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Old 12-17-2009, 09:08 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
That is why I complain about all the TV stations, Fire Dept, Churches etc. working so hard to give so much to the supposed to be poor. They probably have more than I have.
They probably do. When you crunch the numbers and add up all the costs of what they're receiving, it's a hefty chunk of money. That girl alone is getting $6,000 a year in food stamps, I would imagine that medical for 6 people,(the mother qualifies for medical if the kids do) is probably another $7,000 a year. Now add in the WIC another $1,000. If she's getting any cash allotments it would be at least $20,000 (this cash is hard to get now, but some still do) and if they're getting section 8 housing that would be another $18,000. But the big bucks come in when you add up the education costs. For those five kids for one year it would be around $45,000. So you add $7,000 + $1,000+ $20,000+ $18,000 + $45,000 equals $91,000. Yes, $91,000 of your tax dollars to support this girl and her five kids. Mind you that's tax free to her. How much would you have to make to clear $91,000? And this girls story isn't anything unusual, actually it's quite common. And even if she weren't getting all of those public assistance programs, she's getting enough that it brings her income way above many of those who are paying the taxes to fund the programs.
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