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Old 03-28-2011, 08:17 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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This says that the Van Pool pays for itself. Truth or propaganda? Grants mentioned above

SACOG has received over $2 million dollars in AWTP grant funds to provide transportation services. Grant funds sunset on June 30, 2011.
are not an indication that a project is self sufficient.

Preparations to establish the new California Vanpool Authority entered their final phase this month as public entities began the process of updating the cooperative agreement that would allow the KingsCounty Association of Governments to join the authority.

"Everybody except (KCAG) has got it signed off, so we're going to have all the agencies sign the joint powers agreement in January or February," said Ron Hughes, executive director of the Kings County Area Public Transit Agency (KCAPTA). "We'll record the document with the Secretary of State, thereby creating the entity. We'll then spend the next four months doing all the structural building that takes place in the organization."

Hughes, whose agency runs the booming vanpool operation in addition to the local bus and dial-a-ride systems, is expected to take the helm of the new authority once created. Twenty members of his staff will transfer their duties to the new agency.

The new authority is scheduled to begin running the show on July 1, 2011.
Envisioned to help farmworkers and correctional officers, the vanpool program had humble beginnings.

Originally rolled out in 2002 with a few vans transporting correctional officers from Visalia to Corcoran, the program has since flourished. Today it boasts 30 employees and a fleet of more than 400 vans, including 170 vans designated for farmworkers, generally traveling through the five-county area from Madera to Kern. Vans operate in Ventura as well as Monterey...

...The program is riding on its momentum. That program is large enough today that it is achieving economies of scale, allowing the cost for the riders to go down each year.

The vanpool program operation is an unsubsidized, self-sufficient operation.

It generates about $600,000 in revenue each year, and that money is used to expand the program even more and thus make it cheaper for all riders, Hughes said.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-28-2011 at 08:41 PM.
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