" blog was recently purchased by the Christian media conglomerate Salem Communications and almost immediately and surprisingly "became an aggressive advocate for the homosexual agenda." Among other things, Fischer notes that the blog harshly criticized Ryan Sorba's comments at CPAC, in which he took organizers to task for allowing the homosexual rights group GOProud to serve as a co-sponsor of the event. We examine this controversy in this AIM Report. The "Hot Air" blog features news, analysis and commentary from Ed Morrissey and AllahPundit and was purchased from Michelle Malkin, one of the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media award winners in the past. It's hard to fathom why it would take a turn to the left under its new Christian owners. But that is definitely what is happening. Ed Morrissey of "Hot Air," who was given CPAC's "Blogger of the Year" award, has said, "At some point, Republicans will need to get over their issues with homosexuality." Please send Salem Communications Vice President Jonathan Garthwaite a postcard about this.
SPEAKING OF THE REED IRVINE AWARDS, AIM HELD AN EVENT AT THIS YEAR'S CPAC GIVING them to Andrew Breitbart and Marc Morano. Presenting them, AIM chairman Don Irvine said, "This country is indebted to Andrew Breitbart and Marc Morano for uncovering two of the most under-reported stories of 2009: corruption at ACORN and the ClimateGate scandal. I am thrilled to recognize Andrew Breitbart's groundbreaking investigation into rampant corruption at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and Marc Morano's excellent reporting on the ClimateGate scandal that exposed the politicized science behind claims that the science is settled on global warming." The event was moderated by long-time AIM contributor Wes Vernon. I can testify that it was a very entertaining event. Consider ordering the AIM DVD of the speeches for only $9.95, using the enclosed postcard.
GETTING BACK TO THE HOMOSEXUAL PROBLEM, HOWEVER, IT IS VERY WORTHWHILE TO point out that the eminent historian Paul Johnson has something very important to say about this. His book The Quest for God laments that Western society made a huge mistake by decriminalizing homosexuality and thinking that acceptance of the lifestyle on a basic level would satisfy its practitioners. Instead, he wrote, "Decriminalization made it possible for homosexuals to organize openly into a powerful lobby, and it thus became a mere platform from which further demands were launched." It became, he says, a "monster in our midst, powerful and clamoring, flexing its muscles, threatening, vengeful and vindictive towards anyone who challenges its outrageous claims, and bent on making fundamental-and to most of us horrifying-changes to civilized patterns of sexual behavior." Today, this monster makes even more demands and inroads, especially into our government, as President Obama appoints subversives such as homosexual activist Kevin Jennings to the Education Department, and some poor mixed-up "transgendered" person to a post at Commerce. Plus, adding to our health care problems, he has lifted the ban on AIDS-infected foreigners from traveling to and living in the U.S. His gays-in-the-military proposal would not only make the Armed Forces a laughingstock but would end its value as a fighting force capable of defending us against foreign threats. Indeed, a homosexualized military could itself become a threat.
AUTHOR AND RESEARCHER SCOTT LIVELY, WHO HAS DOCUMENTED HOW THE NAZI PARTY began as a private homosexual military force, predicts a severe drop in enlistments and re-enlistments resulting from the entry of open homosexuals into the military, triggering the reinstatement of the draft. He says, "This would in turn begin a degeneration of the moral and ethical culture of the services as those with the highest personal values would be most likely to leave, being replaced, in many cases, by men whose motivation is to share a male-dominated environment with others of similar sexual proclivities." A homosexual subculture of servicemen would then form, creating an "army within an army" that would dominate the services. We must expose this problem and threat, even if some "conservatives" criticize us.
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