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Old 12-17-2009, 10:01 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
My response was a bit too flippant

Well, there is one tiny little problem...ex post facto. It's in that silly document called the Constitution. Justice Chase in Calder v Bull (3 US 386 [1798], defined the first aspect of ex post facto as:

I am all for changing the law to stop future illegal immigration. However, dealing with those that are already here is a bit more sticky.

I'm missing the ex post facto distinction you're making (???) You lost me, dude.

I want illegal aliens to be deported. Whether they came here voluntarily or not is irrelevant as to current immigration laws. They're supposed to be removed, whether they arrived as adults or minors.

As a byproduct of the parents being removed (not legal action), I realize that many who are removed will take their children with them to preserve family unity or out of economic necessity. I consider that a good thing. Anchor babies graduate from high school in low numbers and are more likely to have run ins with the criminal justice system. As many as the families will carry back home is all good, from my perspective.
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