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Old 10-12-2010, 08:17 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default The Attack Of The Stroller Pushers

I did a little work and pulled out an old thread so we could re-visit this issue. Quite a few of us keep mentioning how many latinas you see pushing a stroller with one or two kids, one or two more in tow, and pregnant with yet another. You can't seem to toss a rock in California without it hitting a stroller pushing pregnant latina. I remembered this thread because while I was doing the billboard event at mexican independence day, one of the mexicans told me we don't fight; we breed. Of course this was meant to win an argument when you have no intellectual background for, but it doesn't mean it isn't true in the overall sense of things. anyway, here will be the original posters and their thoughts at the time. We'll pick it up at the end

The original poster and his title were:

'Last Great Hope'

Latina's Breeding Uncontrollably In Orange County

Big surprise, huh? Congrats to OC's #1 Mexican cesspool - Santa Ana. Solution: Crop dusters spraying birth control powder.\n\n\n\nSex Education Text a Hot Issue in Pregnancy-Prone Santa Ana\nTrustees tonight will consider a curriculum that stresses abstinence over contraception.\n\nBy Seema Mehta, Times Staff Writer\n\n\nCiting Santa Ana's high teenage pregnancy rate, some parents and others in Orange County's largest school district are questioning a proposed health curriculum that pushes abstinence and barely mentions birth control. \n\nThe Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Trustees will meet tonight to consider adopting a health textbook that doesn't include information on contraception. The book would be supplemented in class by a set of lessons the board adopted this year on HIV/AIDS prevention, including information about condoms.\n\nBut some parents, such as Steve Delgadillo, say that's insufficient and plan to oppose adoption of the textbook at the board's meeting. He said two of his daughters became pregnant as 17-year-olds.\n\n\"It's good to have the AIDS and HIV [education], but that's not enough,\" he said. \"I feel, as the parents of teenagers, and as a district, we have failed our children.\"\n\nIn 2000, the latest year for which statistics are available, there were 88.6 live births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19 in Santa Ana. That's twice the national average. \n\nSex education in Santa Ana has historically been contentious. Two years ago, the school board narrowly rejected a health workbook that stressed marriage before sex and did not discuss contraceptives. Opponents said the book failed to provide teens with basic knowledge of alternatives to abstinence.\n\nNationally, school districts take varying approaches to the matter, with some teaching only abstinence and others providing a combination of abstinence and information on contraception.\n\nInterest groups have already emerged in Santa Ana's latest debate. Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union argue that the proposed curriculum doesn't comply with a recently approved state law requiring school districts that teach abstinence to also provide information on contraception.\n\n\"The textbook is horrible,\" said board member Sal Tinajero. \"We have to arm our children, especially our young girls, so they can make adequate decisions and choices in life.\"\n\nTinajero said he would favor the textbook only if fellow board members agreed to buy supplemental material that focuses more broadly on birth control than the currently considered supplements do. He also said the district should consider requiring students to take the health course at a younger age. Right now, high school students can take the elective at any time.\n\nDelgadillo's daughter Afton Tarin, 19, said she could have used a sex education class before her senior year, when she became pregnant with her daughter, now 20 months old. Contraceptive education, plus a requirement that she take the class earlier, could have delayed her pregnancy, she said.\n\n\"It would obviously change people's lives if they would know about it sooner on in their school years,\" she said. \"It's much more important than, say, Algebra II. Who uses that?\"\n\nPromoters of abstinence-only education argue that a curriculum covering both abstinence and birth control sends teens confusing signals. \n\n\"Contraceptive sex education assumes that young people will be sexually active, so it encourages young people to use contraception,\" said Bridget Maher, an analyst on marriage and family issues with the religiously based Family Research Council in Washington. \"But this sends kids a mixed message. It says don't have sex, but use a condom if you need to. Young people need a clear message regarding abstinence.\"\n\nSchool board member Rosemarie Avila, an ardent abstinence promoter, said schools should promote chastity until marriage.\n\n\"Children need to have a consistent message from adults: that marriage is to be honored and that's why you have sex,\" she said. \"That's the message I would like to have all teachers give the kids. I know if someone has a daughter who's sleeping around all the time, you're worried about her health and her life, [but] there are other places they can get that information. From a school standpoint, you have to teach what's really best for kids.

' It really is unbelievable. Its disastrous. Its worse than a plague. Latina-over-breeding. It is no wonder they are fleeing their own ruined countries. And now, they are inflicting the same disaster on us. As unbelievable as this sounds, in the 1960s Mexican women were averaging -- AVERAGING! -- over 6 babies for every woman in Mexico.

'Last Great Hope'
And if you ever criticize their incredibly obnoxious, reckless and irresponsible breeding habits (not to mention their bad parenting skills) you get the \"racist\" tag. Screw it, I don't care. STOP BREEDING LIKE RODENTS! YOU'RE RUINING MY COUNTRY!

Why the hell don't we just ROUND up these foreign rabbits and DEPORT them to their cubby hole! They have NO right to demand that WE pay for supporting THEIR bad habits!

If they're breeding by 14, when do they go to school?\n\nInside information tells me that the Mexican kids don't spend that much time in school during the year anyway...they're always going back to Mexico for months at a time to commune with their dead relatives or some primitive ritualistic bullshit.\n\nSo....what does it matter what they teach in Santa Ana high schools anyway? Most of the kids are illiterate, along with their parents. They don't go. \n\nWaste of money. Treat them like other mammals that are over populating. Neuter them at birth.

Yeah, I have teachers in the family in an heavily invaded area, and they say that they'll take off for a month or longer at a time, and then don't want to make up work. They \"lose\" their books. Or if a report is assigned over a month in advance, the day it's due they'll say that they couldn't do it 'cause they had to their cousin's quincenera or sister's wedding or something over the weekend. Of course, these family events have likely been planned months in advance. Naturally the prudent thing would be to work on it beforehand so it could still be turned in, but not these students. \n\nA teacher in my area wrote a LTE about the money spent on after school tutoring programs where the big activity is doodling that evening's graffiti designs in their notebooks.

'Last Great Hope',
The stupidity of this culture is stifling. Economics a baboon can understand completely baffles these people. Let's take a look at Chicano mathematics in this example:\n\nPedro's annual income is $14,000 (all paid under the table of course). His illegal alien wife, Guadalupe, has a part time job selling Churros on the street. Her income is $600 per year. If Pedro and Guada combine their incomes and Pedro also gets foodstamps, which he sells for an additional $130 a year, how many children should they have?\n\nA ) 9\nB ) 7\nC ) 11\nD ) 4 (two from another woman)\nE ) All of the above\n\nNow, of course most rational, moderately intelligent people can figure out that Pedro and Lupita should have NO children until their economic situation is stable and should go home to Mexico to do it BUT, if you follow Aztlan Economics 101 your answer would be E in this above example!\n\nOh goodness, am I being a racist or a REALIST?? \n\n
The WORST thing is not only that these greedy turd-world breeders demand OUR money to LIVE on, WE are STUPID enough to GO ALONG with this dastardly nonsense! Time to CRACK DOWN--ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

\"It's much more important than, say, Algebra II. Who uses that?\"
\n\nA female sleeps with a number of males X times. Solve for Z, the number of offspring, when the number of males, Y, is infinite, the IQ of the female is < that of an eggplant and parental responsibility is null.\n\nWho says no one uses Algebra?\n\n\n\n

'USA today',
Brillant example Miss \n\n we just did some physics equations expoundin the birthrate and how it compares to that of cockroaches , \n Unless someone acts quickly we are going to be drowning in a sea of anchor babys real soon .......with them breeding at 14 and younger it won't take many years to completely turn this country into a suburb of mexico , Is that what we want ? \n\n Most Americans that have no opinion on illegal immigration haven't a clue \non the numbers involved and what and how fast it is happening \n\n I want a T shirt with a big fat pragnent latina in a circle with a line through it ,

'Soul man',
ANSWER - What they do is E. \n\nWhat do I win? :P

Joazinha has a point. If these Mexicans are so dumb, WE'RE the ones paying THEM. WE'RE the ones paying for THEIR babies. So who's the dumb one here? We need to stop obsessing on whats wrong with Mexicans and Mexican cultures (we're all probably in general ageement on those criticisms) and start looking at whats wrong with US. The good ole United States of America. How did we as a people get so stupid, so lame-brained, so decadent, so apathetic, so utterly lost, so utterly without sense?

The \"anchor babies\" are created because of a fatal flaw in the 14th amendment in the constitution, it needs to be amended to say that persons born here, who parents broke the law and entered the U.S. illegally, will be the citizens of the country where there illegal alien parents came from. \n\nI can see the illegal aliens plan though, they are not going to win the U.S. by war, they will win by breeding Americans out and extending Mexico's border by \"latinizing\" the southern states first and foremost. It will take a few generations; but this was the first year that the majority of births for the United States were of hispanic descent. I can take a guess that the large amount of anchor babies have a major role to play in that. \n\nI work at a local hospital and the youngest girl I have seen come through the birthcare center that was pregnant was 12 years old, and yes she was mexican that did not speak english and did not have a social security number, but did have a Medi-cal card. When that kid was born, it is likely that the child will be on all available socialist programs, medi-cal, welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc... from cradle to the grave. \n\nWe reward illegal aliens our tax money while legal citizens get the bill!
'Cat Patrol'
How did we as a people get so stupid, so lame-brained, so decadent, so apathetic, so utterly lost, so utterly without sense?
\n\nThe United States has been so wealthy and its people so spoiled and arrogant, that we cannot even see a threat when it is directly under our noses.
'Last Great Hope',
This is a breeding crisis of epic proportions and must be stopped. Extreme circumstances require extreme forms of action.\n\nThe Feds are complicit in this nonsense. They'll allow this madness to continue until it brings down the whole ship.\n\nMassive deportation is the only logical way to put a stop to this. They can breed all they want in their rightful, third world shanty

Originally posted by 1inchgroup@Oct 5 2005, 01:44 PM\n\n\nInside information tells me that the Mexican kids don't spend that much time in school during the year anyway...they're always going back to Mexico for months at a time to commune with their dead relatives or some primitive ritualistic bullshit.\n\n
\nThere was a report I posted a month or so ago, by the World Economic Development agency which stated that Mexico is the ONLY nation in Central and South America in which educational achievement continues to decline and drop-out rate rises. All others, even the little Central American banana countries, show improvement but Mexico continues down the tubes. So, the drop-out rate is just something they bring with them as part of the Mestizo culture. Those American schools that suddenly (like in the last 10-15 years) and \"mysteriously\" develop these sky-high dropout rates actually still have normal rates for all other groups except Mexican nationals. But you won't hear it differentiated that way in the media! You'd think that all the white and asian kids were dropping out too....

Originally posted by Last Great Hope@Oct 5 2005, 05:59 PM\n This is a breeding crisis of epic proportions and must be stopped. Extreme circumstances require extreme forms of action.\n\nThe Feds are complicit in this nonsense. They'll allow this madness to continue until it brings down the whole ship.\n\nMassive deportation is the only logical way to put a stop to this. They can breed all they want in their rightful, third world shanty.
\n Yeah indeed, it is like something directly out of a horror movie.
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Old 10-12-2010, 08:30 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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The welfare benefits have lots to do with this. We are rewarding them for having these kids. \n\nMaybe all-boy and all-girl schools could help make a dent in the problem. Co-ed schools add to the peer pressure to have sex. I think they also contribute to lower grades as kids are more interested in sex and dopey adolescent behavior. One sex schools usually are more serious and scholarly.\n\nDid you hear Rep. Hayward of Arizona's proposal to deny citizenship to children born of illegal aliens? It's about time. I hope it passes.\n\nWhen the elites of the nation finally wake up (when it's too late and the damage is done, of course), do you suppose they would pass some kind of retroactive law deporting all anchor babies and illegal aliens going back for many years?\n\nEastCoastGrannie
Originally posted by waverider+Oct 5 2005, 06:25 PM--></div><table border=\'0\' align=\'center\' width=\'95%\' cellpadding=\'3\' cellspacing=\'1\'><tr><td>QUOTE (waverider @ Oct 5 2005, 06:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id=\'QUOTE\'> <!--QuoteBegin-1inchgroup@Oct 5 2005, 01:44 PM\n\n\nInside information tells me that the Mexican kids don't spend that much time in school during the year anyway...they're always going back to Mexico for months at a time to commune with their dead relatives or some primitive ritualistic bullshit.\n\n
\nThere was a report I posted a month or so ago, by the World Economic Development agency which stated that Mexico is the ONLY nation in Central and South America in which educational achievement continues to decline and drop-out rate rises. All others, even the little Central American banana countries, show improvement but Mexico continues down the tubes. So, the drop-out rate is just something they bring with them as part of the Mestizo culture. Those American schools that suddenly (like in the last 10-15 years) and \"mysteriously\" develop these sky-high dropout rates actually still have normal rates for all other groups except Mexican nationals. But you won't hear it differentiated that way in the media! You'd think that all the white and asian kids were dropping out too.... [/b]
\n That's why I'm always banging on the 3rd generation thing.\n\nThey should be functioning members of society by the third generation. Granny/Gramps still speak of the old country, Mom/Pop have been there on yearly family vacations, and 3rd generation just thinks Granny is nuts and can't speak English.\n\nAlways used to happen that way. Now there are 4 generations living in one household.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully they will get a clue and make the connection that a high birth rate and poverty just don't mix. As soon as one group gets a clue here we go letting the next poor group in. \n\nThe rich don't have time for kids.

Originally posted by Acebackwords@Oct 5 2005, 03:51 PM\n Joazinha has a point. If these Mexicans are so dumb, WE'RE the ones paying THEM. WE'RE the ones paying for THEIR babies. So who's the dumb one here? We need to stop obsessing on whats wrong with Mexicans and Mexican cultures (we're all probably in general ageement on those criticisms) and start looking at whats wrong with US. The good ole United States of America. How did we as a people get so stupid, so lame-brained, so decadent, so apathetic, so utterly lost, so utterly without sense?
\n We became so obsessed with low prices at the market, low prices for cloths, and fast food but didn't realize the we would get up the ass with high taxes, screwed up schools, closed hospital, gangs, violence, blight etc.


'Last Great Hope',
Originally posted by dk1964@Oct 5 2005, 08:42 PM\n \n\nNO MAS BABY FACTORIES!!!
\n Wow, that's triplets! \n :blink:

'minuteman pilot',
Is she clutching a cell-phone so she can call to confirm her food stamps are on the way and that Medi-Cal will be covering her anchor-babies.\n\nI enjoyed the mathematics and the algebra equations tremendously. They should be taught that way in all our schools.

Waverider,\n\nCan you point me to the post you made where the statistics prove that Mexico's quality of education keeps falling?

Gee-zis, Why, lets not get ridiculous. Half the citizens of Los Angeles are functionally illiterate. Latino performance on SAT tests, and every other test that gauges scholastic intelligence, show Latinos at the bottom, lagging far behind the rest of the country. What do you want? A notorization from the local PTA? Please don't get technical on us, just open your eyes. (P.S. If I misinterpreted your motives in this, then never mind.)\n\nAs for Lateena over-breeding (which to me is the REAL issue we need to be addressing), let me state the obvious: \"Welfare State plus Open Borders equals Complete and Total Disaster.\"\n\nNeed I say more? They are going to suck us dry, just like they've already sucked dry their own wrenched, hideously-congested, poverty-ridden countries. Unless WE stop them. In my opinion, we've got to stop bitching about THEM. We KNOW what THEY do. And by all indications they are going to continue to do it. We've got to look at ourselves, and the traitors within our own country who are doing everything they can to pry open our borders and invite these parasites to make themselves at home at our expense. I know this isn't news to anybody on this site. But I just wanted to re-iterate this point.

C'mon Ace. I wasn't saying the report was untrue. I just wanted to see their findings.
Originally posted by why@Oct 6 2005, 08:57 AM\n Waverider,\n\nCan you point me to the post you made where the statistics prove that Mexico's quality of education keeps falling?
\n Most probably. Give me a day and I'll find the URL. I recall that the dropout rate (which is defined as failure to complete secondary level of education = high school in this country) has gone up to about 80% in Mexico vs all other countries in Western Hemisphere in which it is both (1) lower and (2) trending DOWNward, not up. \nI'll try to find the website for you.....

Thanks waverider. I appreciate it.

Originally posted by why@Oct 6 2005, 08:57 AM\nWaverider,\n\nCan you point me to the post you made where the statistics prove that Mexico's quality of education keeps falling?
\nHere's a story ABOUT the study. Haven't yet found the study itself but maybe this is enough to point you in the right direction on google:\n\nMexico lags in high school graduation \n\n\nOnly 66 percent of 15-year-olds attend classes \n\n\nBy Susan Ferriss \nCOX NEWS SERVICE \n\n \n APASEO EL GRANDE, Mexico - Mexico is discovering, painfully, that economic reforms like the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement are no deliverance from poverty and underdevelopment.\n Unless workers become better prepared, they won't rise above being considered cheap labor and won't have the tools to unleash their own entrepreneurial ideas.\n Only 66 percent of Mexico's 15-year-olds are in school, according to a report released in November by Mexico's National Institute for Education Evaluation. In 2002, only 60 percent of high-school students graduated.\n The statistics explain why Mexico's educational progress is falling behind so many other countries, not just nations of comparable economies, like Korea or Brazil, but also Indonesia and Thailand.\n \n Mexico's progress slowest\n \n A recent study by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of 30 industrialized nations, found that Mexico's progress toward producing more high-school graduates was the slowest of all member nations.\n South Korea almost doubled its high-school graduation rate in about a generation, from 45 percent to 95 percent. Mexico, while achieving better attendance in primary school and producing more college graduates, still has trouble getting kids through high school.\n The survey, conducted in 2001, found that only a quarter of Mexicans between the ages of 25 and 34 received a high school degree while in their teens. That's not much better than the 17 percent rate for those who are now between the ages of 45 to 54.\n The OECD also found that less than 7 percent of 15-year-old Mexican students were at the two highest levels of reading literacy for their age group. The OECD average is more than 31 percent.\nGuanajuato has the worst rate for attendance among 15-year-olds of any Mexican state, less than 53 percent. Statistics are almost as bad in other states with high rates of migration to the United States, such as Zacatecas and Michoacan.\n Migration is partly to blame because families are leaving towns and taking children with them.\n \"This is a major, major issue, economically and educationally. Thousands, literally, millions of kids are crossing the border,\" said Christopher Martin of the Ford Foundation, whose Mexico City office is studying migration and education. \"On this side of the border, in Mexico, there is a kind of blindness. On the U.S. side of the border, there's a lack of interest.\"\n \n Old-fashioned work ethic\n \n Also at fault is an old-fashioned work ethic that tugs at Mexican children prematurely, making them, or their parents, feel they must start contributing to the family's income. \n Poor families in Mexico often say that a shortage of money forces kids to abandon school. \n Public schools are free, but as the school year begins, teachers almost always ask parents for a \"voluntary quota\" - $20, maybe more, to purchase light bulbs, toilet paper or paint for peeling walls.\n Families also need money for uniforms, notebooks and pencils and pens. The simple fact that some families feel they cannot afford bus fare, too, prompts many children to drop out.\n Most of Mexico's education budget is for teachers' salaries, or basic items such as textbooks or a few computers. \n Felipe Martinez, director of the National Institute for Education Evaluation, blames Mexico's less-than-desirable quality of education for the precipitous dropout rate. \n He said Mexico's powerful teachers' union, which is loyal to the old Institutional Revolutionary Party, continues to resist changes to upgrade teacher performance and improve curriculums

Waverider, if you come across it...Why should enjoy this one as well. As part of that study you are mentioning...the generational problem was mentioned also.\n\nWhile most groups improve as they stay here, becoming one of us... Their welfare rates, dropout rates, and crime rates rise thru the generations. Third Generation Illegals (because Legals have more resources, opportunity, etc) have a higher rate of social dependancy than their parents.

:rant: :head: \n\nI just returned from a day of quick shopping and a quick lunch with a friend. Sorry folks but I think we have already lost at least the southwest to the invasion for sure. I am depressed!\n\nI needed a couple of items so there was a Wal-Mart nearby and made the mistake of going there. It was swarming with pregant \"lateenas\" and a trail of older kids in tow. Not one and I mean not one of them were speaking English or neither were any other Mexicans/Hispanics in the entire store. They were all speaking in Spanish, nothing else! I got pissed off and left.\n\nI met my friend at KFC because I thought it would be quick and I had other errands to run. The entire staff were Spanish speakers. They spoke Spanish every chance they could. They wouldn't even ask if a Hispanic customer spoke English, it was just automatically Spanish. I had to give my order three times before they got it right and yet that person seemed to speak English fairly well. It was still wrong when I received it.\n\nI can hardly stand to go to any public business any more. Its as though it is ten times worse than it was a year ago. I would love to find a cave and never come out again. Its too late, we have already lost this country. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but its the truth

Oh and the labels on the laundry detegent and the fabric softeners were inSpanish!\nI came home and called the property tax collectors office about a tax bill I had received and I had to listen to a big schpeel in Spanish on the recording. When I finally talked to a person, they had a thick Spanish accent and I could hardly understand them. Yes, it was a bad day out in Mexifornia and I think I will go have a double Martini now. LOL\n

'USA today',
Same deal today with me at Big O tires .......all mexican ....every one of them \n\nI have news for you .......if they really wanted to take over ...they could \nin 2 seconds .......\n\nAnd its only going to get worse

'Last Great Hope',
Originally posted by Oldglory@Oct 6 2005, 02:40 PM\n I think I will go have a double Martini now. LOL
\n Better make that two tequila shots. Why break precedence?
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Old 10-12-2010, 08:42 PM
Ayatollahgondola's Avatar
Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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'Cat Patrol',
Waste of money. Treat them like other mammals that are over populating. Neuter them at birth
\n\nI have heard that they are born pregnant, so whats the use?

'USA today',
\"I have heard that they are born pregnant\"\n\nFine with me as long as they stay in mexico

Originally posted by Cat Patrol@Oct 6 2005, 05:12 PM\n
Waste of money. Treat them like other mammals that are over populating. Neuter them at birth
\n\nI have heard that they are born pregnant, so whats the use?
\n Its like something out of a science fiction movie, isn't it?

\"The Night of the Living Over-breeding Lateena Hordes\"\n\nKeep telling yourself: \"Its only an undocumented worker seeking a better life . .

'USA today',
Better titles \n \n Anchor babys from Hell \n Attack of the 50,000 anchor babys \n Latinas go wild \n \n\n Did you ever think to buy stock in baby stroller companys \n\n Tortilla companys \n\n Before I retired last year I worked in a grocery store here in Vegas , The latinas would think nothing of stealing a pack of pampers off the shelf , openning them and changing thier baby right in the meat case or on a produce table , \n\n I love my post office people here , the regs don't speak spanish and they get a ton of spanish only speakers .......and the send them packing ....its great , What , you don't speaka English.....sorry I don't speak spanish .....Next \n\n the only mexican line here thats longer than the free lunch line at the schools is the amount of mexicans in the line here at the social security office (whats up with that ) \n\n the only service jobs here in Vegas that still only employ mainly white people are the valet parking jobs ......\n They tried mexicans but to many cars got stolen ........really

That's true about high school in Mexico. One way would be a non-tradtional approach were the kids could do some work in the morning and attended school in the afternoon or evening,or maybe on Saturday a half a day. As for Santa Ana its been that way for years because of the heavy Mexican immirgant population, I knew a Mexico young woman in Santa Ana who had a kid by 19 years old. She didn't want to have kid as young as 14 which her mom did in Mexico. Maybe, the fact that illegals don't see expensive Santa Ana as the promise land since they are now heading for other parts of the US will help this problem but it will take years. Both the white and Mexican politicans that have control politics there made some bad decisions,one was having a large number of apartment buildings in Santa Ana which made it attractive to illegals. Another was redevelopment on Santa Ana should have been done back in the early 1980's, it has a lot of old 1950's tract houses which were back in the 1980's cheap to rent to illegals or even buy.

'USA today',
The funny deal about those houses , even if the rent is $1500 a month , with 15 familys living in each house its affordable to illegals

 Latinas go wild
\n\nYou can get this one at the same place that sells the bum fight tapes...\n\n
Did you ever think to buy stock in baby stroller companys
\n\nNope, but a shopping cart got an idea there. \n\n
 Before I retired last year I worked in a grocery store here in Vegas , The latinas would think nothing of stealing a pack of pampers off the shelf , openning them and changing thier baby right in the meat case or on a produce table ,
\n\n :huh:

Well, you have a good point. But the south and Arizona and Nevada are cheaper and its becoming more appealing. Actually, back in the 1980's it was really cheap probably around 800 a month. I had a friend that lived on Shelton street in Santa Ana and it was already half-Mexican then. And it was one of those old 1950's tract houses. Nearby Fountain Valley didn't have the same problem because the tract houses were not rentrals as much and there were fewer apartments. Latino populaton only 10 percent and Asian Population . Constrast this with Santa Ana around 76 percent latino. And 1500 a month is cheap for Orange County Rent, that's another reason they get stick in the barrio.

'USA today',
I grew up in Anaheim in the 60s and 70s , \nthere were very few mexicans there than , except in Santa Ana \n\nVegas is out of control now because of the growth here , also the service jobs in the casinos , \n\nthe last report stated that they believe there are 200k illegals here , \n\nyou can buy forged docs on any street corner and our police dept has a feel good squad for illegals , \n\n And you think its just bad in Calif , lol\n

<span style=\"font-family:Optima\">EDIT</span>

Originally posted by dk1964@Oct 5 2005, 08:42 PM\n
\nEveryday . . . America is a little more crowded than the day before . . . until America is just as hideously-congested as the throbbing mass of humanity that they've fled from!! MWAH-HAW-HAW!!! Gaze in horror at . . . \n\nPREGANATOR II
Rated P

Originally posted by Cat Patrol@Oct 6 2005, 05:12 PM\n \nI have heard that they are born pregnant, so whats the use?
\nHa ha! Just like the Tribbles in Star Trek!\n\nLets see, if I remember right, some poisoned quatrotriticale (grain) did in the Tribbles. Or maybe we just need more Pythons!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

'It's so discouraging to see all these latinas breeding uncontrollably. <_< \n\nMom delivers 16th child, thinking of more\n\nLITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- Michelle Duggar just delivered her 16th child, and she's already thinking about doing it again.\n\nJohannah Faith Duggar was born at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and weighed 7 pounds, 6.5 ounces.\n\nThe baby's father, Jim Bob Duggar, a former state representative, said Wednesday that mother and child were doing well. Johannah's birth was especially exciting because it was the first time in eight years the family has had a girl, he said.\n\nJim Bob Duggar, 40, said he and Michelle, 39, want more children.\n\n\"We both just love children and we consider each a blessing from the Lord. I have asked Michelle if she wants more and she said yes, if the Lord wants to give us some she will accept them,\" he said in a telephone interview.\n\nThe Discovery Health Channel filmed Johannah's birth and plans to air a show about the family in May.\n\nThe Learning Channel is doing another show about the family's construction project, a 7,000-square foot house that should be finished before Christmas. The home, which the family from the northwest Arkansas town of Rogers has been building for two years, will have nine bathrooms, dormitory-style bedrooms for the girls and boys, a commercial kitchen, four washing machines and four dryers.\n\nJim Bob Duggar, who sells real estate, previously lost his bid for the U.S. Senate. He said he expects to run for the state Senate next year but isn't ready to make a formal announcement.\n\nMichelle Duggar, 39, had her first child at age 21, four years after the couple married.\n\nTheir children include two sets of twins, and each child has a name beginning with the letter \"J\": Joshua, 17; John David, 15; Janna, 15; Jill, 14; Jessa, 12; Jinger, 11; Joseph, 10; Josiah, 9; Joy-Anna, 8; Jeremiah, 6; Jedidiah, 6; Jason, 5; James, 4; Justin, 2; Jackson Levi, 1; and now Johannah.
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Old 10-12-2010, 08:49 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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'Am I out of line in expecting the parent's to step up and discuss this with their offsping?
It's so discouraging to see all these latinas breeding uncontrollably. [/b]
\n\nThe big difference here being that this woman is married and her husband is supporting the family by having (gasp!) a job as oppose to 16 y/o, unmarried, high school drop outs pumping out a kid every year or two and living off of government programs and mom and dad's largesse while \"daddy\" is out impregnating more 14 - 16 y/o's.\n\nAnd if this were a typical situation, it certainly wouldn't have been a national news story

'True (that it's only a woman). Although a census study two days ago that looked at numbers per state and found that the place most likely to have teenage women have babies is the South. That area was also the most likely to have unmarried teenagers have babies.

Gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with the Georgiafornication of the south or the fact that South Carolina is filled with illegals.\n\nI wonder how many people are like my son.\n\nI was one of those suckers who believed in limiting family size so we don't overpopulate the US. I had one child. My son elected not to have any children. He doesn't want to bring a child into a subdivision of mexico. He doesn't want a child forced to learn the language of the invaders. He may have his income stripped from him in confiscatory taxes to pay for the upkeep of invasionary forces but he doesn't want to see that happen to his kids. He certainly doesn't want to see the country his forebears died for handed over to those who don't deserve it.\n\nI'd say that more than makes up for some woman having sixteen children.\n\nOur children is the first generation born who cannot do better than their parents. Who undoubtably will do worse. This generation may never own a home (mortgages are being handed out to illegals though). They run a risk that their job may never be stable. They can always be undercut by a newly arrived willing to work for less.\n\nWho would want to bring a child into the world when the nation is disintegrating? \n\nIn the last week. ONE WEEK. The woman who owns one of the local antique stores had her house rent double because the landlord can rent to 18 invaders and make more than she was paying. She moved into her shop. Now, the rent on her shop was increased because a mexican store with living quarters in the back will rent for more than she could possibly pay.\n\nOne of my customers came in yesterday. She moved into her apartment four months ago. The landlord just raised her rent by $500.00 because three hispanic families offered more if he could get her out. I rent. The property was just sold. My rent will go to $1,150 for a one bedroom with touchy plumbing, uncertain electricity and a leaky roof. I'm moving into the back of my shop too. Until some group of hispanics wants a place to drop half a dozen more kids.\n\nI'm glad I'll never have any more children because I certainly wouldn't want to bring a life into this third world cesspool.

'minuteman pilot',
Quite true. In the future the only way you will be able to afford to live in this country is if you do as the illegals do -- have 20 people chip in to pay the rent and live on top of each other like little mice. \n\nWhat amazes me though, is how WHY can take every fact and try to bend it to suit his warped view of the world. Is he actually suggesting that American woman are reproducing anywhere near what the invaders are!? I think that's all the illegal woman can to --- reproduce! He will mention an isolated case of a white politican in Arkansas who has a boat load of kids, then chime in that the south has the greatest brith rate.....all the while ignoring the overwhelming evidence of hispanics multiplying 10 times more than anybody else. As Michael Savage says --- Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER!

Maybe you must have a warped view of the world to live in it and not get so angry you can bite ten penny nails in two.\n\nIf you have 100 illegals hanging out on your street corner waiting for work that doesn't come, maybe you gotta find some unemployed guy in Appalachia or you couldn't wake up in the morning.

'Guys and girls,\n\nthis thread really looks like sewer run-off from the outside. The picture of a pregnant mother that keeps resurfacing throughout the thread paints quite a tasteless canvass for any new or hopeful members. There might be some other way to get this message across without sinking to this level. Not that I'm above it mind you, as I am constantly reminded by our opposition on thier sites that my appearance to them has been described in more degenerative terms. I'm just wondering how good it looks in the advertisement department.

Ayatolla: I agree with you that we need to constantly be re-appraising our approach. Is what we're putting out there having a possitve effect on winning the hearts and minds and winning the war? Or are we just blowing off hot air in a counter-productive way that turns off more people than it turns on?\n\nBut I have to respectfully disagree with you over the prego photo. A picture says a thousands words. And that graphic is the very image of the problem we all now face. Over-population is the single biggest threat to whats left of the quality of life in this country. These recent immigrants are by and large all fleeing coutries they've already ruined by over-populating themselves off the face of the earth. And now they're flooding into MY country by the millions and doing the same damn thing here. And I'll be damned if I'll sit back quietly and watch this happen. Anyone acting so irresponsibly in this day and age as to inflict endless millions of their offspring on the rest of us DESERVE to be mocked, degraded, and humiliated and inflicted with whatever other negative reinforcement it takes to get them to STOP doing what they're DOING before they RUIN whats left of my damn country. Anyone thats offended by that prego photo, well, I'm offended that they're offended. And to hell with them. \n\nTheres a place for being diplomatic and theres a place for pussy-footing around. But I don't think this is one of them. Though I could be wrong. And like I said, it all boils down to the EFFECT that it has. Which can be hard to gauge.

OK Ace,\n\nI understand how you feel. But the picture of a pregnant woman cannot be looked upon in any other manner than one that sheds a negative light on pregnant women, or a racial one. Most of us understand why we feel the way we do, but expressing it doesn't get a the whole story told, and that leaves the rest up to the interpreter to fill in the blanks. What would rescue this photo from the confines I mentioned is to at least show her with a temporary visa in hand, or a t-shirt that says \"Reconquista Adentro

Well yeah, you make a good point, Ayatolla. And like I said before, I'm just a secondary contributor to SOS mostly speaking from the sidelines. The only one's who's opinions really count, as to what is or isn't apporpriate at SOS, are the activists going to the protests and etc.

Just so it's known...I found that picture on one of the Latino sites and added the red circle with the line across because it went with the the title of the thread. There were few other photos like hers on that site, boasting their big bellies, but still out there looking for someone to \"kick it\" and party with. As I see it, she's not representing pregnant women, she's representing the shameless, ignorant baby factories out there that don't know what \"keep your legs closed\" means, even though we teach them in school. As I see it, if she's stupid enough to post a picture like that for others to see, then she is glutten for ridicule.
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Old 10-12-2010, 08:58 PM
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I'd pretty much decided to stay off this thread.\n\nThen last week, we had an unmarried and barely-18-year-old hispanic girl come in for \"abdominal cramps\", and claiming her last period was four months ago.\n\nI expected she was pregnant, but upon medical exam, it turns out the \"cramps\" were coming five minutes apart, and her new first name is \"Mama\". The baby was full-term. :blink:\n\nWhen they're too ignorant to notice they've been pregnant for 40 weeks, nor realize they haven't had a menstrual period since last December, \"baby factory\" is probably too kind a description. \n\nFor someone like why to compare and equate that level of irresponsibility with a gainfully employed and legally resident American husband who provides for all 16 of his children is the dictionary definition of fatuous.

Quote:\n\nCenter for Immigration Studies \n\nBirth Rates Among Immigrants in America\nComparing Fertility in the U.S. and Home Countries\n\nOctober 2005\n\n
As the nationÂ’s immigrant (foreign-born) population has grown in recent years, a good deal of research has been devoted to their socio-demographic characteristics. However, less attention has been paid to their fertility. Children born to immigrants are probably the most important long-term effect of immigration. This study explores immigrant birth rates with particular focus on how they differ from women in their home countries. Studying immigrant fertility is necessary in order to understand immigrationÂ’s impact on U.S. and world population growth as well as its effect on public services provided to children. In addition, fertility can be seen as a measure of immigrant integration. If people are choosing to have more children, this may indicate that they feel relatively optimistic about the future. Only recently has data become available to study immigrant fertility in any detail. [/b]

Waverider, Can you pin the date down? We could actually acknowledge it as the Beginning of the Housing Bubble and Skyrocketing Rents Day. Maybe we could all riot and trash local stores, and take stuff, too????!!!!!

I've been saying for years that the number one reason for our housing shortage/homeless crisis is our insane level of Mass Immigration. You can make an exactly parrellel graph of both these trends growing relentlessly, side-by-side, over the last 30 years. Its as obvious as supply-and-demand. (relentless demand for new housing, along with dwindling supply as it gets gobbled up by the immigrant hordes, equal sky-rocketing housing costs).\n\nWe presently have a severe housing shortage virutally everywhere in California. What that means -- and what nobody in power seems to have considered -- is that every time an immigrant crosses the border, a new home needs to be built to accomodate him. Unfortunately, it can take less than 24 hours for an immigrant to cross the border. While it can take 6 months to a year to build a new home. Whats wrong with this picture? ANd when you multiply it by MILLIONS of people flooding across our borders, you begin to see the scope of the problem we now face. \n\nWhats happening is, the people on the bottom of American society -- the young, the old, the weak, the crazy, the blacks, the lazy, etc -- are being squeezed out of the housing market to make room for the endless hordes of invading immigrants. Thats exactly what happened. And you might wonder -- considering the endless b.s. you've read in the media on the subject of \"the homeless\" -- why you're probably reading about this for the first time here.\n\nThe inn is full. Every time an immigrant crosses the border, an American citizen gets squeezed out to make room for them.

'USA today',
Of course they have a network , \n If anyone doesn't think that all hispanics here arn't in favor of more and increased \nlegal and illegal immigration ......well , I have some swampland for sale \n\n The takeover of our gov't , citys , towns and states is in full swing

Well, if one thinks of the areas where Latinos settled in its mainly the older blue collar cities not the newer nice upper-middle class ones. If Los Angeles or Santa Ana and so forth did urban redevlopement back in the early 1980's, we probably have less latinos. Examples, take Huntington Beach versus either Santa Ana or Anaheim. Huntington Beach is only 14 percent latino and only has a barrio stripped at Beach Bld. Anaheim is 48 percent and Santa Ana about 80 percent. But the politicans and bussessmen at the time were not interested in it. Take cities like Portland and Seattle,most of their latino populations lived in the suburbs since they wanted to attract more of a upward mobile population and both are among the most white cities among major cities.

There used to be cheap boardinghouse hotels for \"transcients\" in every city in America. That type of housing has been permanently overwhelmed by the immigrant hordes. Its gone. Period. Its particularly tragic for this young generation. That was exactly the kind of housing they could get when they were making that difficult transistion from living with their parents to living alone in the big bad world. It was almost a rite of passage: the kid leaves the suburbs and hits the city to make connections and jumpstart his life. Nowadays, these kids come to the city and theres nothing waiting for them except a place in the gutter. Unless they happen to start out with thousands of dollars in their pockets for first month, last month, deposit, etc, they are out of luck. An entire generation of young Americans have been sacrificed at the altar of our Mass Immigration nightmare. We have got to get these parasites out of our country.

I don't know what kids today do -- live with mommy and daddy until they are 35, I guess. When I came back to L.A. as a 20-something kid in the 70s, I had $1700 in cash, the clothes on my back, and was driving a '67 VW that burned a quart of oil a week. Within 5 days I had rented a $225. apartment in an old but quiet area and by the next week easily found a manual labor job working in an industrial building materials warehouse for liveable pay. In six months I had a newer car and had moved to a hillside apartment. Try doing that now. Today, those apartments are long gone, replaced by a gated enclave of townhouses that start at $500K. The company I worked for back then is still in business. One day a couple of years ago I took a sentimental journey back there to the old loading docks. It is 100% spanish-speaking Mexican nationals now. Not a white or black face in sight. When I worked there, there were four anglos and three African-americans. Our foreman was a middle-aged black guy with 3 kids. Don't tell me Americans, black or white, won't do that work. I unloaded many a railroad car with them by my side.

What about those Lateenas who are having babies at 13, 14, 15? These girls are underage - who is getting them pregnant? It is against the law to have sex with an underage girl. It has been in the news recently, that many pregnant minor girls have been inpregnated by older guys, over 18. This makes it the crime of statuatory rape. There have been some mention about some \"cultures\" where sex with very young girls is accepted. I wonder what \"culture\" that is?\n\nThis issue has come up in regards to abortions because the right-to-life people learned that many minor girls were having abortions. When it was discovered that many of the fathers were older men, the right-to-life groups tried to get the abortion clinics to give the names of the girls so the police could prosecute the men who impregnated them. The abortion clinics did not want to give the names of the girls. I don't know if this is in the courts or what, but it just goes to show that this problem is big enough to get national attention.\n\nHas anyone heard anything more on this? The legislators should be working on this. It is a very serious issue. I wonder if the \"sanctuary cities\" like Los Angeles would protect the scumbag dads? \n\n * * * * *\n\nAnother aspect to this - how are these underage girls supporting themselves and their children? Are we the taxpayers supporting them? If the girls are underage, does the welfare department make an effort to find the father and prosecute him for statuatory rape? \n\nEastCoastGrannie
I have been watching this thread for some time now and I want to put my three cents into the hat.\n\n1) Agreed, illegal aliens having babies in our country is a problem and that latino/hispanic cultures generally have more children than is the norm in America.\n\n2) I find the picture of the pregnant girl and general tone of this thread to be tasteless. While I understand the underlying sentiment, this thread has been very painful for me to watch develop. I think there are more intelligent ways to argue against automatic citizenship resulting from birth and to document pregnancy rates among different groups. You're entitled to your opinions and to vent but for the record, this one crossed that line for me.\n\n3) I do a lot of work with pregnant teenagers and a lot of research on the subject as a whole. Some of the ideas presented in this thread actually have factual basis but much of it is assumption based on personal experience that is not indicative of national trends. Illegal immigrants are not the single most prolific group of pregnant teens, nor are they the most likely to seek State or Federal benefits for their children. However, theyin the top three by both percentage of total population and by nominal quantitative analysis.\n\nAgain, I understand the frustration and our board is a welcoming place to vent on these issues but seriously...this is over the top.\n\np.s. I plan on having at least 5 children to repopulate'

East Caost Grannie,\n\nI understand that the age of consent is 12 in Mexico, though maybe it varies by state. Since the unassimilated illegals bring every other aspect of their culture here, this would follow.\n\nIn Calif. we have a special election in Nov. Proposition 73 would require notification to a parent or guardian that a minor girl was getting an abortion. There are provisions for a judge to rule if the girl fears her family, etc. It is interesting that stats show that the average age of the father is I believe, 22. Clearly statutory rape. I suspect that people don't want prop 73 to pass simply because it may expose that this isn't so much 17 year old boy-girl hookups, but a 14 year old with a man much older.

<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE(Alexander Hamilton @ Oct 21 2005, 08:07 PM) [snapback]53522[/snapback]</div>
Knowledge, let alone use, of effective birth control methods besides abstinence does not appear to have been widespread in the Mexican immigrant community. In addition to strict cultural sanctions against birth control emanating from the Catholic Church, legal restrictions against dispensing birth control information still existed. Mexican women were unlikely to have access to the occasional private physician who might be willing to give such advice. The one exception to this generalization seems to have been the small group of Mexican women who regularly worked as dance hall girls in the Plaza area. [/b]
\n\nPublication Information: Book Title: Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945. Contributors: George J. Sánchez - author. Publisher: Oxford University Press. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1995. Page Number: 80. \n\n\n\nDo you think a Doctor who gave advice to a Latina on birth control would be called a \"rascist?\"\n[/b]
\n\nI don't know, but I would be inclined to call him a saint.
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Old 10-12-2010, 09:07 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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'LA Mama,\nThen don't sign the petition going around for \"free\" preschool for 4 year olds. They have paid signature gatherers. It's nothing other than taxpayer funded daycare that will benefit you know who.

NO MAS MECHAS!!!\n\n\n<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE(minuteman pilot @ Oct 14 2005, 08:36 AM) [snapback]52178[/snapback]</div>
As Michael Savage says --- Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER!\n[/b]
\n\njust like AIDS!!!&#33

What I REALLY hate about all this is that these foreign freeloaders ACTUALLY BELIEVE that they have EVERY right to RUN AMOK reproductively in OUR territory, then stick US with the BILL! DEPORT these parasitic ingrates AT ONCE, and ALL their BOUNDLESS bastard broods WITH them!

'Last Great Hope',
'LA Mama's post deserves a response:\n\nI am so glad *you* said that Madame. It was a bit painful for me as well. One thing in particular that I *like* about the Old Mexican culture is their large families. The \"New Mexican\" culture appears to be catching on late(as seems to be the pattern) to the propaganda and social programming that Americans were fed and tricked into believing -that \"2\" children per family is the \"right\" number to have.\n\nUh, how far did you get in basic arithmetic? Look at population trends over the past few decades and note the massive acceleration in birthrates and population growth in just the last 10-20 years. Its preposterous! Having two children per family is perfectly fine, and smart. Its certainly more sane than 8! Because, those 8 will also have large families and so on. Have you ever seen bacteria multiply? Its exponential and that is exactly what this culture does - overbreed and overpopulate. \n\n\nOne of the reasons that I was relieved and thankful for so long that there were so many Mexicans here was because I found it refreshing and reassuring that FINALLY there was a real presence in the U.S. to counter the God and Human hating left.\n\n\nHuh? You were glad there were so many Mexicans here? Well, if that is the way you feel you might as well move to Mexico because there are nearly the same amount there as here! Personally, if I wanted to live in Mexico I would have moved there. This is America though, and its going into the toilet as more of these invading Mexican hordes get across. AND, its the Left who support this invasion so I am not sure what angle you were trying for here.\n\n\nOur Christian American family has felt safer and like less of a spectacle for having a normal, healthy size family due in part to the Mexican and other immigrant, family loving cultures' influence.\n\n\"Family loving\". Please. It isn't that they overbreed because they love family, its because of their ignorance, primitive cultic religious practice and sheer irresponsibility. Do all those 16 year old \"Lateenas\" squirting out kids left, right and center because they love family or because they are friggin' stupid as hell? Think about it.\n\n\nA major concern for me with this entire anti-illegal immigration movement and debate has been the possibility of over-population zealots gaining control of the momentum and harnessing it to promote their God and human hating agenda. \n\nWell, I guess that makes me an overpopulation zealot because I am genuinely concerned with population growth patterns which are a REAL world problem. Look at China, India and Africa. It does not take exhaustive research to realize that large population growth is NOT productive and in fact endangers the environment and humanity itself. I dont hate God, I just dont believe in it and as far as humans, they're annoying for the most part. The less people the better, especially invading third worlders. Why is it that the move impoverished, those who should not be having any children since they can't afford basic necessities having the most children?

'There is no such thing as overpopulation. It's all a propaganda campaign started by the far left zoids to eliminate the minorities. But, just like everything they do, it backfires on them. Now, they are the ones being eliminated, along with all others that decided to have no children as so many of those in my generation have done. My old hood would look like a cave if it were not for the illegals. Now, instead of a new generation of young folks based on who moved there in the 40's and 50's, it's chalk full of illegals.\n\nFace it, rich people are the ones not having children for the most part. So much for if you have money you can have kids!\n\nIts too bad all the illegals and now their anchor's are having all the children. If we were, we would not be in this mess. We would be to numerous for them to get a foothold.\n\nPrincess Cali was right, we threw all our babies in the dumpster, so now the invaders are taking over.\n\nIts all about resource management. The earth could easily handle over 10 billion people with no problem if it was done correctly. It is just too bad that greed, corruption and stupidity have to be the rulers instead of true good.\n\nWell, the second coming and heaven will take care of all that. Until then, its a mess and a fight to make it not so.\n\nOh yeah, I almost forgot. Lets at least be civil to one another. It does no good for our image to tar and feather one another simply becuzz we do not agree on some things.

Tim,\n\nI think the perspective that LaMama is coming from is one that says that the earth is in a state of imbalance due to sin. Questions like the one you pose, within this particular context, have an answer that would only make sense if you kept the context strictly in mind. The answer is that it has nothing to do with the number of people, but the way in which they behave. The earth is being abused from sin related behavior. People are acting in insane ways. There is no denial of this fact. The only thing that keeps the planet from absolutely dissolving is that the more decent folks are compesating for the nuts. \n\nSo, God has nothing to say about there being so many people that certain animals are taking a pounding, (such as certain fish species like Cod, cutthroat trout and others. Endangered animals like the apes, elephants, tigers. Many Rain Forest animals too numerous to mention) but he has A LOT to say about us being so greedy, stupid, and evil as to get to this bad juncture. He would also have much of the same to say to us as many of us would say to the dummies. Hey, stop cutting half the Amazon down to make room for cows ! Stop killing all the tigers for there private parts so you can make a soup out of them for your \"sexual power\". Stop hunting elephants into extinction for their Ivory, and so on.

'Cat Patrol',
Just because Americans only average 2 kids per family doesn't give Mexico the right to send their people here to make up for it. The one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Hello Tim,\n\nThank you for taking time to research this topic and come up with some statistics. The hectares and statistics are over my head. But if you would be willing to address it on a level I can more easily relate to, would you agree that just because many Americans consume so much, doesn't mean all Americans do and that the lifestyles of certain families are much more gentle or earth friendly than others? And that more and more people/families can learn better and better ways of using the earth? \n\nFor example, a healthy size family of 12(10 children and 2 parents) might only own/drive one car, use cloth diapers, breastfeed exclusively (which quite consistently induces lactational amenorrhea, producing a natural space of approximately two years between births of children,) occupy a much smaller home and lot than your typical, small, American family of 4,(2 children and 2 parents) right? \n\nBelow are a few links that I thought you *might* find interesting.\n\nThe first is to the discussion forum at\n\n\n\nThe second one is to Julian L. Simon's book, \"The Ultimate Resource\" at Amazon. Like most books at Amazon, there are customer reviews of the book. This book has thus far received 36. \n\n\n\nAnd last, very easy reading is Ben J. Wattenberg's latest book, \"Fewer.\"\n\nSincerely'

\n\nYou guys remember this from a mural in San Diego, college building I think...\n\nThey preach this...while a third of my generation is at the bottom of planned parenthood trashcans.

<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE(Last Great Hope @ Oct 28 2005, 03:14 PM) [snapback]54581[/snapback]</div>
\n<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE(Oldpreach @ Oct 26 2005, 04:46 PM) [snapback]54289[/snapback]
\nThere is no such thing as overpopulation. It's all a propaganda campaign started by the far left zoids to eliminate the minorities. \n[/b]
\n\n\nDid you really mean that, Preach?\n[/b]
\n\nI have to respectfully disagree with Old Preach on this one. I think over-population is one of the gravest threats to whats left of our quality of living. Its no coincidence that the countries where the vast majority of recent immigrants are coming from have one thing in common: the most irresponsible over-breeding practises on the planet. They've already ruined the quality of life in their own countries by over-populating themselves off the map. And now they're flooding into our country and doing the exact same thing here. Its unbelievable. How can America be so asleep at the wheel to let this disaster unfold right before their eyes with barely a whimper of protest.[/QUOTE]

'Bryan in OC',
I have to respectfully disagree with Old Preach on this one. I think over-population is one of the gravest threats to whats left of our quality of living. Its no coincidence that the countries where the vast majority of recent immigrants are coming from have one thing in common: the most irresponsible over-breeding practises on the planet. They've already ruined the quality of life in their own countries by over-populating themselves off the map. And now they're flooding into our country and doing the exact same thing here. Its unbelievable. How can America be so asleep at the wheel to let this disaster unfold right before their eyes with barely a whimper of protest.[/b]
\n\nMy take is that it has to do with materialism and \"status\" : cell phones, Hummers, 40-foot 5th-wheel trailers,flat-screen TVs, and the fact that nobody in Oprah Winfrey's circle has had it bite them in the rear'

Didn't read the whole post, but work in a more affluent suburb of Chicago (fast food; broke college student :P ) and we have 3 pregnant one, two illegals, and one American born (Mexican descent). They're everywhere, the Anchor Baby issue really needs to be addressed.
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