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Old 10-09-2012, 03:46 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Do you really think so? I didn't realize you loved white people so much that you cared how they were depicted.
Whites are confident and secure enough to enjoy satire, even at our own expense. If we're strong enough to laugh at ourselves, what the F**K is it to you?
I am half white Don. So I do care how white people are depicted. That's satire? We see different things there pbviously. It's certainly not a representation of myself, or my relatives that I'd like to claim.
What is it to me, you ask?

Wll Don, it's like this. If this was in some flea-bitten night club where half-assed comics were given an opportunity to pass or fail before an audience of inebriated patrons, it wouldn't be out of place. But we're a non-profit, public benefit organization that faces scrutiny on a daily basis as to our character and motive. Here you are holding this...(cough) to our readers as an example of what we (should?) consider humorous.

I have a pretty good sense of humor Don. And I can see past the shallow qualities of some jokes to get to the intended punch lines. But.....some jokes are just not told in mixed company. Drunken sailors on leave should not be brought to your moms house to tell stories around the dinner table...for example.
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