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Old 04-07-2011, 07:19 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Default Donald Trump Investigates Obama's Birth

Magnate tells “Today” he has people in the Aloha State conducting on-the-ground research into the president’s birthplace.

So, is the time right now for you?

Well, the time certainly is right. We’re a laughing stock as a country throughout the world. We’re being taken advantage of by other countries


If you were President, would keep a military presence in Iraq indefinitely.

Let me just say something. There’s nobody more militaristic than me, but it’s also called attack the right target. Iran is going to take over Iraq, because we have de-neutered Iraq, you know that, in terms of their military. They’re gonna take them over very quickly as soon as we leave. If that’s gonna happen, they’re gonna take over the oil fields. The second biggest oil fields in the world. And if that’s gonna happen, I say we take over the oil fields…I would take over the oil fields, because otherwise, Iran is gonna take over the second biggest oil fields in the world. I would absolutely, without question, not leave that section of that country. I would take the oil. To the victor belong the spoils. You know, in the old days, you’d have a war. And you’d be in there. And you’d win. And you’d take over the country. Whether it’s oil or gold or whatever. You take over the country.

Okay. Are you saying if you were President, you would take us out of Afghanistan?

Well, nothing’s simple. Because I don’t believe in foot soldiers. They get blown up on streets. But I do believe in airplanes that are 50,000 feet up. And when we see through intelligence what’s going on, knock the hell out. Oh, by the way, I’m much more militaristic than Obama. He got the Nobel Peace Prize, but, you know, I think they’re probably rethinking that one, every time he seizes a country. The problem is he seizes countries, but he doesn’t win….I’m not gonna have soldiers walking down on the street and get blown up and get shot at by snipers and killed, so we have to call the parents and say, "Your son was just killed on a street in Afghanistan." But those people will have a lot more problems with me than they’re having right now. But I do it through the air and we’re not gonna have casualties.


Do you think given all the issues that this country is facing that this is something that resonates with the public? That they care about this?

The Constitution of the United States…great document. And you agree with it?

Yeah, sure.

It says you have to be born in this country. Essential. Have to be born in this country, okay? If he wasn’t born in this country, he has conned the whole world.

But you’re saying it’s a con. That’s what you’re saying.

I’m not saying anything. I’m saying--

Sure you are.

I am saying I want to see the birth certificate. It’s very simple. I want to see the birth certificate. How come his own family doesn’t know which hospital he was born in? How come-- forget about birth certificates. Let’s say there’s no birth certificate. How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

You’ve been privy to all of this to know this?

Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking.

You have people now out there searching-- I mean, in Hawaii?

Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious--


You criticized Obama quite a bit in this interview and in the past. What do you think he has done well?


I think the thing that he did best of all, is get elected. Get elected. He ran an unbelievable campaign although, in the end, Hillary was beating him in every state. It was pretty-- I mean, by the end, I think people were maybe getting wise. And, you have to understand, I want Obama to do well. I don't dislike him. I never met him….

If I had my choice of having Obama do great as a president, and do a really great job for this country, and not running, as opposed to running - I'd prefer that he did a great job. I love this country. But, this country is going to hell.


Among those potential Republican candidates, can you point to any of them and say, "That person would be a fine president"?

Well, you know, it's funny. They've all treated me so nicely. They've been so great… I'm not gonna go on any individual, but I will tell you I understand them. I know many of them…

I know this. I will be better than anybody. I will do the best job. If I decide to run, I will do the best job. I will be best for this country. And, you may say, "Oh, gee, that doesn't sound like George Washington." Well, guess what? Before George Washington ran, he didn't sound like George Washington either. I will be and do a great job, if I run and if I win.

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Old 04-07-2011, 08:50 AM
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So, is Trump going to say to Obama "YOU'RE FIRED"?

Seriously, Trump has the money to investigate Obama. So, if he has "people who can't believe what they're finding", how about if he publishes the findings? Otherwise, it's just more hearsay.

Otherwise, based on this interview, Trump just isn't right to be president.

You don't win wars from 50,000 feet, and you don't affect regime change in a region with a tradition of corrupt tribalism without having the background muscle present to at least prop up a puppet government. And you have to hit hard, no pussy footin' around a la Obama. If we were going to be involved in Libya, it should not be without a clear mandate for regime change and the primary target should have been Khadhaffi. "When you strike at a king, you have to kill him".

This is not to say that "King George" should have engaged us in a war run on the cheap based on a personal grudge over Saddam being behind an assassination attempt on George senior while visiting an Arabian Gulf country. You have to pick your battles, and Bush forgot all about the one already going on in Afghanistan.

While I agree with Trump that that we have become an international laughingstock, Trump creeps me out with that statement combined with "to the victor belongs the spoils", he sounds like Hitler without the shouting before Adolph seized power - when the German people were squeezed and humiliated by defeat and war reparations during the depression.

We should have enough oil extraction capability of our own oil to hold down prices while seeking out cost effective alternative energies with the Energy infrastructure in place first before discontinuing oil usage - not shoveling our wealth to countries which hate us nor mug other nations for their oil a la WWII Japan.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-07-2011 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 04-07-2011, 09:15 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Trump: Grandma Says Obama Was Born in Kenya

Thursday, 07 Apr 2011 08:38 AM

Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump says that, if he were president he would get Congress to resolve this year’s budget and avoid a government shutdown, because much harder fiscal negotiations are yet to come. Trump also said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he wants the issue of President Barack Obama’s birth resolved, because if he decides to run for president in 2012, “I’d like to beat him straight up.”

trump, obama, beat, straight-up“Well, I’d be getting people together, and I would be getting them to go along and let’s approve something — you have to get something done,” Trump said. “The big thing is going to be next year, because next year you’re talking about trillions — so if you can’t talk about $30 billion, you’re going to have a real hard time talking about trillions.

“The president is not leading well; it’s going to be very interesting,” he said. “You know, I am hearing the Republicans will be blamed if it doesn’t happen, if there’s a shutdown. I’m also hearing from other groups, [it’s] the Democrats.

“I think the one that’s going to suffer greatly will be the president, and frankly, from the standpoint of embarrassment, if the Republicans wanted to really embarrass the president — which I hope they don’t, of course, it wouldn’t be a very nice thing to do — but let the government shut down for a couple of days. I think he’s the one who would take the heat.”

Trump was asked why he continues to focus Obama’s birth certificate, as the main issue in America today is the fiscal crisis. After brandishing his credentials, and saying he probably would make a decision on a presidential run by June, he said it is critical the issue be resolved.

“Frankly, anybody that get’s labeled ‘birther’ — which is a very derogatory term, the way the press uses it — is automatically considered not a very smart person,” Trump said. “The fact is: He doesn’t have a birth certificate, or he hasn’t shown it, and I’d love him to show it.

“Because, if I decide to run, I’d like to beat him straight up, not on an issue like this,” he continued. “But, he shows a certificate of life birth, which is totally different. And I have to say, if this were Bush or somebody else, he would be run out of office,” adding that Obama’s grandmother in Kenya said he was born there.

“The grandmother in Kenya is on record saying he was born in Kenya,” Trump said. “The hospital has, not only no birth certificate — or if they have it they should produce it, maybe there is something on it, who knows — but they have no records that he was there. The family is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in.

“There is not one record, in any hospital in Hawaii, that Barack Hussein Obama was born there,” he added.

Trump stressed, however, that the nation’s economic crisis — and the fact China “is ripping off the United States” and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and other foreign nations are taking advantage of America is “disgraceful” — are his main issues.

“What OPEC is doing to our country is unbelievable and disgraceful. There’s so much oil . . . there ships all over the sea with so much oil, and they don’t know where to dump it, ” Trump said, adding he is amazed he has heard analysts say they can’t understand why the price of oil is skyrocketing.

“The only thing they didn’t mention as the cause that oil is up to $108 a barrel — is OPEC.”

Read more on Trump: Grandma Says Obama Was Born in Kenya
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Old 04-07-2011, 09:27 AM
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Then he should publish his findings, otherwise it's still hearsay.

And it's not OPEC which is screwing us, It's the far left faction in our government - including Obama - which won't allow expanding domestic exploration and extraction of oil.

I contacted my congressman yesterday partially to implore him to urge congress to find a way around the unelected people in executive agencies who are economically killing us.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 04-07-2011 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 04-07-2011, 09:58 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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"Trump creeps me out with that statement combined with "to the victor belongs the spoils", he sounds like Hitler without the shouting before Adolph seized power - when the German people were squeezed and humiliated by defeat and war reparations during the depression."

We should have enough oil extraction capability of our own oil to hold down prices while seeking out cost effective alternative energies with the Energy infrastructure in place first before discontinuing oil usage - not shoveling our wealth to countries which hate us nor mug other nations for their oil a la WWII Japan."

Ilbegone I agree with you completely. I likewise was troubled by Trump's statement that he would seize the oilfields. Perhaps he bases his statement based on knowledge that if we are denied Middle eastern oil we may have an economic catastrophe on our hands with 12 dollar a gallon gasoline.

The blame for not being energy independent is our country's fault, not the Arabs.

I would love to pull out of the Middle east and never buy a drop of oil from them.

It is a terrible thing to have someone admit that we have to subjugate another nation and invade them for oil. It just does not play well with me.

We have smart people who are capable of getting record oil production going asap. The problem in this area is our government.

On the issue of war I do not believe in these "police action" limited intensity conflict scenarios.

As others have said war is about vanquishing your opponent. It is about destroying the enemy's war capability and their will to wage war.

We are currently engaged in insincere "wars" in the Middle East that
we are not allowed to win.

I would like to bring all of our troops out of there now with a promise to the Arabs that whomever of them harms the USA will be assured oblivion....not this pussified "war-non war" that we have thus far waged.

Our involvement in The Middle East should have been to annihilate
the training grounds and persons involved in 9-11.

The entire Afghanistan campaign should have lasted a few weeks at most with the complete return of our troops back to strategic areas that can assure swift deployment for a lethal strike if needed.

Instead we in the USA argue about a Mosque being built on the site of the
9-11 atrocity. We also have no shortage of Arabs / Muslims allowed into the country. Mosques have blossomed all over the USA and the Imams are politically active.

Iraq was George Bush's gift to his father whom had been a target of Sadam Husein's. That war, like the illegal alien invasion of the USA that Bush is in favor of has caused the deaths of thousands of our countrymen.

In addition I believe that it is possible to have OPEC bring down the price of the barrel to the point that we could be back at $1.50-$2.00 a gallon until we can get our own production up (hopefully in a couple of years or less)
and never, ever depend on outside sources. we have enough shale oil and oil underground, I have read, to make this a possibility.

All that is needed is a real President of the USA with balls.

Last edited by Eagle1; 04-07-2011 at 10:04 AM.
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:12 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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"Then he should publish his findings, otherwise it's still hearsay."

I saw on video today where the host of one of the alphabet chanels said that Trump will bring to them and discuss the findings of his investigation of Barack's birth certificate query.

The troubling thing about Trump is that I read, but have not been able to confirm, that he is for a limited amnesty for illegals.

Again, I have no confirmation of this.

I still do not know where he stands on any issues.
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:17 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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"And it's not OPEC which is screwing us, It's the far left faction in our government - including Obama - which won't allow expanding domestic exploration and extraction of oil."

Ilbegone I think you will find that both OPEC and aspects of our government are responsible.

The Saudi government has been handing millions to our representatives through Prince Bandahar. I do not know if the Prince is still in Washington but our government even gave him protections denied others. The Arabs have been buying our representatives for ages.
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