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Old 11-29-2010, 11:32 AM
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Default GOP Gearing Up For Fight Over DREAM Act

GOP Gearing Up For Fight Over DREAM Act
With Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate set to hold votes on the DREAM Act this week, Republicans are making their case against the controversial bill.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) an ardent opponent of illegal immigration, said Monday that the legislation equates to amnesty for as many as two million people living in the U.S. illegally. Last week, the senior Republican put out a list of ten reasons why lawmakers should vote against the bill, which gives immigrants who came to the U.S. before the age of 16 a conditional opportunity to earn citizenship.
However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has told aides that he will file cloture on the legislation perhaps as early as Tuesday in an attempt to get it passed during the lame-duck session. If Reid can muster the 60 votes needed to begin debate on the bill, he will move one step closer to fulfilling a major promise he made to Latino voters during his 2010 campaign.
Similarly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has vowed to bring companion legislation to the floor this week. The DREAM Act could be the last significant vote Pelosi presides over before she hands the Speaker’s gavel to John Boehner (R-Ohio) in January.
While Sessions and other conservative groups continued their media onslaught against DREAM on Monday, Democrats were feeling emboldened thanks to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend that advised Republicans to support the bill.

W.H. makes last appeal for DREAM Act
Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Monday that Congress can’t afford to wait to pass the DREAM Act, even as immigration allies acknowledge there’s little hope of getting the bill done in the lame-duck session.
In his second conference call with reporters in 12 days, Duncan reiterated that the legislation is not an issue of politics or ideology but rather fairness and economic necessity. The DREAM Act would provide a path to citizenship for tens of thousands of young, undocumented immigrants who attend college or serve in the military for at least two years. Critics still dismiss the proposal as “amnesty” for illegal immigrants.
“For our young people, for our country, for our country’s economy, we desperately need to pass the DREAM Act,” Duncan said on a call organized by Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. “We have a chance to do it now in the lame-duck session. And I simply don’t think we can afford to wait.”
The former Chicago Public Schools chief, who has been the public face of the Obama administration’s DREAM Act efforts, said he’ll “continue to push extraordinarily hard” for the DREAM Act, speaking with more media outlets this week and continuing to call Republicans and Democrats who might be on the fence.
Duncan said Obama’s support for the bill has been “unequivocal,” echoing comments he made to reporters Nov. 18 that his boss was willing to “spend political capital” on the effort.
But Juan Hernandez, founder of Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, said it’s unlikely the DREAM Act would be completed before the new Congress convenes in early January.
While Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have pledged to bring the bill to a vote in the lame duck, the DREAM Act is competing with last-minute legislation that’s critical to both parties, including a resolution to keep the government funded, an extension of Bush-era tax cuts and the ratification of a new nuclear-weapons treaty with Russia.
“There’s a slim possibility it could pass in the lame duck,” said Hernandez, adding that there is no hope a broad immigration overhaul would pass in the post-election session.
The DREAM Act targets immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children. Those eligible must have entered the U.S. before age 16, have lived in the country at least five years, have a clean record, and have earned a high school diploma or GED certificate, among other requirements.
“These are young people who have played by all the rules, who have gone to school, who have worked hard, who have good grades, who’ve had good attendance, but once they graduate from high school, the doors of opportunity slam shut on them,” Duncan said. “If we want these young people to be productive citizens, if we want them to be contribute to our country, to our economy, we have to give them a chance to go on to college.”
Republican opponents have dismissed the bill as Democratic pandering to the party’s Hispanic base, and warned that it would provide “amnesty” for lawbreakers and encourage more illegal immigration.
But former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, a Republican, said it would be a “shame” not to pass the bill in the lame duck.
Gutierrez, who spoke on the same call as Duncan, said it’s critical for DREAM Act backers to keep the broader goal of comprehensive immigration reform in mind, and explain how the bill fits in that plan.
“We’re very clear this is not a substitute for comprehensive immigration reform, and we should not allow it to become a substitute for comprehensive immigration reform,” said Gutierrez, who served under President George W. Bush. “This needs to be positioned as a first step in a comprehensive solution and not a substitute for a comprehensive solution.”

William Gheen’s take on it.
Dream Act Amnesty Immigration Bill Risks 2012 Campaign Backlash
November 29, 2010 (MMD Newswire) -- The Democratic leadership's push for Congress to pass the Dream Act Amnesty today during the lame duck session has inspired Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) to take the unprecedented step of launching the groups 2012 campaign operations today!
"American voters just threw a historic number of politicians out of office for not listening to the public on issues such as illegal immigration," said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "It is clear this group in Washington is hell bent on passing an Amnesty that will displace tens of millions of American workers and voters with illegal immigrants!"
According to NumbersUSA, 44 Dream and Comprehensive Amnesty supporters lost their seats in 2010, while no new Amnesty supporters were elected. Each departing amnesty supporter will be replaced with candidates who oppose Amnesty. Those departing politicians are still in office during the 'Lame Duck' session and are seeking to thwart the will of the American public, by trying to create millions of new Democratic voters before they leave Washington, DC.
ALIPAC is launching candidate and campaign assessment efforts today to determine which of the 31 members of the US Senate, and all of the US Congress, support or oppose Dream Act Amnesty so that voter education efforts can begin for each race.
According to Rasmussen Reports polling from October of 2007, 59% of Americans oppose the Dream Act Amnesty concept while only 22% support it. This 3 to 1 opposition level could help defeat many incumbent members of the US Senate and House.
"Our goal this week is to put every lawmaker in DC facing reelection in 2012 on notice." said William Gheen. "If they pass this travesty on their way out the door, our goal will become to elect enough new members of Congress to reverse this legislation before the first few million illegal alien voters cast legal votes!"
ALIPAC's 35,000 national supporters are being provided with contact information for the 31 members of the 'Class 1' portion of the US Senate facing reelection in 2010. Volunteers will be calling these targeted senators and every member of Congress asking them to make their position on the Dream Act Amnesty clear in opposing the measure.
ALIPAC has played a role in helping to defeat the Dream Act Amnesty legislation on six prior occasions.
"The 2012 campaigns and elections begin today," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "We are going to throw another large group of Amnesty supporters out of office in 2012 because this new vote on the Dream Act makes it clear that Washington is still not listening."
Passage of the Dream Act Amnesty would create a new voting block of over 3 million predominantly Hispanic and Democratic voters who would in turn push for full Comprehensive Amnesty increasing this new voting block's size to close to 20 million new illegal immigrant voters.
Thus, the borders of the United States and any hopes of future immigration enforcement would be destroyed to the dismay of the dis-empowered American populace.

Congressional democrats remind us why they needed a shellacking
The lame duck session of Congress should be focusing on the nation's core business - passing a budget and deciding whether our tax rates will stay where they are beginning in January or increase for some or all of us. However, the Democrats seem focused instead on more peripheral matters that are of special interest to their special interest constituencies - namely the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" (for the gay component of the Democratic base) and enactment of the "DREAM Act" (for the Hispanic component).
Before the election, the Democrats included both of these left-liberal agenda items in a proposed Defense Appropriations bill. The bill failed. Now, the Dems have decided to push both as stand-alone legislation.
To get the ball rolling on reconsideration of "don't ask, don't tell," the Senate Armed Services Committee will hold a two-day hearing on December 2 and 3 regarding the Pentagon's report on the impact of repealing the policy. To accommodate the Democrats, Defense Secretary Gates moved up the report's release date by a day, to Nov. 30. This gives committee members an additional day to review the report. However, a two or three-day review period is still insufficient when the issue is changing basic military policy. So is a two-day hearing.
Fortunately, it seems unlikely that don't ask, don't tell will be repealed. Lindsey Graham, a pretty good vote counter, told Chris Wallace today that he doesn't believe "there's anywhere near the votes to repeal DADT on the Republican side." Graham predicted that "in the lame-duck session DADT isn't going anywhere."
The Dream Act probably won't go anywhere either. In all likelihood, Harry Reid is pushing the legislation not because he thinks it will pass but rather as a thank you to the Hispanic voters who helped re-elect him, and because he wants to keep Hispanic voters stoked up with anti-Republican sentiment.
Republicans should oblige Reid. There are, in my view, individuals encompassed by the DREAM Act for whom a good case for citizenship can be made. But, as David Frum shows, the DREAM Act paints with too broad of a brush and would almost certainly become the vehicle for fraud and abuse. Moreover, the Act would likely act as a magnet for future illegal immigration. In Frum's words:
DREAM stands as an ongoing invitation, forever and ever. DREAM's benefits extend not only to people who happen NOW to be illegally present inside the United States. DREAM's benefits will be extended to all those who may enter illegally in future. DREAM's message goes forth to Indonesia, to Egypt, to India, to China, to anywhere where teenagers find $7 an hour more attractive than $7 a day: come now and come early. Don't waste your time acquiring an education before you arrive. We'll subsidize your education right here in America.
The Democrats' decision to put repeal of don't ask, don't tell and the DREAM Act on the front-burner of the lame duck session provides a timely reminder of how grateful we should be that their power in the new Congress will be so markedly diminished.
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Old 11-29-2010, 02:26 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Why are the Republicans on the defensive over illegal immigration? They not only should be opposing this crap DREAM Act, they should be putting their heads together towards ending the illegal immigrant problem so that we don't have to worry about this kind of legislation.

They don't get much credit for dragging their feet on the DREAM Act if they will not foment towards their own solutions for the illegal immigration problem.

Reagan gave us our last "DREAM Act", a Republican. It didn't work and this one is even worse.

Amnesty doesn't work for combating illegal immigration. Policing and enforcing laws against their simple presence here does work.

Hunt them down and throw them out.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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