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Old 10-05-2011, 07:26 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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I don't mind how many miles deep into the US we have check points. The point being, checking for drugs. I don't even care if they are checking for Illegal Invaders. Catch every thing.
I used to drive, alone to Texas a lot in the late eighties and early nineties. I drove a 3/4 tun pick up. There was one check point entering Tx and I am not sure about leaving. One check entering CA. I never had a problem.

I am for anything to stop illegals and DRUGS entering our country.
Drugs are doing more harm to the US citizens than most people are willing to admit.

The Alex Jones in the video is one of the fools who are spreading fear as hard and fast as possible, think Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

The US is importing a LOT of problems with the policy of refugees and asylum seekers. Not all want to be here for what they say.
Did you see, last week about the family of 6 I believe,in Lanchester, who want asylum because they are deaf.Women who say they are abused by the husband, how long before he is in the home with her after she has been granted asylum?

I thought Alex Jones was the Black man that everyone is trying to tag with some wrong doing.

LET THERE BE MORE AND MORE CHECK POINTS. Just don't try and put a dog in my car.
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