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Old 01-14-2010, 05:17 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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It's unlawful human trafficking whether or not the transportee is duped, assaulted, forced into any sort of slavery, or has a successful venture.

The Korean, Chinese, Mexican or any other women in those massage parlors Are sex slaves.

In the 70's, I considered going to Saudi Arabia to make a bundle of money in the construction going on at that time. A couple of relatives who had already spent considerable time in the Arab oil producing nations, including Saudi Arabia, warned me to not take my blue eyed, blond haired then wife, because she would disappear either into some sheik's personal collection of foreign women or a whorehouse selling sex to wealthy Arabs. And I would never see her again.

Their words they used to describe the situation was "white slavery".

Does it make it any more right, regardless of their personal crime of entering our nation without benefit of permission, to approve of women being likewise exploited in our nation? What does it make us to gloat, saying they deserved everything they get?

The glee over their misfortune is akin to the glee by some over rape trees. Rape is a act of domination and humiliation. Is that something we should wish on others?

They don't send money home to their families, as they might have done if they had actually gotten that cush job they were promised as bait. To the contrary, if the woman runs away, harm comes to their family back home. There is no money sent home: it funds criminal empires.

If our government would enforce our immigration laws, including the provisions concerning employers, these things would be much less commonplace.

Those women need to be sent home to their families, and their exploiters brought to severe justice.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 01-14-2010 at 07:16 PM.
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