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Old 12-09-2009, 10:48 PM
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Commander Bunny Commander Bunny is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: At the Battle-Warren
Posts: 206

Lew Tremaine (Green) - Fairfax Town Councilman

I was born & raised in Fairfax, and currently the Town is ground-center for Progressives/Liberals, right smack-dab in the center of ultra-Liberal Marin county.
Fairfax has 'Bans" on almost everything,( styrofoam, plastic bags, woodstoves, etc.) and was the first "nuclear-free zone" in the world...They have signs on all roads going in/out of Town proclaiming this.
Chances are if you were to walk into Town, You either have on Your person, or might be wearing something "banned/illegal", if You were'nt from the area, and did'nt know what was "cool", or frowned apon by the Locals.
Lynnette Shaw, also from Faifax, ran for Lt.Governor last election, and if I remeber right about 2% of the vote.
She started, and ran the Marin Medical Cannabis Aliance, and ran a dispensary a few years before Ca.'s Prop 215 (medical cannabis) was even voted into law, pre-1996, how She even got away with it....Who knows?

Here's the Towns festival poster, look at all of the bubbles for little symbols. mlike the Obama wave, the letters "UN".
So that sorta give You a peek into Lew's politics, as far as a Canidate goes.

As far as Meg goes..will She force Me into getting a PayPal acount to vote for Her??...I never liked Her when she ran eBay, and made it a PayPal/credit card only site for Buyers/Sellers, made the site feel impersonal to Me, now I rarely ever go there, except for price references on items I might have for sale, or buy on OTHER websites that allow checks/Money orders.

But on a positive least Gavin Newsom is'nt that Guy is scary.

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