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Old 03-24-2010, 08:46 AM
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Default "Latino" Law Students

Latino Law Students Shut Down Free Speech At University Of Connecticut [Full LLSA Email]

Latino Law Students Shut Down Free Speech At University Of Connecticut [Full LLSA Email]
By Digger Bookmark and Share

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton
Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton
Latino "law students" at the University of Connecticut have failed their first test. Before you read further let me just point out to these "law students" that the United States Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and that its very first law is regarding violating the rights of a citizen to their right to free speech.

With that being said it is very appropriate that the Latino Law Student Association at the University of Connecticut School of Law (LLSA) notes, in order, their allegiance in their very own name. It is Latino first, then Law, then Student.

The university is having a panel discussion on immigration, hosted by the Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal, and invited Danbury Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Mark Boughton to share his views on why immigration laws should be enforced. Outraged at the whole of the panel not being pro-amnesty for illegal aliens, the Latino Law Student Association sent out a scathing letter (full text at the end of this article) slandering Boughton. The undercurrent of the threatening email is that Boughton would be protested vigorously by amnesty proponents should he show up.

News Times

"Mark Boughton's hate speech and discriminatory policies targeting immigrants should not be tolerated," said the e-mail, which was sent to the entire law school community. "His policies have served to intimidate Danbury's immigrant and Latino populations (whether documented or not)."

To see where these Latino Law Students are coming from, their mission statement on the university website states: "Latino Law Students Association (LLSA) provides students with an opportunity to promote the professional, educational, and cultural goals of minorities at this institution."

Apparently their "cultural goals" are not in line with the US Constitution or law and are more in line with those of people like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who routinely shuts down any opposing point of view.

I would suggest that if you are hiring an attorney - and they graduated from the University of Connecticut - you might want to take a look at their qualifications as a lawyer, because if these "law students" are an example of what they are teaching regarding law at UCONN - and producing as lawyers with this knowledge - then they are a poor choice to represent you.

Not only did the Latino Law Students object to Boughton, they also objected to the presence of principal legal adviser to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Peter Vincent, who was to be the keynote speaker. They refer to ICE in their statement as a "notoriously anti-immigrant agency".

Having a keynote which represents the views of ICE - a notoriously anti-immigrant agency, along with Mayor Boughton on one of the panels, sends a skewed message about how we should think critically about these issues...

ICE was doing its job of enforcing immigration laws, that is why they object. They are objecting to law enforcement of any kind. As far as thinking critically about the issue, to them you can't think critically if both sides are presented.

The full letter that you see below includes nothing about the law and everything about their opinion, of which they are not lawyers, but simply racial activists at this time.
UCONN Law School
University of Connecticut "Law School"
They argue that since Hartford is a Sanctuary City and doesn't have the same policies as Danbury - regarding 287(g) and local law enforcement assisting the Department of Homeland Security regarding immigration - that Boughton shouldn't be allowed to speak in their town or their university.

If that argument isn't asinine enough for you, they argue that immigration laws shouldn't be enforced by law enforcement at all and that it is "highly controversial". So with that argument they believe that only the side of those in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens should be allowed to be voiced on their campus.

They continue, "The Department of Homeland Security and its agency, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 'ICE' (formerly INS), discriminates against Latino workers and harasses Latino and immigrant communities." They argue that deportations are made without illegal aliens "human rights" considered or a fair alternative offered.

Now I'm not even a lawyer (and some would argue that therefore I have no right to free speech on this topic), but these "law students" seem to have the idea that the United States operates on the law of "human rights". That is simply not the case, it operates on a system of "civil rights", which are bestowed upon a citizen by their nation - of which illegal aliens are not citizens. Apparently these law students have been studying the United Nation "laws" too much, or those of the Organization of American States (OAS), a self-anointed group that has set up human rights laws for the Americas (Read about the OAS and their charter here).

They go on to say in their opinion immigration enforcement is pretty much all racist and only against Latinos and insinuate that the only reason we have immigration laws is to discriminate.

None of their arguments are based off of solid law, but opinion. Their argument is literally to remove opposition from the panel discussion and turn it into a pro-amnesty rally. Anyone in favor of enforcing immigration laws would be rejected by this "association" of racial activists passing themselves off as law students.

Boughton has bowed out of the event and issued the following response to the Latino Law Student Association at UCONN.

"I would believe (these statements) are libelous, and I would expect better of law students," he said. "Their letter is so over the top, there is no room for intelligent discourse. I strictly believe in the opinion that the laws of the United States of America ought to be enforced and no one is going to take that away from me."

"I am deeply offended by their letter accusing me of participating in hate speech," Boughton said. "This group of students have mishmoshed the issue and made a bunch of inflammatory and defamatory comments."

This whole incident tells a story.

These racial groups are out to change our country into one single viewpoint, one of open borders and no America. If you object they will try and shut you down by slander, libel, or in the case of Tom Tancredo at UNC, even violence. And they continue to do so because no one with guts at their universities is standing up to them and they are getting away with it. I have to admit also that the citizens of this country are not standing up to them and are allowing these openly racist groups to flourish and grow.

These race based groups have no interest in the law nor the United States, except to use law as a tool to destroy this great country.

Full Email from the Latino Law Student Association At University of Connecticut

The Latino Law Student Association wishes to express its concerns with respect to Mayor Mark Boughton, scheduled to speak at the upcoming CPILJ Symposium, "Undocumented Immigrants in the Workplace." Mayor Boughton, of Danbury, has been an outspoken anti-immigrant crusader in the State of Connecticut for the past decade. His policies have served to intimidate Danbury's immigrant and Latino populations (whether documented or not.) He has asked that Danbury's police officers participate in ICE's 287 (g) program, which allows them to enforce federal immigration laws. He has also passed ordinances that permit selective enforcement of the housing code in Latino neighborhoods and that prohibit residents from playing volleyball. Most recently, the Yale Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic filed a lawsuit against the city of Danbury for carrying out an illegal undercover sting operation in which 11 day laborers were arrested. This case involves a joint operation between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents where undercover police officers posed as contractors looking for workers, arrested them, and then turned them over to Immigration officials. Mayor Boughton's hate speech and discriminatory policies targeting immigrants should not be tolerated and he certainly should not be given a platform to espouse his views at UConn CPILJ's symposium.

Danbury's city ordinance, as endorsed by Mayor Boughton stands in stark contrast, to that of the city of Hartford, another Connecticut city with a large Latino immigrant population. In August 2009, the city of Hartford passed an immigration ordinance which prohibits the city of Hartford from using local law enforcement to carry out federal immigration laws. First, the ordinance affirms that all city services are available to residents, regardless of immigration status. Next, it prohibits city employees from asking about and disclosing a person's immigration status when seeking city services. Finally, it prohibits police from asking crime victims and/or witnesses about their immigration status and prevents them from arresting and detaining anyone based solely on immigration status.

On a national level, the use of law enforcement to carry out civil immigration violations is highly controversial. The current immigration policy as it is carried out by The Department of Homeland Security and its agency, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, "ICE" (formerly INS), discriminates against Latino workers and harasses Latino and immigrant communities.

The current policy seeks to arrest and deport as many immigrant workers as possible without thought to their human rights and without a fair alternative. ICE is conducting raids on homes and businesses in virtually every state in the nation and has only recently, under the Obama administration, started to go after employers that knowingly employ undocumented workers. The current policy is fundamentally flawed because it disproportionately relies on law enforcement tactics to solve administrative immigration violations. The policy has been particularly harsh on Latino communities and has criminalized Latino workers. The raids used by ICE agents have been condemned nationwide because they indiscriminately arrest and deport persons who may appear to be Latino whether or not there are warrants against them.

The Latino Law Student association is also concerned about CPILJ's keynote speaker, Peter S. Vincent, who is a representative of the ICE agency. Having a keynote which represents the views of ICE - a notoriously anti-immigrant agency, along with Mayor Boughton on one of the panels, sends a skewed message about how we should think critically about these issues to those in the law school community and the greater Hartford community. We hope that in the future CPILJ and its members consider the impact of bringing such speakers to their symposium.

This past Sunday, March 21, 2010 thousands of immigrants, advocates, and supporters marched on the Washington Mall to raise their voices for a just immigration reform. Immigration raids and deportations continue to affect immigrant communities around the nation. We stand in solidarity and believe that it is important to speak out against individuals, like Mayor Boughton, federal agencies like department of Homeland Security and Immigrations Customs, and Enforcement, who espouse policies that are harmful to Latino communities.

For the foregoing reasons the Latino Student Association expresses its objection to allowing Mayor Boughton and Peter Vincent speak at the upcoming CPILJ Symposium.

- The Latino Law Student Association
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:29 AM
Don Don is offline
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Latino students have been pulling this kind of stuff for years on college and even high school campuses.

One of their more widely used tactics is to steal and destroy school newspapers with which they disagree. They have also threatened physical violence against other students who write things they don't want read.

Tim Bueller was a high school student who was threatened by Latino thugs and the school called the SWAT team to protect him. He related his story on talk radio.

The LA Times had a article about a chinese high schooler who wrote a school paper editorial bemoaning the fact that low Latino test scores reduced the school's average scores and damaged the chances of others to get accepted in high end colleges. The school Latinos threatened to beat him up instead of studying harder and earning higher test scores the way we were taught to do. (What else?) The gist of the story was handwringing about "racial tensions" and of course it had the obligatory interview with the Historically Oppressed Race (HOR) victim, in this case a Latina who was "fiercely proud" of her Hispanic heritage. The Chinese kid went on to Standford or Harvard and the "proud" Latina went back to work trying to pass freshman English that she had failed three times.

These Latino law students are no better than mad dogs. God help us when they get appointed to judgeships and you have to appear in front of them in court. The only good news is that they have high failure rates of state bar exams. Mayor Villarigosa failed the California State Bar four times before giving up. The problem is that by sheer weight of numbers they will eventually lower standards so much that even the majority of Latino Law Student mobs will be eased into the profession to wreak further destruction on our civilization.
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Old 03-24-2010, 02:19 PM
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Thank you Glory for posting this story. Again, I will repeat it. IT ALL STARTS IN OUR SCHOOLS. And until we address that problem seriously, we are chasing our tails. We can fight the socialist/communists/openborders/La Raza/etc till we're blue in the face, but more will come because they're being indoctrinated in our schools. Please pay attention and you'll notice that most of our problems are coming from our educated elitists and our universities. Yet if you complain your condemned for not being educated, but they really mean indoctrinated.
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Old 03-24-2010, 02:47 PM
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It seems Canada also has a problem with their elites in Universities.

Protest Cancels Coulter Speech in Ottawa
A spokesman said conservative commentator Ann Coulter was advised against appearing at the University of Ottawa after about 2,000 "threatening" students crowded the entrance, posing a security threat.
OTTAWA -- A protest by hundreds of students led organizers to cancel a Tuesday night speech by American conservative commentator Ann Coulter at the University of Ottawa.
A spokesman for the organizers said Coulter was advised against appearing after about 2,000 "threatening" students crowded the entrance to Marion Hall, posing a security threat.
"It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event," said conservative political activist Ezra Levant inside the hall. "This is an embarrassing day for the University of Ottawa and their student body . . . who chose to silence her through threats and intimidation."
A protest organizer, international studies student Mike Fancie, said he was pleased they were able to stop Coulter from speaking.
"What Ann Coulter is practicing is not free speech, it's hate speech," he said. "She's targeted the Jews, she's targeted the Muslims, she's targeted Canadians, homosexuals, women, almost everybody you could imagine."
The announcement of the cancelation was greeted with shouts of "Shame" and "We want Ann" from about 100 people inside the hall. Outside protesters mockingly chanted "Goodbye Ann Coulter."
About 10 Ottawa police cars were called to the scene, but there were no incidents.
Coulter expressed her outrage, calling the University of Ottawa a "bush league" institution in an interview for The Washington Times.
"This has never happened before," she told the newspaper. "I go to the best schools, Harvard, the Ivy League and those kids are too intellectually proud" to threaten speakers.
Levant blamed the bedlam on university academic vice-president Francois Houle, who had written Coulter to warn her that Canadian laws make provisions for hate speech.
"Promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges," he warned her in the letter, which Coulter quickly leaked to the media.
The university has refused to comment since. Levant said Houle's advice to Coulter had emboldened students to block her appearance.
Coulter, a best-selling author and syndicated columnist, was in the middle of a three-city tour of Canada, which began at the University of Western Ontario in London on Monday, and ends in Calgary on Thursday.
The event in London went without incident, but not without controversy.
When answering questions from students, Coulter told a 17-year-old Muslim student to "take a camel" instead of the flying carpet she has previously suggested Muslims use for transportation. Coulter later told CTV that the "camel" remark was a joke.
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:32 PM
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This is in the "it's not that I don't like loud music, I just don't like YOUR loud music" category.

Figuratively, They'll call the cops on you while vandalizing your property for daring to play your music half as loud as they play theirs.

And, nine times out of ten they'll get away with it.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


Don't drink and post.

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Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 03-24-2010 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
It seems Canada also has a problem with their elites in Universities.

Protest Cancels Coulter Speech in Ottawa
A spokesman said conservative commentator Ann Coulter was advised against appearing at the University of Ottawa after about 2,000 "threatening" students crowded the entrance, posing a security threat.
OTTAWA -- A protest by hundreds of students led organizers to cancel a Tuesday night speech by American conservative commentator Ann Coulter at the University of Ottawa.
A spokesman for the organizers said Coulter was advised against appearing after about 2,000 "threatening" students crowded the entrance to Marion Hall, posing a security threat.
"It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event," said conservative political activist Ezra Levant inside the hall. "This is an embarrassing day for the University of Ottawa and their student body . . . who chose to silence her through threats and intimidation."
A protest organizer, international studies student Mike Fancie, said he was pleased they were able to stop Coulter from speaking.
"What Ann Coulter is practicing is not free speech, it's hate speech," he said. "She's targeted the Jews, she's targeted the Muslims, she's targeted Canadians, homosexuals, women, almost everybody you could imagine."
The announcement of the cancelation was greeted with shouts of "Shame" and "We want Ann" from about 100 people inside the hall. Outside protesters mockingly chanted "Goodbye Ann Coulter."
About 10 Ottawa police cars were called to the scene, but there were no incidents.
Coulter expressed her outrage, calling the University of Ottawa a "bush league" institution in an interview for The Washington Times.
"This has never happened before," she told the newspaper. "I go to the best schools, Harvard, the Ivy League and those kids are too intellectually proud" to threaten speakers.
Levant blamed the bedlam on university academic vice-president Francois Houle, who had written Coulter to warn her that Canadian laws make provisions for hate speech.
"Promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges," he warned her in the letter, which Coulter quickly leaked to the media.
The university has refused to comment since. Levant said Houle's advice to Coulter had emboldened students to block her appearance.
Coulter, a best-selling author and syndicated columnist, was in the middle of a three-city tour of Canada, which began at the University of Western Ontario in London on Monday, and ends in Calgary on Thursday.
The event in London went without incident, but not without controversy.
When answering questions from students, Coulter told a 17-year-old Muslim student to "take a camel" instead of the flying carpet she has previously suggested Muslims use for transportation. Coulter later told CTV that the "camel" remark was a joke.
Ann can hold her own. this is From her web site
Welcome to Canada!

The provost of the University of Ottawa, average student IQ: 0, wrote to me -- widely disseminating his letter to at least a half-dozen intermediaries before it reached me -- in advance of my visit in order to recommend that I familiarize myself with Canada's criminal laws regarding hate speech.

This marks the first time I've ever gotten hate mail for something I might do in the future.

Apparently Canadian law forbids "promoting hatred against any identifiable group," which the provost, Francois A. Houle advised me, "would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges."

I was given no specific examples of what words and phrases I couldn't use, but I take it I'm not supposed to say, "F--- you, Francois."

While it was a relief to know that it is still permissible in Canada to promote hatred against unidentifiable groups, upon reading Francois' letter, I suddenly realized that I had just been the victim of a hate crime! And it was committed by Francois A. Houle (French for "Frank A. Hole").
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