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Old 03-08-2010, 09:26 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
There are some things that we can say that hurt all other members, BECAUSE, these forums are being read by many others. They can and do change one or more words to give a completely different meaning than was intended. When that happens it is something that is tacked to this forum also. I have not been to any events planned by SOSinfo but I respect it the same as I did the beginning of the old SOSorg. I will always try my best to never bring shame to our forum or members.
There are two problems with this point of view. First, anyone at all who wants to, like me, can register on this forum. And also, you must be registered at this forum in order to read it at all. (The last time I checked, anyway.) And also, the tendency to distort the meaning of what people say is the strategy of the opposition. The problem is that many who make the most noise about representing SOS, also work the hardest to deliberately misinterpret what people say here.

As long as SOS itself is honest about representing itself and others clearly sympathetic, then it is best to ignore the criticisms and distortions coming from the illegal supporters. All they want is your attention, and if you give it to them, they win. They also win when people identified with SOS apply the same strategy. It is obvious that many here wish to dull outrage against the illegals and assume a tone more like the illegal supporters. It is not hard to see that given enough time and deference to these people, SOS will eventually come around to things like amnesty or other equivilants -- anything but aggressive enforcement against the simple presence of illegal immigrants and their enablers among legal immigrants as well.

Everyone knows that those most passionate about denouncing racism, for example, care the least about what racism actually is. They say they know what racism is and are not obliged to any explanation about what that is. And they get along perfectly well with real racists, who they need to prop up their shallow and corrupt poliitics.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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