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Old 11-19-2009, 03:09 AM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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There is also a scary combination of Marxism and the old Aztec symbols and religion. had a story about the growing popularity of the Aztec symbols and religion among young Mexicans. Given the violence, sadism and racism of this old "religion" that featured human sacrifice and cannibalism, this is scary.

Aztec spiritualism and radical Islam (is there any other kind?) are similar in their ethnocentric world views and express advocacy of violence against outsiders and a seething hatred of Western civilization. These people are subsidized and openly supported by our government and multi-national corporations. They can openly spread their doctrine, recruit, and organize without fear of being attacked by the Justice Department or the SPLC. It's almost as though Islam and radical Aztec-ism are state sponsored religions of a sort. Unfortunately it's our state using our taxes.
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