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Old 12-09-2013, 05:54 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Hitler was a street fighter, a veteran of the western front trenches. Obama is a community organizer from Chicago with a law degree.

Things were pretty bad in Germany after WWI and during the depression, Hitler put his people to work (and it wound up with unfinished WWI business erupting into WWII). We have a recession, but the only people truly going hungry in America tend to be mentally ill and live under the overpass or the children of substance abusers who don't feed their kids.

Hitler made nice and bidded his time while Germany was weak, then aggressively pushed his nationalistic issues with diplomacy by other means (war). Obama pussified a strong and just nation (very just compared to the unspoken international standard), making us an international laughing stock which has no credibility.

Hitler could work a crowd which was desperately seeking national pride, Obama works people who either have no idea of what an exceptional America was, or are bent on tearing America down.

Obama would destroy America in the name of "social justice", Hitler converted genocide into a state sponsored industry.

Obama and Hitler are apples and oranges, and both opposite extremes represented by those personalities are so friggin' wrong.

On the other hand, Lenin was a pacifist until the moment was right for the Bolsheviks to make their move, and then Lenin became a mass murdering tyrant. However, I believe Lenin was murdered by his successors, then cynically embalmed and put on public display as a hero to the soviet cause. On the other hand, one thing leads to another and Hitler was a mere schoolboy concerning genocide compared to Stalin.

And, we don't hear much about that last fact.

Imagine them taking Obama after death to the taxidermist to have him stuffed and putting him behind glass at a lectern with his right index finger aloft as a symbol of "hope and change".

Could happen.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-09-2013 at 06:26 PM.
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