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Old 11-12-2012, 02:57 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: SoCal
Posts: 1,003

On this particular occasion, Jean, your problem is not the low opinion I have of you. Rather, it is the substance of what you’ve asserted, most of which is simply wrong. These things are not a matter of opinion, they’re easily verifiable.

When you say Go to a university campus such as USC, Stanford, UCLA and you'll see "AMERICANS NEED NOT APPLY" is what is happening, that’s just not right.

You certainly don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the statistics for the schools you listed. The LARGE majority of students on the campuses are Americans:

USC - 12% of undergraduates are foreign students;

UCLA - 6% of undergraduates are foreign students;

Stanford - 8% of undergraduates are foreign students;

Further, when you opine that Those that start businesses only hire their own, not Americans!!!, that’s wrong also.

I can assure you, Jean, that Google employs many people who are not Russians, the large majority of folks hired by Intel have not been Hungarians, and that most people working for Hovnanian Homebuilders are not Iraqis. Don’t believe it? Try walking into one of their offices or places of business. Those are all California entities.

Hey, if you like, trot across the Yahoo! campus at 24th and Broadway in Santa Monica. I do all the time. It’s less than two miles from my home. If promise you that if you do, you’re going to see a majority of people working there aren’t Chinese.

Last edited by; 11-12-2012 at 03:53 PM.
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