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Old 04-28-2010, 11:57 AM
Don Don is offline
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Default Ohio, Georgia Consider AZ Type Law

Ohio and Georgia lawmakers are openly talking about AZ type laws. These people generally don't open their mouths about anything without polling and focus groups, etc., and I think this means that there is popular support for these measures in Ohio and GA. I think this is a good sign. The battle lines for the 21st Century civil war are being drawn. It's interesting to see how they're lining up. I have to say that after the firestorm of riots, boycott threats, and shrill condemnation of AZ's new law, I'm surprised but gratified to see that other states are forging ahead. I was afraid they would back off. It appears that some intrepid American nationalists are not deterred and have been emboldened by AZ's actions.

Also consider the fact that at last count, 37 states were preparing lawsuits to challenge Obongo's health care bill. This is almost like the 1850's when the whig party disappeared and a political re alignment resulted in the formation of pro-nationalist GOP and the consolidation of the pro-slave secessionist Democrat Party of that time. I don't think a new party will appear or that an existing party will disappear, but I do think it is possible for voting blocks to migrate. White democrats will migrate to the GOP and pro-nationalist voices will get louder. That is how the trend is starting to look. It's awfully early to make long term projections, but it's hard not to try.
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