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Old 09-28-2012, 07:53 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I spoke today with an older junior high teacher who, if I read her right, just can't wait 'til retirement. It's way that bad - she wants out.

From what I understand of what she said, implementation of the federal common core curriculum depends on whether the state can afford the program, she gave examples of other states which cannot afford it as well as implying that California can't.

Concerning the problems with educating kids, she hit a couple of different angles and might have done some waffling between the official line and what she truly thinks.

She made a statement about all the druggies who were parents, but also said that we need to close the border down to let the educational system catch up. She then contradicted herself by saying something about opening the border and educating them all (an impossible task, and hey, there was some alcohol and maybe some previously professionally inflicted far left guilt involved in the discussion).

If I got her right, she said that 47% of San Bernardino county (the largest county in the country) parents of school age children do not have high school diplomas, the figure for Riverside county is 38%. The idea that I got was that the mix of uneducated, druggy and south of the border parents all across the demographic divide are the the main contributory problem of kids not getting educated.

She agreed with me from the outset that throwing more money at the educational system is not going to fix the problem.

I asked her what could fix the problem, she said nothing, it can't be fixed.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-28-2012 at 08:09 PM.
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