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Old 11-15-2009, 12:16 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406

I agree with Jeanfromfillmore and Rim05 on their observations.

I found Dobbs to have integrity that few others on the airwaves have.
His passion for the issues was evident yet in the last few months it was apparent that something had happened behind the scenes as he went
into a format that was more representative of the CNN style than his own.

Now that news of his battles with CNN management have been made public I hope to see Lou some place speaking with his characteristic candor and passion.

Rim05 I fully expect that there will be and that there are attempts to defame our group. I agree with you that we should not allow all that infighting that turned the old SOS into an undesirable website.

At some point we will have to defend ourselves but I believe we can do so effectively and quickly without getting stuck in the "infighting mode".

It is time to step up and do something along the lines of our own rally in order to address Governments plan to force us to absorb millions of illegals.
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