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Old 04-18-2011, 09:51 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Ron:

Originally Posted by Ronbass View Post
Border Security and Immigration Enforcement activists need to sue the enablers in court or indict them through peoples grand juries.
Legal action seems to be the only legal way to force these people to do their jobs and obey the constitution or remove them from their positions.

But the question was asked previously; where are the lawyers on our side.

If we don't try it we'll never know whether it will work.

The other side has been dragging us into court for many years now.

A NJ County Sheriff told me that he would not enforce immigration laws against illegal aliens because he did not want to be sued civilly for racial profiling and then have to come up with about $60,000 to defend himself.

As a matter of fact Arizona got dragged into court and lost the first round.

Sued by the two biggest race hustlers in the country at this time. Obama and Holder.

The civil rights movement has got this country in a strangled hold.

They sue us and we sue nobody.

Instead of going for the big fish like Napolitano, Holder or Obama we should practice on lesser enablers so we can get the hang of it, then as we get better at it go for the big ones.

I'm in: What organization do I send my first donation to.
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First thanks for participating.

Judicial Watch is probably the most aggressive law firm that sues the government,

IRLI is also very active.

The NRA-ILA also sues but for gun issues.

I have a couple of others who E-mail me regularly asking for donations.

On the mater of volunteers for the border we note your position. You believe that it has become too dangerous for volunteers.

Lets examine.

* The regular military will not go due to Posse Comitatus.

* The National Guard are all volunteers. These are working stiffs who are called up from their civilian jobs.

* The difference in volunteers is that the Militias/Minutemen are civilian volunteers who are unpaid by the government while the National Guard are civilians paid by the government.

* The border is too dangerous for volunteers but these volunteer's come from the same well spring, our red blooded Americans.

* For my part if the border is too dangerous for one it is also too dangerous for the other.
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