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Old 05-25-2010, 01:03 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 336

The turnout for this event was good, though I believe that more could have shown up. Walter Moore and David Hernandez were among the roster of five speakers at the event. Walter spoke about Jamiel Shaw and the tragedy of his murder (some of the Shaw family were there also). David spoke of his attempt to recall the midget mayor of Los Angeles, Tony Villar. Even our beloved DerailAmnesty was there. I was a few minutes late, but grabbed a sign and got behind the men and women leading this event.

During the event, a reporter from channel 62 wanted to interview me. Of course he began his conversation with me in Spanish, which is one sure way to get on my good side (sarcasm). I told him that I do not speak to the Spanish language news because they are part of the problem because of their billboard advertising "L.A., Mexico."

As the event ended, the Univision came up to David Hernandez to speak to him, and he asked me to speak to them. Since my Spanish is non-existant, I was very hesitant to speak to them, and I voiced that hesitancy to the reporter. I did speak to them, and told them my thoughts on what Arizona is doing to protect its sovereignty, and compared it to how the Mexican President described the methods his country's border security.

After this, I got into a spirited discussion with a member of the opposition. That discussion garnered the attention of the media, so you may be seeing it on the evening news. DerailAmnesty left a bit early and didn't get that on his camera, lol.

Anyway, long and short of this is that I'm back. My appetite for events has been whetted, and I want to start getting back into the swing of things. My concern is that I do not want to organize something and have no one show up.

These events that are held during the week, and during business hours are for the consumption of the press. However, we need events that will strengthen and encourage the rank and file. However, the rank and file needs to be willing to come out. So my question is how many of you will come out for a Saturday event? And an event in Los Angeles?
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!
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