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Old 11-09-2009, 07:08 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
You're still not addressing the whole issue. The point is basically that you don't cut off your nose to spite your face. It would be like closing a school or a hospital because there might be illegals taking advantage of the services. If the total amount of state funding is disproportionately small, everyone suffers, not just the illegals. If memory serves me correctly this issue came up in Congress a couple of years ago and even Tom Tancredo and various other anti-illegal immigration congressmen thought this was a bad idea and voted against a bill which would have excluded illegal aliens from the census. Another ironic element in this is that some pro-illegal immigration groups have actually threatened to boycott the census! This issue is clearly not black and white.
Sorry Phil but I disagree with you on this issue. For one, until the true impact of having over a million leeches sucking on our resources is realized, we will just keep the status quo. And by requiring other states that have been more responsible and taken a hard line on the illegals in their state to pay the price of California not doing the right thing is in my mind a very unfair and selfish attitude. When you do things that are wrong and there's no consequences to that action, then chances are you'll continue to do those same things wrong. Our schools, hospitals, and infrastructure are suffering in part because of the liberal openborders attitude of so many in this state and until they have had no choice but to recognize the results of their actions, nothing will change. Sure we're all in this together, but that's the price we have to pay to get the truth out and smack in their face. Having the federal government give us an aspirin to ease the headache isn't going to cure the sickness only disguise it. And if we don't heal what is killing us now, it will surely continue to be chronic and kill the state at a later date. That would be just about the time our kids or grandkids will feel it the worst.
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