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Old 06-15-2012, 07:49 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Posts: 801
Default The most corrupt in my lifetime.

Two weeks ago I wrote to John McCain and told him that the Obama administration was perpetrating a bloodless coup de etat. And that "He" was acting like a rogue, dominant alpha male homo sapiens, reminiscent of Fidel Castro. Hugo Chavez and Saddam Hussein.

This administration is thumbing it's nose at the Senate House, Congress and law enforcement.

We have the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in America faking, counterfeiting, facilitating his blatantly scoff law Auntie Onenga, Uncle drunk neither of which will leave, none of which will enforce the laws. Gun running, laundering drug cartel money. Attacking States that want to enforce immigration laws, suing States that want to remove illegal aliens from voting. Promoting Socialism from a proven. verified Marxist, Communist family background.

There is going to be a VERY big firestorm over this.
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