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Old 03-03-2010, 11:48 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Aclu

Apart from the fact that the ACLU is polluted with left wing radicals, they are also attorneys. "Some" may actually harbor do good-er sentiments and may further be ideologues. However, I have come to the sad conclusion that all of this incessant attacking and suing of Towns and others over illegal immigrants over the attempts to enforce immigration laws stems from two basic causes:

#1. A shocking number of academics are left leaning, liberal progressives. The universities are brain washing the students. Some swallow it and some don't. Those are the younger ones still in college.

#2. Lawyers being lawyers, they go for the gold. Deep down inside it's the money that talks loudest. They attack Towns and win huge cash awards. The temptation's is overwhelming. They do it first and foremost for the money. Those are the older ones. They are like vultures always circling for carrion.

The ACLU, in my opinion, is very subversive, very dangerous and very damaging to our country. They are in a category with the likes of the PRLDEF and MALDEF.
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