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Old 04-18-2010, 06:14 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 380

Hmmmm. Is he telling the truth do you think? Is there a growing nazi movement in his school? Admittedly he's not learning very much in school if this is the way he expresses himself, but suppose he is going to school and there are teen nazi wannabes?

A long time ago I said that the extremes of either side of an argument fill up first, then the middle. If there is such a growing extreme, it can mean only one thing. People, even kids, are giving up on the system and gravitating to an extreme as the only form of relief they see. A message, even the wrong one, is the only answer laying around. The government with its intention of amnesty isn't helping. It's hurting. The impetus towards amnesty is the government telling people that all the faxing, letters, phone calls and e-mails isn't going to work. Someone better come up with something better and quick.

This isn't going to go anywhere ordinary people want to go.
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