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Old 07-11-2010, 09:59 PM
Don Don is offline
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Just saw Geraldo Rivera with Malik Zulu Shabazz on his show. Geraldo, a Mexican supremacist racist himself, gave Zulu a good pasting and made him look like a fool.

What does this mean? Has Geraldo had a change of heart? I think not. What it means is that Geraldo knows where his bread is buttered and that he could not ignore this story except at his peril. Geraldo is a white hating, America hating La Raza supremacist who would rather this story be buried, but it has already caught fire and he either gets on the wagon or gets left behind it.

These black racists have been around for decades and when did Geraldo ever attack them before? He's only doing it now because his audience will migrate away if he ignores a story they consider important. This story has huge following and it's not going away any time soon.
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