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Old 11-08-2010, 09:29 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post

Due to your customary literary style, I'll take this as a high complement from you:

One more time.

If you have a bitch about the "invasion of California" by "third world scum" and "cockroaches", you have no farther to look than your scumbag American Congressman, two scumbag American Senators, scumbag president, and your scumbag American - perhaps former - third world hiring employer. If they had their bags mashed over illegal immigration all those "pregnant Mexican women surrounded by eight kids" and other third world, in your view, troglodyte degenerates wouldn't be here either.

There would be no "third world invasion" without American business and American politicians colluding and profiting via illegal immigration. Illegal aliens are the outward symptom of the disease, not the insidious cause of the disease itself.

Why don't you put as much effort into running culpable politicians out of town on a rail and jailing errant employers as you do bitching about Mexicans, Blacks, and Jews?

By the way, it's not my website, nor do I have any say into how the organization conducts its business, nor do I intend for my commentary or personal activity to be taken as the official voice and action of Save Our State.
I have never hesitated to condemn the white GOP traitors who helped open the doors to foreign invasion: Ronald Reagan (Amnesty in 1986) , George W. Bush (open borders, amnesty), John McCain (open borders, amnesty) , Dan Lungren (big tent), Jack Kemp (big tent GOP), William Bennett (open borders) , Michael Medved (Zionist who wants open borders for the US, but border wall for Israel), Hugh Hewitt ( Big tent GOP and 'pathway to citizenship," but not to his neighborhood), and others. If you look at my post No. 30 in this thread, I specifically condemned RINO Hugh Hewitt, because he has publicly announced his intentions to move to another state with fewer Hispanics.

I have as much right to criticize illegal aliens as I do to criticize white RINO traitors. You don't get to tell me who I can't criticize.

If you are so upset with scumbag politicians and scumbag employers, blah, blah, blah, then go for it. I do not seek to gag you. Criticize anyone you want.

BTW, I did not start this thread about getting out of California ASAP because of too many Hispanics here. Maybe you should take up this thread with the person who started it.
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