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Old 03-26-2011, 12:38 PM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default SOS radio - Gilchrist interview.

I listened to the whole interview and now I wish to comment.

Overall I give it high marks. Although I knew basically almost all of the scenarios that Jim Gilchrist discussed there were details in the interview that were very interesting. And that shocked me. Some good some not so good.

Generally I will say that I am a big supporter of SOS and Jim Gilchrist.

Walking through his expressed future plans for the border initiative, I am sorry to say that between the Simcox fiasco and the Gilchrist debacle, as he explained, the probabilities of donors/contributors has probably turned off most. The slime that is lurking in both cases indicates that if we grant amnesty to both parties and acknowledge that both were good guys duped and victimized the monies sent did not get expended in any beneficial manner to the border issue. In one way or another the wrong parties *( and I avoid calling them parasites ) pocketed the proceeds. I was not reassured frankly, that my dollars sent will not end up in the pockets of attorneys defending Jim's problems and litigious endeavors.

As a collaborator with law enforcement it pains me deeply to say that Janet Neapolitan as well as the BATF have so seriously compromised themselves that I can no longer support either. And I am indisposed to elaborate.

On the matter of Jim Gilchrist's two proposed choices, occupy a mountain range with 200 combat ready veterans or 2,000 border watchers. Note that:

Cochise county sheriff is Larry Dever, a Republican and named a co-sponsor of John McCain's 10 point border program.

Tony Estrada is the Santa Cruz county sheriff where the Brian Terry shooting occurred.

Clarence Dupnik is a Democrat and Sheriff of Pima County. Opposed to AZ SB 1070. Not a friend.

Paul Babeu is sheriff of Pinal County. Republican and overall good guy leader in the interdiction efforts.

Jim will be very well advised to touch base with these Sheriffs.

There are other local border groups not mentioned whose members can contribute materially to the effort.

Jim should NOT expect a warm welcome with open arms from Arizona law enforcement without integrating.

Suffice it to say that there are many operations ongoing that need to be informed and apprised. Not the least of which are the CBP SWATS.

Particularly be aware that the mountain top/mountain range lay up areas are occupied by cartel lookouts. Sheriff Joe Arpaio possesses the locations, photos and GPS coordinates.

Of particularly important consideration are any encounters with the Cartel hit squads, The Minuteman should ALWAYS team in at least twos. Witnesses to any shootings are absolutely vital as the invaders are trained to lie and fabricate.

The Minutemen should anticipate being sued by the left, liberal scum in the event of any incidents. Thus it is important to keep close communication with CBP, Border Patrol, ICE and DHS

Personally I support this endeavor and salute Jim Gilchrist as a great American patriot. By affiliation I am bound to lecture on the importance of abiding by existing laws.

Last edited by wetibbe; 03-26-2011 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:11 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Arizona planning map

Here is an Atlas map of Arizona useful for orientation, recon and planning:

It can be seen that there is a vast amount of Federal lands, National Forests, Reserves, Preserves, BLM, Military bases. And Indian reservations.

According to reports much of this land is very poorly surveilled.

* The illegals pass over practically within sight of the buildings on Fort Huachuca which is the military secret training facility.

* They cross the Barry Goldwater bombing range.

* They now have preferred routes through pristine wilderness areas where the Department of Interior forbids CBP and DHS to enter with motorized vehicles - " To preserve the wilderness ". *( And where piles of tons of garbage are dumped along with hulks of abandoned vehicles ) !!!!!!! *( And where brush fires burn ).

* The large Tohono O'Odham Indian reservation is autonomous,sovereign nation land policed by tribal officers. They can't cope with the volume of invaders. This is also where the religious factions set out water barrels for the aliens. This reservation straddles the border and part of it is also on the Mexican side. Since it is sovereign land the US Federal Government cannot build fences without permission and the tribal leaders are opposed to fencing.

* In the areas on Federal and private land where hunting is permitted the hunters often see the mules packing and there is some sort of a "truce" effect where the mules don't bother the hunters and the hunters don't bother the mules.

* Three years ago it was being reported that the cartel lookouts sat on 50 mountain tops. Recently the number was being estimated at 75 to 100 up-to 200 miles into Arizona.

* Government offices *( Outside of DHS ) are now reporting that only 44% of the border is under some sort of control.

* The actual measured count of double and triple fence approved by congress that was actually built was 35 miles, whereas DHS is claiming 750 miles. What actually occurred was that DHS substituted/installed old rail road rails and called them "vehicle barriers". They did nothing to stop foot traffic and the traffickers simply built portable ramps to drive over .

* DHS spent $4 billion on Boeing's failed "virtual fence" instead of the physical hardware, nuts and bolts "Israeli style fence". Now as pointed out after 8 years of George Bush and two years of Barack Obama the border is still only 44% secure !

Some conspiracy theorists were mumbling about possible corrupt US Government elements collaboration with the Mexican drug cartels and now we find that our BATF was really and truly seriously involved in trafficking thousands of arms to the cartels !!

I always harbored the feeling that Vicente Fox was actually condoning the trafficking of drugs and was either aiding and abetting or turning a blind eye to it. Now he is advocating that the USA "legalize narcotics" !

Lamentably our CBP has a distance limit from the border where they no longer chase invaders, beyond which it is the inadequate County Sheriffs problem and they are understaffed and poorly equipped.

My thoughts would be that a new Minuteman effort would better serve everyone by stationing volunteers back away from the border on ranches where the ranchers see them and know the infiltration routes and up on the mountain tops where the lookouts hide. And where the trail cameras have already located and identified the routes used by vehicles and foot traffic.

Last edited by wetibbe; 03-28-2011 at 06:31 AM.
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Old 03-29-2011, 08:23 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Foreign LP/O's

Foreign Lookout Posts/observation posts:

In 2007 Numbers USA Roy Beck and Rosmary Jenks obtained, developed, produced and made public over 100 cartel lay up areas on mountain tops upto 200 miles inside Arizona. The data included map locations, photographs and GPS coordinates. That data will be found hereafter:

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Counter-Response, 'Another Bush Failure'

by Frank Beard and David Ferguson, 04/20/2007

On Monday, April 16, 2007, the White House responded to my article entitled "Another Bush Failure." On April 5, 2007, I wrote that the AMERICAN 2007 National Drug Control Strategy from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was a failure because of its lack of attention on problems originating in Mexico. The response from the White House merely reiterates the original ONDCP Strategy, and doesn’t answer our documented criticisms. Perhaps we need to focus our arguments more more clearly. "Another Bush Failure " mentions this particular criticism:

"In my personal opinion John P. Walters, Director of the Office National Drug Control Policy, should resign or be replaced. He is not seriously looking out for the sovereignty and national security of the United States of America by leaving the swinging gate to our country open for business. Nor is he preserving, protecting, nor defending "We the People" against foreign threats of drug trafficking nor the domestic threats of drug abuse."

Along Mexico's Northern border, small armies of drug cartels and gangs are invading foreign territory and facilitating human trafficking and the mass smuggling of narcotics into the United States. According to a 2006 report by the Majority Staff (Republican) of the House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Investigations, these para-military forces of organized crime are more sophisticated and dangerous than any other criminal organization in the history of U.S. law enforcement. It also mentions that they now dominate the illegal drug market and cooperate extensively with U.S. gangs.

The presence of these drug cartels threatens the very people that have sworn to protect their city, state, and country. According to testimony by Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez, Jr., Chairman of the Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition:

"The cartels operating in Mexico and the United States have demonstrated that the weapons they possess can and will be used in protecting their caches. One informant familiar with the operations of this cartel mentioned to us that the weapons we use are water guns compared to what we will have to come up against if we ever have to. These cartels, known to frequently cross into the United States, possess and use automatic weapons, grenades, and grenade launchers. They are also experts in explosives, wiretapping, counter-surveillance, lock-picking, and GPS technology. They are able to monitor our office, home, and cellular phone conversations. The original members of this cartel were trained in the United States by our own government."

The Mexican drug cartels are not only involved in operations in their own country and along the U.S.-Mexican border, but as NumbersUSA reports the drug cartels have lookout/ listening posts and observation posts (LP/OPs) as far as 200 miles into the United States of America. We must again focus: Mexicans are deliberately participating in espionage deep within our country, and the White House continues to ignore the fact. Working with multiple federal agencies, NumbersUSA was able to find the positions of some of the LP/OPs in the occupied territories. (See map here.)

The 2007 AMERICAN National Drug Control Strategy begins mentioning the Southwest Border and Mexico on page 33 (out of 46) for barely one half of one page. It mentions that we can make "headway against drug trafficking in partnership with the Mexican government" and combat all of the serious threats to border security. What it doesn’t tell readers is that Mexico is unable to effectively combat the drug cartels and drug trafficking on its own land, much less assist in keeping those problems out of ours.

This push to cooperate with war-torn Mexico in the reduction of illicit drugs and the establishment of a secure border is not just preposterous, it is irresponsible. Since Felipe Calderon was elected to office, he has been using federal officers to combat the drug cartels that wield substantial control in Mexico. As the Los Angeles Times and Indianapolis Star detailed on March 24, 2007, nearly 500 people have been reportedly killed in Mexico's civil war with the drug cartels just this year. These casualties of war more than double the number of deaths the United States military suffered in Iraq during that same period of time. Felipe Calderon even alluded to this during President Bush's recent visit to Mexico. According to CBS News, Calderon said, "Mexico can't diminish the availability of drugs, while the U.S. hasn't reduced its demand." Working together in this manner with a country that cannot even defeat the drug cartels on its own land is just plain irrational (Article 1, Article 2, Article 3) -- that is, unless we were part of some multilateral push for a common security perimeter (Link 1, Link 2.)

The United States will never win the War on Drugs, if Americans and the Bush Administration refuse to treat it as such. The ONDCP policy -- trying to reduce drug abuse here instead of dealing seriously with the border problem -- is baloney. Calderon’s efforts against the drug cartels must be made effective, and we should pay attention to completely securing our borders and not adding to the billions of dollars already spent each year on anti-drug education and counseling. The United States will have the ability to concentrate efforts on problems inside our country, such as home-grown drugs and prescription drug abuse, only after Mexican drug cartels and their network of armed military forces are expelled and order prevails along a fully secured Southern border.

If the Bush Administration's idea of border security and combating drugs is bilateral commitment with the Mexican government, then it chooses to set dangerous precedent that will lead to failure. As T.J. Bonner, President of the National Border Patrol Council said in a testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the United States "needs to recognize that it cannot rely on its southern neighbor to stop the flow of illicit drugs across the southwest border, and must stop supplying financial aid to Mexico for that purpose." If the Bush Administration is serious about fighting a war on drugs, then I challenge them to prove it.

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Here is the web-page for the above article:

Upon opening it the reader will see some words highlighted in blue. These, upon clicking, will access other sites. Those links will show maps of 86 documented lay up areas in red stars and 20 suspected areas in blue, and 20 suspected in blue. There will be a slide show also with photos of the lay up areas and also GPS coordinates. These sites should be targets for any volunteer Minuteman internal coverage.

Last edited by wetibbe; 03-29-2011 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 03-29-2011, 10:29 AM
Cole Younger Cole Younger is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
I listened to the whole interview and now I wish to comment.

Overall I give it high marks. Although I knew basically almost all of the scenarios that Jim Gilchrist discussed there were details in the interview that were very interesting. And that shocked me. Some good some not so good.

Generally I will say that I am a big supporter of SOS and Jim Gilchrist.

Walking through his expressed future plans for the border initiative, I am sorry to say that between the Simcox fiasco and the Gilchrist debacle, as he explained, the probabilities of donors/contributors has probably turned off most. The slime that is lurking in both cases indicates that if we grant amnesty to both parties and acknowledge that both were good guys duped and victimized the monies sent did not get expended in any beneficial manner to the border issue. In one way or another the wrong parties *( and I avoid calling them parasites ) pocketed the proceeds. I was not reassured frankly, that my dollars sent will not end up in the pockets of attorneys defending Jim's problems and litigious endeavors.

As a collaborator with law enforcement it pains me deeply to say that Janet Neapolitan as well as the BATF have so seriously compromised themselves that I can no longer support either. And I am indisposed to elaborate.

On the matter of Jim Gilchrist's two proposed choices, occupy a mountain range with 200 combat ready veterans or 2,000 border watchers. Note that:

Cochise county sheriff is Larry Dever, a Republican and named a co-sponsor of John McCain's 10 point border program.

Tony Estrada is the Santa Cruz county sheriff where the Brian Terry shooting occurred.

Clarence Dupnik is a Democrat and Sheriff of Pima County. Opposed to AZ SB 1070. Not a friend.

Paul Babeu is sheriff of Pinal County. Republican and overall good guy leader in the interdiction efforts.

Jim will be very well advised to touch base with these Sheriffs.

There are other local border groups not mentioned whose members can contribute materially to the effort.

Jim should NOT expect a warm welcome with open arms from Arizona law enforcement without integrating.

Suffice it to say that there are many operations ongoing that need to be informed and apprised. Not the least of which are the CBP SWATS.

Particularly be aware that the mountain top/mountain range lay up areas are occupied by cartel lookouts. Sheriff Joe Arpaio possesses the locations, photos and GPS coordinates.

Of particularly important consideration are any encounters with the Cartel hit squads, The Minuteman should ALWAYS team in at least twos. Witnesses to any shootings are absolutely vital as the invaders are trained to lie and fabricate.

The Minutemen should anticipate being sued by the left, liberal scum in the event of any incidents. Thus it is important to keep close communication with CBP, Border Patrol, ICE and DHS

Personally I support this endeavor and salute Jim Gilchrist as a great American patriot. By affiliation I am bound to lecture on the importance of abiding by existing laws.
This movement is in need of fresh blood. Because of all the past, and still on-going turmoil, every group needs to re-organize (less the current so-called leaders) and realign themselves as allies. It is not the fault of the members that caused all the turmoil, it is the so-called leadership that did so. Obviously, based on Jim's interview, the old and stagnated egotistical leaders will not come together let alone try and make amends. This means the movement cannot move forward as a whole supporting one another.

Jim's original minuteman project was noble and brought much needed attention to the issues.... with that said, I don't see it moving forward nor do I see any chance of getting 200 former Marines together to observe the border from mountain tops for 30 days.

I do believe people should still go to the border to deter, observe, and report. Given the on going drug war in Mexico, any border operations need to be done with safety in mind.
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Old 03-29-2011, 10:39 AM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by Cole Younger View Post
This movement is in need of fresh blood. Because of all the past, and still on-going turmoil, every group needs to re-organize (less the current so-called leaders) and realign themselves as allies. It is not the fault of the members that caused all the turmoil, it is the so-called leadership that did so....

I do believe people should still go to the border to deter, observe, and report. Given the on going drug war in Mexico, any border operations need to be done with safety in mind.
Interesting, very interesting. I believe that this could be the future of this movement.
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!
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Old 03-30-2011, 05:05 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Better links.

Here are better links :

Foreign LP/OP's map -Lay up areas -

Also: * ( Slide #30 ).

Photo slide show of areas and GPS coordinates -

NumbersUSA, January 2007 Five federal agencies independently confirmed the presence of armed, military- or police-trained, illegal aliens at LP/OPs on hilltops throughout southern Arizona, up to 200 miles north of the border. They function as lookouts to warn drug and alien smugglers of approaching U.S. law enforcement to ensure safe passage of the shipment. They are paid by Mexican cartels for each vehicle that they successfully guide past their position. The federal agencies that confirmed their presence are: Customs and Border Protection (CBP); Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS); Forest Service; National Park Service (NPS); and Bureau of Land Management (BLM

Last edited by wetibbe; 03-30-2011 at 05:19 AM.
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Old 03-31-2011, 08:18 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default New development.

Sheriff Arpaio is forming up an aerial posse.

If the Minuteman Project can muster up they may want to contact the sheriff to ascertain if there is any room of volunteers on the ground. This may not fit Jim Gilchrist's schedule and the effort may lack funding. But the opportunity is there. Lets hope the Patriot Minutemen will put on their thinking caps and make something happen. *( Can some of you Californians run this by Jim Gilchrist ) ?

Sheriff's Posse Launches Air Operation

Updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 11:10 PM MDT
Published : Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 7:05 PM MDT

PHOENIX - Maricopa County Sheriff's posse members are taking to the skies to fight illegal immigration and other related crimes.

As many as 30 pilots will donate their planes and their time to patrol the southern border of Maricopa County.

If they see any illegal activity like drug smuggling, they'll radio it into deputies on the ground.

The planes fly high enough that it is hard for people on the ground to hear them. But pilots say it's easy to spot illegal activity from the air.

"I think everyone owes the country something," says Phil Laker, who has been flying with the posse since 2001. "Whatever fits the individual and this fits me. This is something I can do." Perhaps donors could send money to the Sheriff or a special safe fund.

It's the latest crime suppression operation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

"We're going to use our automatic weapons if we have to, and I'm tired of my deputies having to chase these people and I'm sure the air posse will be able to spot these guys running as they do constantly from us," says Arpaio.

The effort is called "Operation Desert Sky." It'll be going on for several weeks.

Last edited by wetibbe; 04-01-2011 at 04:53 AM.
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:21 AM
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Default Citizens still volunteering on the border

Glad to hear patriotic citizens are still volunteering their time on the border.
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:39 PM
Bear Flag Republican Bear Flag Republican is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
Sheriff Arpaio is forming up an aerial posse.

If the Minuteman Project can muster up they may want to contact the sheriff to ascertain if there is any room of volunteers on the ground. This may not fit Jim Gilchrist's schedule and the effort may lack funding. But the opportunity is there. Lets hope the Patriot Minutemen will put on their thinking caps and make something happen. *( Can some of you Californians run this by Jim Gilchrist ) ?

Sheriff's Posse Launches Air Operation

Updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 11:10 PM MDT
Published : Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 7:05 PM MDT

PHOENIX - Maricopa County Sheriff's posse members are taking to the skies to fight illegal immigration and other related crimes.

As many as 30 pilots will donate their planes and their time to patrol the southern border of Maricopa County.

If they see any illegal activity like drug smuggling, they'll radio it into deputies on the ground.

The planes fly high enough that it is hard for people on the ground to hear them. But pilots say it's easy to spot illegal activity from the air.

"I think everyone owes the country something," says Phil Laker, who has been flying with the posse since 2001. "Whatever fits the individual and this fits me. This is something I can do." Perhaps donors could send money to the Sheriff or a special safe fund.

It's the latest crime suppression operation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

"We're going to use our automatic weapons if we have to, and I'm tired of my deputies having to chase these people and I'm sure the air posse will be able to spot these guys running as they do constantly from us," says Arpaio.

The effort is called "Operation Desert Sky." It'll be going on for several weeks.
how can I volunteer for this?
it's funny how those most aggresive of neo-con warhawks, refuse to acknowledge the war of invasion at our border. It almost seems as if they're worried about defending an entirely different country than our own.
it's time to put America first.


Arizona has spoken. Will America listen?
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