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Old 08-31-2011, 07:55 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks do everything they can to drive whites out of their countries, and then flee to white majority "racis" countries for "a better life." How typical.

Obama's aunt was granted political asylum in the US because her life was in danger in black majority Kenya. What a measure of irony....a black person feels safer in the "racis" white majority US than in black majority Kenya.
I almost wish that were true in her case, but it's not. The truth is, Obama's aunt is just a piece of low-life trash that sucks off the system like so many other illegals. She's here for the freebies, the laid-back gimme lifestyle that each and every president and over half the members of congress have granted each session for over two decades now. The asylum scam is an over-used, easily obtained benefit of a corrupt system of entitlement, and the only fear she had is starting over in her home country without a safety net.
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