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Immigration Topics relating to the subject of US Immigration

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Old 02-28-2014, 09:15 PM
Ayatollahgondola's Avatar
Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default You Can Run, But You Can't Run Away

For years, I have listened to people who criticize my decision to remain in California in spite of the political climate favoring liberal policies that chip away at constitutional rights like the second amendment, or forcing your kids to shower with transvestites and homosexuals. Let's face it; the list of head shakers coming from the state house it getting long and repetitious too. We have illegal aliens being granted driver's licenses, given taxpayer money to go to school, and even allowed to practice court. Hey! I won't argue that this state isn't run by self gratifying corruptocrats. But...packing up and moving away is just rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship.

First off, moving when you're old and set in your ways is hard. Not impossible of course, but it requires learning a new state constitution, laws, and geography. But more importantly is the reason you're leaving in the first place is really just about to happen where ever you go. California didn't go to hell by itself. It was orchestrated by powers greater than myself. Californian's didn't all just go to pot for lack of giving a shit. Sure we had some of that, and still have a lot of it; but the greater change came from outsiders coming here and providing influence and votes that the manipulative lot needed to gain control. California life was immigrated to its' demise. Furthermore, we were forced to pay for it, not unlike quartering a foreign army's soldiers.

If you think we didn't do enough to try and stop it, you're either too young, or have a short memory. We asked for immigration enforcement, but were denied. We tried to force the issue at the ballot box, where we won temporarily, but that was vetoed by the same government structure that allowed the invasion in the first place. We then took up arms and tried to force the issue at the point of entry, the US Border, but as we were to learn later, the same federal government that refused to guard the border itself just switched gears and began letting more in on short term visas and refusing to enforce those. It's a well known fact that half the illegals in the state right now got here on legal visas, and just overstayed them. Half!

Now I know many of you will say that not all immigrants, legal or illegal, are bad. Maybe they aren't per se, but they do influence the culture, and that in turn influences the electorate. It also influences the politics, ie gun laws, language, even immigration law itself. You certainly cannot argue that California politicians don't listen to the demands or desires of immigrants, legal or no. Immigration, legal and no just delivered proof of this in a small town outside the San Jose area. Students celebrating Cinco De Mayo have successfully vetoed by violent threat, a fledgling revolt by an extremely small band of American kids who tried to display an american flag on that day.
And by now I'm sure you've all heard that the school and the court sided with the immigrants, legal or no. Let's see now; immigrants, legal and not, just influenced the powers that be to prohibit anyone from displaying an American flag while they parade around a foreign flag.

Now, about running away from it. Recently, the state of Wyoming, a sparsely populated, heavily native US Born population is the target of a refugee resettlement program.
Yeah, I know, they're refugees; but those are still immigrants. they speak foreign languages, they come from war ravaged African nations, and they haven't a clue about real american culture. But the powers that be aren't planting them here to preserve American Culture. Just the opposite. They're here to dilute it. To complicate it. To pollute the political landscape. a land steeped in wild western culture dating back 200 years. I know a man and his wife that took flight to Wyoming. They did so to hopefully escape the madness of southern California in their retirement years. They fought the tough day-to-day battles for survival in the southern portion of a state dominated by demanding foreigners clinging to their culture and sucking the life, freedom, culture, and security from their host or adopted home, depending on your point of view.

After having lived through a wave of life changing foreign invasion, they are now facing it again, but this time they are in a little less familiar terrain. The battle begins anew for them, as they fought this the first time. They are finding the same foes behind the scheme too, and the same game plan. the only gain I see them having made was some new stars to look at in the night sky, some different weather, and for the moment, some whiter politicians. That will change pretty soon though. Hopefully the stars and the weather are enough to comfort them during the next decade or more. For me; I'm staying to fight for my culture right here. I hope you all do too, for displacement doesn't earn you more than a stay of sentence.
Fight the good fight where you are. At least you're on terrain you know.
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Old 03-01-2014, 06:43 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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During my life and career I was involved in various aspects of Earth History and Natural Science as work and pastime interests coupled with much more. Among my magazine subscriptions are National Geographic, Discovery and Archaeology.

Interest goes back well over 5 billion years, the Earths birthdate, and progresses forward to the first life, the various categories of time geologically and the changing flora and fauna over millions of years.

Homo Sapiens has a number of predecessor, bipedal, omniverous ancestors dating back hundreds of thousands of years. More recently the humans are mingled with Neanderthals and prior Cro-Magnons. In France the evidence points back 35,000 years to Homo Sapiens. In the USA evidence points to immigrants to the East Coast 19,000 years ago. *( Solutrians - French). On the West Coast 10,000 to 15,000 Years ago. *( Crossing the Bering land bridge from Asia ).

The "neighbor joining" method allows scientists to calculate the different species;

Negroid; Nigerian, Bantu, Bushmen.

Caucasoid; Italian, English, Iranian, Indian, Lapp.

Australoid; Australian Aborigine, New Guinean.

Mongoloid of Asia: Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Polynesian, Malay, Polynsian, Micronsian,

Amerindoid; Eskimo, Brazilian Indian, Alaska Indian.

Fast forward to around 3,500 years ago. Now there is reported archeological finds in Vermont/New Hampshire, a race of people who built stone structures evidently for astrological purposed that trace directly across the Atlantic Ocean to Stonehenge in England !!!!!!!

In Newfoundland there is a Canadian Historical site dating to the Vikings around the year 1000 AD, L'Anse Aux Meadows. And in 1492 Columbus is alleged to have "discovered" America. Then in 1620 the first Pilgrims settled at Plymouth Rock. But it wasn't until 1804-1805 that Lewis & Clark actually explored to the Pacific. Imagine how short a time that was !!!!!!

So the history of the United States is a conglomeration of conquest, immigration, wars, acquisitions, purchases. The native inhabitants were overrun essentially by Europeans, English, Spanish, Russians, Dutch, Swedes, Mexicans and killed, died from diseases, pushed out, overrun, displaced.

So the whole world history is one of emigration, immigration, movements from Continent to Continent. In the past couple of hundred years the USA fought for it's independence from the King of England, then engaged in WW1, WW2, Korea, Iran, Afghanistan. That's the Macro view. The Micro view is movement from state to state couple with massive invasion of foreigners.

BUT - This is happening in many part of the world; Africans moving to Europe, Muslims moving in, Turks invading Germany, people from all over the world moving from the "have not" nations to the "have" nations.

So which are the "best run" states ? And the worst?

The Best ; North Dakota.
The Worst; California.

But be careful of these statistics, they change. And may be a little bit misleading. *( I'm sure not moving to North Dakota !)

So where should a retired American move to ? Good question. Is there an answer ?

And what will the USA look like 200 years from now ? Most probably a huge garbage dump, polluted, contaminated, overpopulated probably unrecognizable. And most certainly not full of Caucasians.

Last edited by wetibbe; 03-01-2014 at 06:49 AM.
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