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Old 10-16-2012, 06:40 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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First, I did not read the article, the AM is a very busy time for me.

The race issue in the USA has become out of control. In my opinion it serves no one except the ones who are pushing the new 'fix'. What was wrong with teaching when I went to school? Nothing as far as I am concerned.

Some people have not gotted a good education because of segregated schools of the past. Today, I think, and do hope it has changed.

Yesterday, I heard part of a report, that was saying (I think Atlanta) has a Chinese sponsored and paid at least in part by the Chinese government, to teach Mandrin Chinese to kindergarden. They were saying there are some 300 schools in the US using this program.
I am all for American citizens learning another language but, WHY CHINESE and China is helping pay for it?
If I have time today I will see if I can Google it.
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