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Old 03-22-2011, 08:24 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
If you want to know who runs a country, ask this question:

Who are we not allowed to criticize?

Does this give you a clue? Helen Thomas. Rich Sanchez. Charlie Sheen. All gone within 72 hours after criticizing God's chosen people.
That goes regardless.

The white comedian who went into a tirade onstage about "N@ggers" after a heckler got his goat will never appear on stage EVER AGAIN

Mel Gibson's drunken rant about Jews didn't do him in - it was his recorded, beyond venomous telephone conversation with his estranged wife.

As you would probably say at another time if the subject weren't about "Jews", "God's Chosen People" in America is just about everyone who isn't considered a protected class under the Civil Rights Act by far left interpretation.

And, as you have so indelicately pointed out so many times, that doesn't include you and I - but a white Russian woman calculatingly baiting a celebrity over the phone qualifies under the circumstances.

To toss out some names might be far more acceptable than simply describing a real or perceived problem as having been caused by "Jews". Which "Jews"? Are you broadly classifying and including everyone with certain genes, certain last names, a particular faith whether practiced or not, or are you using the word as a broad pejorative?

It's like the way a lot of people toss out the words "Mexican", "Latino", or "Hispanic", on any - or not - side of the immigration fight; those words are so broad and so inclusive and have so many contradictory definitions as to practically be meaningless. Just who are we really talking about when we use any of those words as well as "Jew"?
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-22-2011 at 09:14 AM.
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