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Old 05-29-2011, 09:27 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by View Post
OK, so much for my brilliant reasoning and analysis. I guess I are an iddyut.

By the way, assuming you're the source of the "notification to all the constitution party chairs," you are truly a stinker and have just gained ten points in my estimation. Therefore, I hereby apologize for all the bad things I've been writing about you on Facebook for the past couple years; especially that one about the girl scout incident.
What's a fella supposed to think when an attractive middle aged woman offers a cookie to a young looking guy walking down the street? Then she blows the whole thing by asking for money, so naturally my thoughts shifted quickly from middle aged vixen to prostitute. I was half way through telling her off with the old "why would an attractive verile guy like me need to pay" when suddenly all those little uniformed girls came running to her rescue. It was all a big misunderstanding.....Needless to say, I've now remembered the old rule about what to do when a stranger offers you some goodies; run to the nearest block parent.

As for the nightingale thing, you know I'm the public document distributor. I consider it a public service
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