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Old 12-20-2012, 04:13 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default What about my offer ?

I offered to arm wrestle you left coasters to see which mayor was the worst scum bag, your Villaragiosa or my Michael Bloomberg and no-one took me up on the offer.

So I'll have to fall back to my punt position to win this contest.

First. I'm a life long hunter and gun owner. I have been a member of the National Rifle Association since a young boy a very long time ago.

Just received my current issue of American Hunter, from the NRA. Wayne LaPierre blasted Bloomberg the billionaire versus = "We the people". Bloomberg will be out of office in 2013. He has pledged to devote his billions to gun control.

Now after the deplorable massacre of children in Connecticut there is a hue and cry for gun control. Fox news Gretchen Carlson, normally a favorable, level headed commentator asked: What is an AR 15 used for. Why would people want such a weapon.

In this issue of American Hunter there is an article written by an ardent coyote hunter who used an AR15 to shoot coyotes. It is first indeed a sporting hunting weapon and also a sporting competition target shooting weapon used by many. It is also a favorite weapon of inner city shop owners and residents to protect against the riots. Personally I think it is also a favored weapon to have in the home for protection.

According to reports since the Connecticut tragedy AR15 gun sales have boomed. Obama and the freak show are the best salesmen in existence. My local gun shop told me the boss can't stop smiling, sales are off the chart.

But make no mistake the gun control crowd is dangerous and on the move. "We" gun owners, lovers must muster up and fight.
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