Thread: Don Cheto
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Old 02-07-2010, 12:19 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Well, they sure have a lot of Spanish speaking radio channels. No matter where you are there seems to be a great percentage of our sound waves are in Spanish. Mexico also can transmit with a stronger frequency than our regulators allow our channels here in the US so we not only get those channels here in the US, but Mexico's also.

The social battle between those seeking to keep their culture 'pure Mexican' and those who want a more Americanize version is an argument that they made for themselves. It is when they push either upon us and brag about taking this country back and basically spit in our face that I lose interest in anything they have to say. Maybe it's the 'voto loco' that's sprayed on my fence that was the last straw, but some of their 'flavor' has soured with me. The warm family that tried to assimilate and was respectful of this country is slowly disappearing and being replace with a totally different attitude. So as a result, so has my attitude toward them. They blame the American citizens for not accepting this newer prevailing attitude, yet they are the ones who created it and promote it. Put the blame where it originates, with the invaders themselves, it's not with those that are reacting to it. You can't spit in someones face, and then blame the person for being angry for being spit at.
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