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Old 10-14-2010, 07:58 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Since we are rehashing:

Why so many babies:

* First the campesinos and obreros engage in their favorite past time. Doesn't really matter if they are married, or sub-teen age, or are forcibly raped.

* Secondly they are amoral and unconscionable as well as irresponsible.

* Thirdly, they get to drop the anchor with all of the attendant goodies, prenatal care, free hospitalization, welfare, food stamps, local entitlements all amounting to an estimated income of $10,000 per year per child. And ultimately chain migration.

* Fourthly, their Government and the Latino/Hispanic racist groups promote the overpopulation of the USA with Latinos and the eventual goal of dominating and spreading their culture and language in America.

* Fifthly surely the Catholic church plays a big role in infuencing them to not use contraceptives, not have abortions and to do like the bible says - pro-create abundantly.

* Sixthly - free education. In Mexico school is mandatory only to the 6th grade. After that the parents pay and it is somewhat synonymous to our colleges here, the student pays for further education. In Mexico the student pays after 6th grade. *( Here in my state some Guatemalans have been apprehended that are illiterate and cannot count numbers ).

* Seventh - job opportunity. Picking corn back home pays $4.00 per day. Here the going rate for a day laborer is $10.00 per hour in the North East and around $7.00 per hour in the Southern border states. *( New York State minumum wage is $7.25 per hour including domestic help. Meg Whitman's maid Nicky Diaz Santillan was paid $23 per hour, 3 three times the NYS minimum wage.

Here are New York State Departmernt of Labor prevailing wages for State financed construction jobs. These scales are basically union wages.

Nicky Diaz was paid more, as domestic help, than many of these skilled workers such as journeymen and those in their 3rd and 4th year. Her hourly rate was above that of the majority of non-union workers such as carpenters, plumbers, operating engineers.

Last edited by wetibbe; 10-14-2010 at 08:25 AM.
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