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Old 05-14-2011, 07:27 AM
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StokeyBob StokeyBob is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 96

"I only watched a couple of minutes past the exit interviews at the beginning, once the meeting opened that was it for me, couldn't wade through it."

Ha Ha! Same here. That's why I liked the way the submitter was able to post high points of the video that allowed you to jump to the point by a click. I've never seen that before. It could be good in many of these hour long ones. I suppose you could just re-host them with your index at times to help clarify things.

They will be holding these meetings globally to suck people into thinking they are creating their own plans. I suspect they will help rally support and identify resistance. Then they will re-hammer away at everyone.

They have an unlimited budget. They are creating our money and we are allowing them to print up what ever it takes to get their way. Then they strap us with the bill. Just like they do with getting their way with illegal immigration globally.
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