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Old 02-28-2010, 06:01 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
Yes, that most definitely is him.

OK, so this is the guy some people here want to have hung, drawn and quartered (not literally, of course)?

I really haven't been reading the Signal's articles, until today. I assumed it was him b/c he's the person representing SC's local paper who always seems to be around when we put in appearances.

We spoke briefly at the beginning of the rally yesterday, while I was at the edge of the sidewalk waving my sign around. He was very pleasant and seemed to know who I am. We only exchanged a few pleasantries.

Well, based upon what he's writing, I assume at least one of two things must be true:

A. His political views are not ours and he is deeply offended by and/or concerned about the message we are conveying in his neck of the woods.

B. The topic of white supremacy/racism sells papers.

It's just sort of hard to believe anyone still buys those IndyMedia-caliber accusations at this junction in time.

Which of our white separatist speakers yesterday was supposed to be the head Klansman anyway? You, Moreno, Raheem or Herrera?
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