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Old 10-03-2010, 11:08 AM is offline
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
This whole thing has got me thinking about whether Gloria Allred herself employs a housekeeper, and if so what her immigration status is. Could be worth investigating.

Not really. She's obviously pro-illegal alien. She's never stated she objects to undocumented workers. That's in contrast to Whitman.

What Doug McIntyre says about all this:

Doug McIntyre: Hypocrisy confuses real issues for state

By Doug McIntyre, Columnist
Posted: 10/02/2010 04:56:32 PM PDT
Updated: 10/02/2010 05:04:19 PM PDT

Our state is circling the drain with double-digit unemployment and a staggering $19 billion deficit but the focus of the governor's race is now on one illegal immigrant housekeeper, or to be more specific, "When did Meg Whitman know her housekeeper was illegal?"

Housekeeper Nicky Diaz's tearful photo-op, orchestrated by political assassin Gloria Allred, plunged the Governor's race from a debate on job creation and governmental reform into the abyss of immigration hypocrisy.

Nobody's hands are clean.

There's not the slightest indication Whitman cared one wit about illegal immigration prior to her run for office. Her "tough" stand is actually malleable, depending on which audience she's speaking to at the moment- tough on KFI, soft in East L.A.

But if Whitman loses to Jerry Brown, the only thing she'll have to show for her $119 million gamble are streak-free windows and dust bunny-free sofas.

For $119 million Whitman could have had Manny Ramirez beat her rugs.

Whitman stated categorically that neither she nor her husband, Dr. Griffith Harsh III, had ever received a letter from the Social Security Administration warning their housekeeper may be in the country illegally. But Allred has a 2003 letter with Dr. Harsh's handwritten notation, "Check on this." And now Whitman's

story is changing. Anybody remember what the meaning of "is, is?"
But California's Democrats are even bigger hypocrites than Whitman.

The Democrats have opposed every single substantive border enforcement proposal ever made, while supporting amnesty and sanctuary policies that actively encourage human smuggling and the importation of massive poverty.

They talk endlessly about work place enforcement and then have a cow on those freakishly rare occasions when ICE actually conducts a workplace raid.

The Federal Government has refused for decades to enforce our nation's immigration laws, but Jerry Brown's camp suddenly expects Meg Whitman to be Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Diaz outed herself as an illegal immigrant with a fraudulent driver's license and stolen Social Security number, but don't hold your breath waiting for the housekeeper to be deported. This isn't about immigration. This is about winning in November.

Yet, so much of what's gone wrong in California is about immigration, which is why a trivial incident like "Housekeeper-Gate" is also vital.

The financial burden of providing social services to millions of the Third World's poorest has contributed mightily to California's catastrophic deficits, our above the national average unemployment, and skyrocketing rates of poverty and illiteracy. We arrived at insolvency one illegal housekeeper at a time.

California can't be saved unless the next Governor cleans up this mess.

Doug McIntyre's column appears in the Los Angeles Daily News on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can reach him at
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