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Old 02-07-2010, 11:42 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Default Obama’s auntie still freeloading Here’s another Obama sweetheart deal you won’t see o

Obama’s auntie still freeloading
Here’s another Obama sweetheart deal you won’t see on C-SPAN.
This morning, the fate of Boston’s most infamous illegal immigrant, Zeituni Polly Onyango (also known as “Aunt Zeituni”) will be determined in a closed-door hearing.
Why in secret? Because Auntie’s saga reveals every embarrassing truth that amnesty advocates and open-borders liberals like Mayor Tom Menino and Gov. Deval Patrick try to hide.
The most important being that illegal immigrants don’t get that way without first doing something, well, illegal.
President Barack Obama’s Aunt Zeituni admits she illegally overstayed her visa. Instead of obeying the law, she went to a judge in 2003 with a bogus request for asylum. She was turned down. She ignored the deportation order and instead filed an appeal. She was told again: It’s illegal for you to stay.
She’s still here.
Aunt Zeituni donated $260 to her nephew’s campaign for president - which is also against the law because she’s not a U.S. citizen. How against the law is it? Remember when the president launched his unprecedented attack against the Supreme Court during his State of the Union? His complaint was that foreigners might donate money to influence U.S. elections.
All these crimes extend from the first crime - violating our immigration laws. It is simply impossible to stay in this country illegally without committing other crimes, like tax fraud and identity theft.
But it’s not the illegal stuff that Aunt Zeituni’s doing that’s so outrageous. It’s what she’s apparently able to do legally and openly.
She is shamelessly - and happily - living in taxpayer-subsidized housing intended for citizens and legal immigrants. Is there some poor American veteran living in a shelter because she’s got this apartment? Aunt Zeituni doesn’t care - why should she? Menino and the Boston Housing Authority don’t.
And now she’s back in court, using taxpayer resources with another bogus bid for asylum. She says she can’t go back to Kenya because of “political turmoil.” Sorry lady, but if that’s the basis for an appeal, nobody would have been allowed back in the White House since Scott Brown’s election.
Aunt Zeituni’s case puts the lie to the old canard that all criminal immigrants are here to work. She gets a stipend from a city program, along with her housing. In fact, as the Center for Immigration Studies points out, illegal immigrant households are far more likely to be on the dole than the average American. She also highlights the obvious truth of the Heritage Foundation study that our 12 million illegal immigrants are a $2.2 trillion net drain on the taxpayers over the course of their lifetimes.
All of which ignores the most obvious and angering question: Why are Boston taxpayers stuck taking care of the aunt of the president of the United States?
She’s got a millionaire in the family right now, one who also happens to live in public housing, by the way. He’s got room, too. Worst case scenario, Joe Biden can bunk with Bo.
Instead we get another secret deal that’s almost certain to keep the taxpayers on the hook. Mr. President, here’s a problem you can solve with a phone call. Get your aunt a plane ticket to Kenya, or D.C., or hey - how about Nebraska?
Call it the Ben Nelson version of immigration reform. We pay for their Medicaid, Omaha pays for your aunt.
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Old 02-08-2010, 04:19 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Postponed.

The gutless judge postponed the decision until May 25Th allowing her to stay until then at least.

She was ordered to leave in 2004 but simply ignored the order. And no-body did anything to boot her out.

Quite an example and an inspiration to all illegal aliens. The Government is a paper tiger. Just ignore them.

Here's how the present administration sabotages and undermined law enforcement officers that try to enforce the immigration laws.

My Dear Friend:
I am outraged at the sham being played right now by the Obama administration to stop my lawful enforcement of our immigration laws. Please – I need your help today.
The United State Justice Department just advertised late last week that they established a Sheriff Joe Arpaio ”Hotline" for the sole purpose of soliciting people (so-called victims) to call and report so-called injustices and wrongdoings that my deputies are allegedly conducting. This is a blatant and transparent demonstration of the hollow shell of the Justice Department’s non-existent case against me. Further, it clearly shows the level of outright fraud on their part to bring baseless allegations against the very deputies that THEY THEMSELVES trained to arrest illegal aliens.
Just last month, the Obama White House through the Justice Department and Homeland Security Department under Janet Napolitano, took away my authority to make street arrests and detain illegal immigrants and human smugglers. I have defied that outrageous and irresponsible federal policy that does nothing but tie the hands of Sheriffs and Police officers all across the country.
Since October when my Deputy Sheriffs had their federal authority pulled by the Obama White House, we have continued crime suppression operations in accordance with the Constitution of the United States and the Laws of the State of Arizona. My office, in this short month-and-a-half time, has arrested 54 felony smugglers and caused the deportation of over 1,400 illegal aliens. This brings to a total of illegal aliens captured and deported to almost 35,000 in the last two years. This represents almost one-third of the total arrests and deportations in the entire United States; and more than all of the other 64 local law enforcement agencies combined.
The Obama White House wants to put me out of business. Why?
The only reason they are doing this is to stop me from enforcing the laws of this state and our country. Why? Why would they try to prevent me from arresting those who are breaking the law? It all comes down to AMNESTY. They want to so badly weaken laws against illegal immigration that they can establish automatic citizenship for those who cross our borders illegally. It is appalling to think that the Obama administration wants to spend our tax dollars in placing these criminals in hospitals and hotels at our expense while they figure out a way to con the citizens of the United States that this is good for our economy. This is rubbish and insults the intelligence of hard working Americans.
If the liberal politicians and media want me to stop arresting illegal immigrants and human smugglers, then they need to change the law. For me to pick and choose which laws I want to enforce would not only be a dereliction of duty, it would lead to anarchy and chaos. I am saddened that so few politicians will join this fight and choose to ignore the laws and make empty excuses as to why we cannot secure our borders. That is why I need your help today.
The DOJ knows full well that by establishing a toll-free number, in English and in Spanish, that my political opponents, left-wing open borders activists and extremists can “stack the deck” and make any open-ended allegation they want to. The Department of Justice has already lied and openly violated the rights of my Deputies.
The allegations against me and my office are already absurd. You can just imagine what will happen now.
Never in my thirty years of working as a federal law enforcement official did we ever target a locally elected Sheriff the way this Obama Administration has. This is a fight that I cannot lose. This is the front line in the battle on illegal immigration. This is a fight that WE cannot lose.
The same people who have called me a racist; depicted me as a KKK member hanging a Hispanic man; burned me in effigy; beheaded me in effigy then paraded my severed head in a mob of cheering protesters; sued and picketed me will be calling that hotline on daily basis making more and more outrageous and false claims against me and my dedicated Deputies.
This action by the Justice Department is completely irresponsible, reckless and provocative. In fact, it’s so far out there they may have gotten the idea from the Reverend Al Sharpton. (The Rev. Al Sharpton came to Phoenix earlier this year just so he could hold an Anti-Arpaio rally and label me a racist.)
Today, I make you a steadfast promise: No matter what political shenanigans these people try, I will never back down one inch. And, I’m not going to surrender.
But I desperately need your help.
These left-wing groups and their allies in the media need to know just how strong the support is among law-abiding people like you for me and my policies. They are mounting an all out effort to remove me as Sheriff. For months now, people have been bused in to protest in front of my headquarters. Will you please stand with me and help me fight this fight?
It’s going to take a lot of resources to combat these false allegations – as well as the latest talk about a recall campaign against me. We anticipate the hardest campaign in Maricopa county history to remove me due to my unyielding stance on illegal immigration enforcement.
Your financial support today is so critical. Please log on to right now and make a much needed contribution. Any amount you can offer today is tremendously appreciated. I promise I will not let you down. Our country's future depends on what we do now.
I cannot thank you enough for joining me in this battle. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County
P.S. In addition to making a contribution, please do me a favor and forward this email to your friends, family and other individuals who share our views. Together we can win this fight. Thank you.

Last edited by wetibbe; 02-08-2010 at 04:21 AM.
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Old 02-12-2010, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ma
Posts: 451

BUCKING TO STAY IN U.S.: President Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Polly Onyango, 57, relaxes outside her South Boston apartment last July while wearing pearls and a dress her nephew gave her.

President Obama’s Aunt Zeituni Onyango leaves the John F. Kennedy Federal Building today following a hearing regarding her immigration status.

Zeituni Onyango lives in a South Boston housing development

Last edited by REWHBLCAIN; 02-12-2010 at 01:10 PM.
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