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Old 08-23-2010, 01:22 AM
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Default How Could an American President Be so Anti-American?

How Could an American President Be so Anti-American?
After an initial grace period in which most Americans were willing to give a new president the benefit of the doubt, what this nation has steadily watched is a man and an administration almost exclusively governing against the will of the people. While the crux of his predecessor’s low approval ratings were in fighting an ‘unpopular war’, President Obama is watching his own approval rating plunge due to an unpopular, well, everything else. His record has been so blatantly in contrast to the will of this nation, that it could very nearly be defined as anti-American.
The latest example of this can be seen in the president’s decision to voice his support for the construction of the Ground Zero mosque. While CNN called his message regarding the mosque ‘incoherent’, Americans understood his initial comments quite clearly – and they’re not taking kindly to hearing their president express support for a project that they overwhelmingly oppose. Nearly 70 percent of Americans object to the mosque being built on hallowed ground. (Yes, the site was actively involved on 9/11 when the landing gear assembly of one of the planes used in the attack crashed through the roof of what was then a Burlington Coat Factory).
Why is there such opposition? Because the people aren’t buying into the administration’s talking points on this matter. What they understand, and what the administration fails to understand, is that this building has nothing to do with religious freedom. Muslims are not being prohibited from practicing their religion. They are simply being asked to display a sense of decency by building the mosque in an area not directly involved in such an emotional event for our nation; away from the site where thousands of lives ended in a declaration of war from radical Islam.
America understands common sense and decency. It appears our president does not.
The Ground Zero mosque certainly hasn’t been the only example of the Obama administration fighting hard to ignore the voice of the people. It is almost as if White House briefings indicate the mood of the country, and the president subsequently instructs his staff to move in the opposite direction.
• The most obvious example of this has been the force-feeding of the health care reform bill down the collective throats of a nation. With the vote looming in mid-March, the measure was opposed by likely voters by a wide margin, 54-41 percent. Worse, the respondents who felt the most strongly about the bill were overwhelmingly in opposition. 45 percent strongly opposed, compared to 26 percent who strongly favored the plan.
• The U.S. Justice Department’s decision to fight the Arizona immigration law through the courts; a law that 59 percent of U.S. voters would like to see in their very own state. Similar findings demonstrate that prior to last month’s ruling, 56 percent opposed the decision to challenge the legality of the law in the first place.
• It is the first victory touted by the Obama administration, it is the topic of his current ‘summer of recovery’ tour, and it was (and remains) a big mistake according to most Americans. Just two weeks prior to signing his $787 billion stimulus bill into law, two separate polls showed citizens beginning to question the wasteful government spending plan. It was opposed 43-37 percent, but that didn’t stop the president and his cohorts from pursuing their economic agenda at the people’s expense. Fortunately for the unemployed, as Obama promised, the unemployment ratestayed below 8 percent and, er … well, never mind.
• In response to the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama issued a ban on deepwater oil drilling, a policy that nearly three quarters of Americans opposed. Because the opposition to this was so massive, the administration apparently viewed it as a policy more-so in need of passage, issuing two moratoriums on deepwater drilling -- a move that fellow Democrat Mary Landrieu claimed could “cost more jobs than the spill itself." Perhaps the ‘summer of recovery’ doesn’t apply to the gulf coast.
• Another result of the oil disaster has been the administration’s expressed desire to move forward on the so-called cap-and-trade legislation. The legislation, an attempt to limit the total carbon dioxide emissions allowed to be released into the environment, while also imposing a massive tax burden on the economy, is opposed by 70 percent of Americans.
• Let’s not for a moment pretend that officials in the administration are not laying the groundwork for non-legislative blanket amnesty. You need only ask President Bush how Americans feel about the prospect of amnesty. On a side note, if there is any question as to their motives, heed the words of a former member of Obama’s National Latino Advisory Council, Eliseo Medina, who outlined what amnesty could do for the Democrats at the polls:
"We reform the immigration laws; it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters. If we have eight million new voters who care about, and will be voting, we will be creating a governing coalition for the long term."
Despite what the media would have you believe, it was clear that a majority of the people supported the President in his initial efforts post-election. However, the descent into failure as an American leader has been steep and steady. And it isn’t just recent actions that are contributing to the drop in approval ratings. Lost in the more current list of unpopular moves are some of the early attempts at implementing policies which were equally unpopular. They include…
• An early term executive order that gave federal funding to family planning organizations that provide abortions, opposed by 58 percent of Americans.
• A subsequently embarrassing mark on the president’s record involving an executive order to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay. The goal was to shut down the prison within one year, and was opposed by a 50-44 percent margin. It remains open, but not due to a lack of effort on the President’s part.
• On that same note, the DOJ’s decision to investigate the treatment and possible torture of terrorists during the Bush administration was considered wrong by a 49-36 percent tally.
• The announcement that terrorists, including September 11th mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, would be tried in New York City, was roundly rejected by the American public 51-29 percent. Up until recent developments, this move may have been the hallmark of the anti-American presidency, granting rights afforded our citizens to a terrorist with single-minded designs on destroying those same citizens, speaks volumes.
Whether it was inexperienced decision making early on, or recent ignorance of what the constituency supports, isn’t it about time that the president of the United States started implementing pro-American policies? Isn’t it about time that he listen to the people that elected him?
Then again, that would require abandoning his liberal agenda and start accepting what America is – a predominantly conservative nation.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:26 AM
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Last edited by ilbegone; 08-23-2010 at 03:47 AM.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:32 AM
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There was great essay in the paper the other day by Victor Hanson Davis in which he summed up the president perfectly.

However, the best paragraph was edited and revised by the time I got to the electronic version a couple days later.

As my best recollection and certainly paraphrased, it stated that Obama views America not as an energetic and productive country with a unique constitution and notions of freedom to be dispensed throughout the world, but has the notion that our history is one of class struggle and oppression of the minority. Obama was trained as a lawyer and has spent his whole working life around lawyers and those people like to lecture.

It is my observation that people who like to lecture are deaf to anyone who doesn't agree with them.

He obviously is on a quest to remake our country into something he believes it should be regardless of public approval. Just one more example of the old quote "the public be damned".

And, if the voters don't agree with him, he'll import some who will in exchange for taxpayer funded freebies.

This joker needs to be a one term president.


Hanson's essay, the edited paragraph is bolded:

Opinion: Victor Davis Hanson:

Drop the 'teachable moments' and get back to nation's business

By Victor Davis Hanson
Posted: 08/19/2010 10:02:50 AM PDT
Updated: 08/19/2010 07:45:22 PM PDT

The president of the United States has it hard enough without needlessly wading into, and fanning, local controversies. The economy is battered by sluggish growth, high unemployment, record annual deficits and near-unsustainable national debt. More than 50 percent of the people now disapprove of Barack Obama's handling of these problems.

So why weigh in on hot-button issues that can only polarize people without solving anything?

Last summer, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, a scholar of African-American literature and history, got into a silly dispute with a local policeman. For some reason, Obama rushed to judgment and gratuitously announced that police Sgt. James Crowley and the local Cambridge, Mass., police had acted "stupidly." For relish, he added that police wrongly stereotype in general. Obama supporters wrote off the entire psychodrama as a "teachable moment."

Arizona recently passed a bill designed to enforce existing immigration law and stop the enormous influx of illegal immigrants into the state. Various groups, including the federal government, quickly made plans to sue the state. Yet various polls indicated that 70 percent of Americans agreed with the Arizona law, and dozens of states were planning similar legislation.

Nonetheless, the president also jumped into that acrimony -- well before the law went into effect. Obama and his attorney general alleged that Arizonans were promoting stereotyping, even though police were forbidden to question the immigration status of those who had not come into prior contact with law enforcement.

Most recently, Obama pontificated about the proposed mosque next to ground zero in Lower Manhattan, in what his supporters might call a "teachable moment." The issue is not a legal one. Both sides recognize the legal right of Muslims to build mosques anywhere that local zoning ordinances permit them. Instead, the controversy pertains to common decency, and the nature of the funding and proponents of the project.

No matter: The president instead lectured his mostly Muslim audience that America respects the rights of all religions -- again, not the issue in question. A day later, in embarrassment, he backtracked a bit.

Where to start with all these teachable moments?

All these controversies involve issues addressed at the state and local level, with presidential action unnecessary. In such contentious matters, why intervene when Obama cannot do much other than polarize millions?

We have learned that Obama has a bad habit of impugning the motives of those with whom he disagrees. In the Gates case, he rushed to condemn Crowley and the police. Arizonans were not to be seen as desperate citizens trying to enforce federal law, but instead derided as bigots who harass minorities when they go out to get ice cream. And in the mosque case, the president disingenuously implied that opponents of a ground zero mosque wanted to deny the legal right of Muslims to build religious centers.

Note that all three issues poll badly for the president, and belie his former image as a conciliator and healer.

Again, why does Obama go off-message to sermonize about these seemingly minor things that so energize his opposition and make life difficult for his fellow Democrats?

First, off-the-cuff pontificating on extraneous issues is a lot easier than dealing with a bad economy, two wars and heightening tensions abroad. Sermonizing is a lot different from rounding up votes in Congress, fending off reporters at news conferences or dealing with aggressors abroad -- and it can also turn our attention away from nearly 10 percent unemployment and a heavily indebted government.

Second, Obama has spent most of his life around academics, lawyers, journalists and organizers. That insular culture tends to pontificate and lecture others far more than do action-oriented business people, soldiers, doctors and farmers -- the doers who are few and far between in this administration.

Obama should remember that successful presidents build bridges to solve national and international problems. They leave polarizing local controversies to divisive community organizers and partisan activists.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON is a syndicated columnist affiliated with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 08-23-2010 at 05:25 AM.
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Old 08-31-2010, 10:20 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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On the old SOS board, we had a poster named Why. Why once said that SNOBama would go down in history as the most revered, most beloved and most honored president in history.

I wonder what happened to Why and if he is cognizant of the destrution that the evil creature hath wrought.
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Old 08-31-2010, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Kathy63 View Post
On the old SOS board, we had a poster named Why. Why once said that SNOBama would go down in history as the most revered, most beloved and most honored president in history.

I wonder what happened to Why and if he is cognizant of the destrution that the evil creature hath wrought.
Kathy that is a really interesting question. Why would be hard pressed to spew the crap today.
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